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“What is wrong with people?”: Baggage claims photo reignites age-old debate

<p dir="ltr">A single photo of an airport’s baggage claim area has kicked off a heated debate about travel etiquette.</p> <p dir="ltr">A frustrated traveller snapped the image of a crowded luggage carousel at Melbourne Airport and posted it to Reddit, reigniting the age-old debate about one of people’s most annoying habits when going on holiday.</p> <p dir="ltr">"I returned to Melbourne last night on an international full flight, and the lack of self-awareness from some people was astounding," the post read, accompanied by the photo of a crowded baggage claim carousel. </p> <p dir="ltr">"Despite the clear signs instructing passengers to stay behind the yellow line at baggage collection, many ignored them, standing right in front of it," she continued.</p> <p dir="ltr">"As someone who is on the shorter side, I already struggle to see over a 6ft grown man. After taking this photo, two more people stood directly in front of me.”</p> <p dir="ltr">"At that point, I firmly said in a loud voice, 'Stand behind the yellow line; it's there for a reason'. Thankfully, they moved."</p> <p dir="ltr">"Seriously, what is wrong with people? There's plenty of space around – why stand right in front of me? Rude AF!"</p> <p dir="ltr">The post quickly received hundreds of comments, with plenty of people equally baffled by the act and wondering why the selfish act takes over so many people in airports.</p> <p dir="ltr">"Those two are probably the first to stand up and get their carry-on bags out of the overhead compartments as soon as the wheels touch down," one person commented.</p> <p dir="ltr">"You really triggered them with this one. Imagine asking people to be considerate," another said.</p> <p dir="ltr">But others didn't see an issue at all, with one person writing, "I just say 'excuse me' and reach between people to grab my bag. Most people get out of your way."</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Dad sparks debate over "unfair" job ad

<p>A recent job ad on Airtasker has highlighted just how far some parents are willing to go to reserve a public spot in the park.</p> <p>The job ad offered $50 for someone to sit at a picnic table in Alison Park in Randwick, Sydney for two hours on behalf of a family looking to host a birthday party. </p> <p>“Planning a kids’ birthday party at Alison Park. We need someone to mind the only picnic table in the park, so essentially, we need someone to sit at the table and reserve the spot for two hours from 7am to 9am,” the user wrote online, with detailed instructions of where to go. </p> <p>The post was shared in a parenting group on Facebook, where it received mixed reactions. </p> <p>“First come, first served,” one person commented.</p> <p>“It’s unfair, you can’t reserve public spaces,” added another.</p> <p>A few others thought $50 was too "cheap", but despite some backlash, most people were surprisingly supportive of the act. </p> <p>“Genius! An easy way to earn cash!” said one parent.</p> <p>“I don’t see any issue with this. It’s a great idea, and the guy is paying for it,” another mum wrote. </p> <p>Others pointed out that it was a good solution, with one writing: “I also don’t see an issue with this. It’s common practice for people to arrive early to reserve spots and tables at the park for parties. </p> <p>"Maybe this person doesn’t have any help, so it’s completely fine to pay someone to help them. Of course, it would be nicer if the council had a booking system, but they don’t."</p> <p>“I don’t think it’s a terrible idea. I actually prefer it when councils have a booking system for tables. It saves people from having to reserve a table all day for a 1pm party and holds them responsible for tidying up afterwards,”  another added. </p> <p>The debate on reserving public spots is not new, with one family even resorting to using<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> cling-wrap</a> to secure a gazebo at the beach. </p> <p><em>Image: Randwick Council/</em></p>

Money & Banking

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Woman's "clever" Pringles plane hack sparks debate

<p>A woman has sparked a debate online after she used a Pringles tube to stop the person in front of her from reclining their seat. </p> <p>Clare Duggan shared the hack on TikTok, with the video from her plane seat showing the packet wedged securely between the top and bottom of the tray table. </p> <p>“This is the best life hack when you’ve got someone in front who is trying to put the seat down constantly,” she said. </p> <p>In just a week, the video received over 1.5 million views and received thousands of comments from TikTok users divided over the act. </p> <p>Many described it as a “brilliant” and “genius” idea, while others were less impressed, calling the act "ridiculous". </p> <p>“You know, the seats go back so people can relax,” one person commented.</p> <p>“I would never do it,” another added. </p> <p>“I’d just ask the cabin crew to see why my chair won’t recline," a third wrote. </p> <p>Some people said that while the move was "clever" all passengers were “entitled to put seat back”.</p> <div class="embed" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 16px; vertical-align: baseline; color: #323338; font-family: Figtree, Roboto, 'Noto Sans Hebrew', 'Noto Kufi Arabic', 'Noto Sans JP', sans-serif; background-color: #ffffff; outline: none !important;"><iframe class="embedly-embed" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border-width: 0px; border-style: initial; vertical-align: baseline; width: 535px; outline: none !important;" title="tiktok embed" src=";display_name=tiktok&amp;;;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=tiktok" width="340" height="700" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> <p>“The seats are literally made to recline,” one person wrote. </p> <p>“I never understand why people get annoyed about a seat going back. Doesn’t bother me,” another added. </p> <p>“Quite frankly, you should be banned from flying bloody pathetic," a third wrote. </p> <p>Following the wave of comments, Duggan explained that while she doesn't mind people reclining, the passenger in front of her kept ignoring her requests to incline his seat during meal service.  </p> <p>“But this guy was refusing to lift his up when I was eating even though politely asked. So this seemed like a fair way of dealing with it,” she said.</p> <p>She added that the flight attendant had asked him to put up his seat, but he still didn't comply. </p> <p>“I always respect the person behind me by asking if they mind if I recline the seat back. That’s called consideration but I love this hack, well shared," one person commented. </p> <p><em>Image: TikTok</em></p> <p> </p>

Travel Tips

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Weet-Bix weighs in on married couple's "un-Australian" debate

<p>A husband and wife have gone viral on social media for their differing views on stacking Weet-Bix, with the breakfast cereal company chiming in to settle their debate. </p> <p>The argument erupted on Reddit after a man asked users to "Help me settle an argument between my wife and me" over how they prepared their Weet-Bix in the morning. </p> <p>“How do you eat yours? I put my Weet-Bix vertically, which optimises each biscuit’s access to milk, ensuring a more balanced texture across the dish. She likes hers flat. Thoughts?”</p> <p>The man attached a photo of both ways side-by-side. In the first bowl, four Weet-Bix biscuits are placed vertically, while in the second, they’re stacked flat.</p> <p>Within hours, thousands of comments poured in on the divisive post and the consensus was clear: eating them vertically is “un-Australian”. </p> <p>“I’ve never heard of that,” one user wrote. “I denounce it as heresy and witchcraft.”</p> <p>“I didn’t know there was any other way to eat them other than flat,” chimed in another.</p> <p>“Who are these people eating their Weet-Bix vertically and walking around acting like normal citizens?” joked someone else.</p> <p>However, a few brave souls defended the vertical method, saying they could see the benefits, such as keeping the biscuits “crisper” for longer and allowing more to fit in the bowl.</p> <p>To settle the debate, Sarah Smyth, Weet-Bix Brand Manager at Sanitarium chimed in, telling <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></em> that the Aussie breakfast staple is to be enjoyed however you want.</p> <p>“We’ve been doing our Weet-Bix daily for nearly 100 years, and there’s no right or wrong way,” she told the news outlet. </p> <p>“Vertical, flat, whole, crumbled, soaked or plain, we just love how the humble Weet-Bix is the perfect base to inspire a master breakfast chef in any generation."</p> <p>“From savoury to the strangest of sweet toppings, to smoothies, slices, veggie balls, and even crumbled on a salad for extra crunch, we’ve heard it all over the years!”</p> <p><em>Image credits: Reddit</em></p>

Food & Wine

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"Out of touch": Property ad sparks major debate

<p>A property advertisement has sparked a major debate online after its controversial tagline went viral for the wrong reasons. </p> <p>The billboard in Perth’s western suburbs is on a popular train line and was posted online by a woman who described it as “sick and twisted” in the comment section.</p> <p>The ad for property advisory firm WhiteFox that boasts the company has been making “homes more expensive since 2017”, which struck a wrong chord with online audiences.</p> <p>“Maybe not the message to be gloating about in the middle of a housing crisis”, the woman wrote.</p> <p>The clip has amassed more than 200,000 views and sparked a massive conversation online and people were divided on if it was a tone deaf message or simply good marketing.</p> <p>One person who saw nothing wrong with the advert said, “If you’re selling, you want to get the most for your home”.</p> <p>Another replied to that comment and said that it “comes off so bad” and that the language should have been changed to add value instead of making “homes more expensive”. </p> <p>Others claimed the advertisement was “out of touch”, with one person saying they were “outraged” by the billboard, while another said they were “shocked” to see this advertisement, and someone else called it “insane”.</p> <p>“The only people upset at this are not the target audience because they can’t afford a house, including me,” one claimed.</p> <p>The CEO of the property agency was quick to respond to the backlash, telling <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></em> that it is the company's job to get the best price for their clients selling their homes. </p> <p>“Think about it, if you are selling your house, would you like to sell it for below market value? I don’t think so. You want it to be as expensive as possible, right?”, he said. </p> <p>Mr Fox said the real issue is the cost-of-living crisis, which is making life so “hard” for Australians who are getting hit hard by rising prices from groceries to interest rates. </p> <p>“So, if you’re a home seller and you see this billboard, it’s actually exactly what you want,” he argued.</p> <p><em>Image credits: TikTok</em></p>


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Vegemite weighs in on long-lasting Aussie debate

<p>An American expat has reignited the age-old debate that has been plaguing Aussies for decades: how much Vegemite is the right amount?</p> <p>Taking to Reddit, the American shared a picture of their Vegemite toast, showing off a hefty smear of the salty spread. </p> <p>“I’m American, how’s my Vegemite amount?” he asked, likely unaware of the storm he was about to unleash within the Australian Reddit community.</p> <p>“I love salty and savoury stuff, so Vegemite is right up my alley,” he added.</p> <p>His bold approach earned a mix of reactions, with some praising the man, saying things like, “You could apply for citizenship with this coverage,” while others joked, “That’s pro-Aussie level spread.” </p> <p>Another commenter declared, “You’re not American anymore.”</p> <p>However, not everyone was impressed with his efforts, with some claiming he had applied far too much for a beginner Vegemite consumer. </p> <p>“Unless you’ve done it before, that is WAY too much for a newbie,” one remarked. </p> <p>Another added, “I’m a born and bred Vegemite fanatic, and that’s fine by me, but I don’t think most people would handle half that.”</p> <p>One commenter went as far as to say, “Slightly closer to serial killer amount than ordinary Aussie,” while another simply stated, “That would make me gag.”</p> <p>With the true blue debate well and truly reignited, Vegemite themselves weighed in on the topic, with The Head of Spreads at Bega sharing their opinion on the American's display of dedication. </p> <p>“For a first timer, this ratio of Vegemite to bread might be quite intense,” Mary Stafford told <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></em>. </p> <p>“We recommend starting with a small amount and gradually building up, but we totally understand – it’s hard for people who don’t eat Vegemite to pick up a jar and know what to do with it. There’s so many people missing out on the unmistakeable joy, simply because they haven’t been introduced to it properly … yet.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: Reddit / Shutterstock </em></p>

International Travel

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The Great Wheelie Bin Debate rolls on: What's the correct way?!

<p>Australia is no stranger to heated debates – rugby versus Aussie rules, meat pie versus sausage roll, or which state has the best beaches. But a new challenger has emerged for the crown of most contentious topic: the humble wheelie bin.</p> <p>In the bustling inner-city suburbs, where space is as precious as a parking spot on a Friday night, one resident in Carlton, Sydney, has found themselves at the centre of the latest bin-based brouhaha. The seemingly innocuous act of placing wheelie bins for collection has sparked a clash of titanic proportions between neighbours, with one visually impaired newcomer caught in the middle.</p> <p>According to the frustrated resident, the bins in question have been making a weekly pilgrimage to the worst possible spot. “These people have been leaving their bins blocking the crossing every single bloody week since I moved here in October,” they vented.</p> <p>A photo shared online reveals the crime scene: two wheelie bins defiantly parked at a crossing entryway, appearing to guard it like bouncers at an exclusive nightclub. For anyone not blessed with perfect vision, navigating around them is less of a dance and more of a hazardous obstacle course:</p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720" /></p> <p>“I’ve been so shocked at how the bins are put out. I see them on the street and I just question how that’s allowed... it’s a freaking jerk move,” the resident continued. Adding to the drama, they highlighted the danger: “I’m visually impaired, it’s not safe to just cross the road anywhere.”</p> <p>Bin battles are nothing new in Australia. Earlier this year, Melbourne residents went head-to-head over the correct bin-spacing protocol. Should there be a gap between bins? Should they form an impenetrable wall of waste? After what we can only imagine was a spirited exchange of opinions (and possibly garbage puns), the local council stepped in to confirm: gaps are indeed preferable.</p> <p>Meanwhile, Georges River Council’s website offers sage advice to would-be bin wranglers: “Avoid obstructing the footpath and driveways”, and for the love of all things recyclable, “never place items on the road or gutters”. This guidance, alas, has yet to penetrate the stubborn psyche of certain Carlton bin-barons.</p> <p>Our beleaguered resident, unwilling to let this trashy behaviour go unchecked, has considered taking direct action. “I’ve thought about taping a note to the bins, asking kindly to please not block the crossing, maybe explaining why it’s dangerous,” they mused. Such a note, perhaps paired with a smiley face or a diagram, could be just the diplomatic olive branch needed to defuse the situation. Or it could escalate into the neighbourhood’s first wheelie bin Cold War.</p> <p>Watch this carefully placed, wheelie-bin sized space.</p> <p><em>Images: Shutterstock, Reddit</em></p>

Home & Garden

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Elderly couple's pension predicament sparks heated debate

<p>An elderly couple have sparked a heated debate online after enquiring how they can hold on to their pension payments despite their increasing wealth. </p> <p>The couple are in their 90s and receive a part-age pension payment, while also owning a share portfolio worth around $895,000. </p> <p>In a question to <em><a title="" href="">Sydney Morning Herald</a></em> money columnist, Noel Whittaker, the couple’s child asked: “With the market going up as it has, they are worried that they will lose their pension and the benefits. Is there anything that they can do so they don’t lose the pension?”</p> <p>You must be 67 years or older to be eligible for the pension in Australia, with the maximum fortnightly payment for a single person is $1,144.40 and $1,725.20 for a couple.</p> <p>However, the pension amount is reduced by 50 cents for every dollar over $212 a person receives in income per fortnight.</p> <p>A couple who are homeowners on a full pension can have $470,000 in combined assets before their pensions are impacted, while a couple who are homeowners on a part pension can have $1,045,500 in assets before their payments are cancelled.</p> <p>Whittaker recommended for the couple to get their furniture valued at “garage sale prices”, rather than replacement prices to keep their assets below the threshold. </p> <p>He also suggested renovating their home, prepaying for their funerals, or making a gift of $10,000.</p> <p>“If they gave a bigger sum of money to the children now, their pension would not be reduced as it would be held as a deprived asset for five years but would not increase in value,” the columnist suggested.</p> <p>The article was quickly posted online, and the couple were met with fierce backlash as one person wrote on X, "Why are 90yo millionaires worried about losing a welfare payment?” while another person joked, “If I go to work and earn money how can I do it and still keep my Centrelink payments please inform me!”</p> <p>Many branded the couple “greedy”, claiming they had more than enough to live on for the rest of their retirement, with one person writing, “Firstly, stop being so greedy. Secondly, live off your money. Ffs.”</p> <p>“I read that this morning, and was shocked at how greedy some people are. $900,000 is more than enough for anyone to live off during their retirement years,” another said.</p> <p>Others suspected it was the child who was concerned, rather than the parents, commenting, “It sounds like it’s the kids worrying they might have to spend their inheritance.” </p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>

Retirement Life

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"About time": Coles bold parking move sparks debate

<p>Frustrated staff at a Coles-owned bottle shop in Brisbane have taken matters into their own hands and retaliated against drivers flouting parking rules outside their store. </p> <p>Management at a First Choice Liquor Market store in Newstead have locked in cars taking advantage of the customer-only spaces. </p> <p>It is understood that some cars remain parked in the 15-minute spots for extended periods, sometimes overnight, despite signs saying that fines apply. </p> <p>A photo shared on Facebook showed a car with P-plates blocked in by a yellow bollard and note that read: "Due to you not adhering to the parking rules, your vehicle has been locked in by management and will be kept on record." </p> <p>"Please see First Choice management to discuss your options".</p> <p>A local woman who shared the photos said there "were at least two other cars locked in" when she was passing by this week. </p> <p>Locals were divided by the store's actions, but many supported their decision.</p> <p>"About time. Pub takes all the spaces," one said. "I’ve been there when the store opens and there have been no car spaces available".</p> <p>"Don’t park where you shouldn’t. It’s simple," another added. </p> <p>A third said it was "about bloody time" something was done about the parking. </p> <p>However, a few others had a more understanding approach, with one local saying that the limited parking in a large apartment complex across the road could be contributing to the limited parking. </p> <p>Another suggested the staff had gone too far, noting the importance of being able to "flee" in a hurry, particularly in violent situations. </p> <p>"The thought of their vehicle being blocked in by bollard, should an unthinkable situation arise, is horrific to think of," she said.</p> <p>"While I understand this would be frustrating for your shop, it could be putting someone’s life in danger — as another perspective to think of."</p> <p>Coles have responded to the management's actions explaining that their commitment to customers means  providing "parking and clear access to our stores."</p> <p>"The Newstead store carpark is owned by Coles and has signage throughout the carpark informing locals about parking time restrictions which are also painted on the parking bays," a Coles spokesperson told <em>Yahoo News</em>.</p> <p>"To ensure we are making our stores more accessible for customers, our store team may use its discretion to remind the community of the parking rules.”</p> <p><em>Images: Facebook</em></p>


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Teacher's wild salary sparks heated debate

<p>A teacher's hefty salary has sparked a major debate online, with some people arguing that some educators are "extremely overpaid". </p> <p>A Melbourne man was quizzed on the street by Getahead, an app that matches workers with employers, as he revealed he has worked as a drama teacher at a high school for decades. </p> <p>“I’m a teacher and I make just north of $160,000,” he revealed.</p> <p>“I’ve been teaching for 27 years,” he added. “Started as an actor and then moved into teaching. The workload is alright, I’m on holidays at the moment."</p> <p>“School holidays are always good. But when you are working, you’re doing a lot of after hours and things like that.</p> <p>“It’s definitely worth it though. I’d encourage anyone to get into it. For any actors out there, drama teaching is the next best thing."</p> <p>“You get to do your craft every day and you get to teach the future of actors. Do what you want to do, until you can’t do it anymore and then find something else that will be good to do."</p> <p>He said, “But you gotta follow your passion first.”</p> <p>The video racked up hundreds of comments, with many stunned at the man’s salary.</p> <p>“There’s no way,” one said, with another adding, “I am in the wrong profession.”</p> <p>In another clip from Getahead, a different woman was quizzed about her salary and it is revealed she is also a teacher.</p> <p>She claims to be raking in $110,000 a year working at a high school, but said the idea teachers get “loads of holidays” is a “total myth”, adding that "the workload is huge."</p> <p>While many commenters were stunned by the significant salaries, there were some that even went as far as to claim teachers were being “overpaid”. </p> <p>“Teachers are extremely overpaid,” one claimed. “The most they should be paid is $30k – $40k.”</p> <p>“$110k for a schoolteacher, at this point we are handing out money,” another said.</p> <p>“If they are earning that much money why are they all saying they need more?” another asked, “That’s an excellent wage.”</p> <p>Other teachers sounded shocked at these figures, with many saying they were not making anywhere near that amount.</p> <p>“That’s not close to average, I’m a maths and science teacher at a high school and I earn $84k,” one shared.</p> <p>“I’ve been teaching for 43 years, I’m head of a subject area and have several post grade qualifications, and I don’t make anywhere near that,” another added.</p> <p><em>Image credits: TikTok</em></p>

Money & Banking

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Man's DIY speed camera sign sparks debate

<p>Over the years Aussies have come up with various ways to warn fellow drivers of nearby speed cameras, and one man took matters into his own hands by alerting motorists with a handwritten sign. </p> <p>Dressed in a neon orange singlet, a man was spotted at a busy intersection on the Princes Highway in Melbourne over the weekend waving to passing cars while holding up a "Beware Camera" sign. </p> <p>The photo was shared to local news service Wyndham TV's Instagram, and many were quick to praise the "local hero", who one identified as Daryl. </p> <p>“Absolute bloody Aussie legend right there,” one person commented. </p> <p>"A good citizen," another wrote. </p> <p>A few others commented that he was doing "God's work" and deserved to be bought "a beer or 10". </p> <p>However, not everyone was pleased with this act, with many questioning why he was interfering with road safety measures. </p> <p>“Motorists need to take responsibility for not speeding,” one person argued, before others defended the move, saying it would reduce speeding and crashes. </p> <p>Others asked why he didn't have more important things to do with his time. </p> <p>There is no specific law that prohibits warning other drivers about the presence of a speed camera, so the man's actions were legal. </p> <p>This is not the first time Aussies have done this, with many sharing videos exposing the "sneaky" way mobile speed cameras catch drivers in NSW on social media . </p> <p>One person shared a video to TikTok showing a mobile speed camera car parked next to another road sign.</p> <p>“This is their tactics, parking next to other signs so they blend in,” he said in the viral video. </p> <p><em>Image: Instagram/@wyndhamtv</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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"Ridiculous": Debate erupts over whether grandparents should be paid to babysit

<p>Any parent knows how difficult it is to get your child into daycare or preschool. With limited spaces across the country and rising costs, many are turning to their families for help.</p> <p>Many rely on grandma and grandpa to help out with the kids, and while some say they'd happily do it for free, others think it's time to put a price on it.</p> <p>According to a<em></em> poll 42 per cent of Aussies believe that grandparents should be paid for babysitting, while 58 per cent of them believe there's no need to pay grandparents for their services. </p> <p>However, the question is more complicated than a simple yes or no, with many explaining that it depends on the circumstance. </p> <p>"If grandparents are babysitting for special occasions or at their request then I don't think they should be paid. Most would do it for love and time with grandkids. If grandparents are providing child minding then that's different. If it's a regular occurrence then yes they should be paid,"  explained one person.</p> <p>"Grandparents should be paid to babysit if they are required for more than two full days a week," echoed another. </p> <p>"Grandparents should be paid, it is cheaper than creche and the kids won't be as sick mixing with a batch of others," a third wrote. </p> <p>For many there's a big difference between babysitting on a weekend or a one-off day versus during the week. </p> <p>"Being paid as a grandparent to babysit in my opinion is ridiculous, however if a grandparent is enlisted to provide child care more than two days a week so that parents can work, I think a payment in some form isn't unreasonable, even if it's a surprise gift intermittently," one wrote. </p> <p>"I babysit my grandchildren while my daughter works she pays me $20 for petrol, but if they want to go out and I babysit then she doesn't pay me which I'm OK with," added another person. </p> <p>The parents and grandparents' financial position was also a big factor. </p> <p>"I think the grandparent babysitting for payment is a personal thing. Some parents can really afford it, some are struggling and the grandparents do it to help out," one explained. </p> <p><em>Image: Shutterstock</em></p>

Retirement Income

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Passenger sparks debate over travellers sleeping in aisle seats

<p>A heated debate has erupted online after a passenger suggested those sitting in an aisle seat should remain alert and awake for the entire flight, with the only exception being if it's a long-flight of seven hours or more. </p> <p>“A person sitting in an aisle seat on a plane should not be allowed to sleep," they wrote on Reddit. </p> <p>The reason behind it, according to the passenger, is to ensure that middle and window seat passengers can access the toilet, get served by flight attendants, and evacuate quickly in an emergency. </p> <p>“There are some exceptions and those would probably be on any flight longer than seven hours.</p> <p>“But anything shorter than that, you should not be sleeping. What if the middle or window passenger needs the bathroom, or if the flight attendant needs to hand them something – You’ll be in the way.”</p> <p>They added that a snoozing aisle seat passenger could potentially slow down evacuation during an emergency and put everyone at risk. </p> <p>“Now you would be risking people’s lives because you fell asleep,” they wrote.</p> <p>Social media users flocked to the Reddit thread to share their thoughts. </p> <p> “Nah, just poke me and wake me up if you need me to get up or do something," one wrote. </p> <p>“I’m well aware that I’m in the way, believe me. I’m certainly not there because I wanted to be in the aisle seat.”</p> <p>“If you sleep in an aisle seat, you deal with people getting up. That’s the unwritten rule," another added. </p> <p>A few others supported the idea, but shared their own take on plane etiquette. </p> <p> “My take on this: if you sleep in the aisle seat, you must be okay with being woken up multiple times to let the folks in your row get up.</p> <p>“Other flight rules: middle seat gets the armrest, and window seat must raise the window shade during taxi, takeoff, and landing so the rest of us in the row can watch.”</p> <p><em>Image: Shutterstock</em></p> <p> </p>

Travel Tips

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Ranger's confrontation with mum sparks debate

<p>An altercation between a woman and a parking inspector in Sydney's Double Bay has sparked debate online. </p> <p>Video footage of the confrontation was shared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">social media</a>, and the pair can be seen arguing over a parking ticket the woman received on Cross St, where two-hour parking rules apply. </p> <p>The woman claimed that she'd "just parked" her car and was paying for a ticket when the inspector arrived to fine her. </p> <p>She started recording him as he was "rude and abrupt", with the video showing him writing up the fine and telling her that he will be adding a complaint to his notes. </p> <p>"You're harassing me, I'll call the police," the ranger said to the woman, as she films him up close. </p> <p>As he turns abruptly pointing a finger toward her, and telling her to leave he appears to hit the phone, and the woman accuses him of assault. </p> <p>"You physically assaulted me. Wow. It's all on camera,"  she said to the ranger. </p> <p>She also claimed that the ranger  "pushed her away", and said that it was "terrifying".</p> <p>The video posted online attracted mixed responses from locals, with some arguing that  "there's more to the story" as the video didn't capture what happened before she started filming. </p> <p>However, a few others called the ranger out for his "shocking" behaviour. </p> <p>"The ranger has no right to assault anyone. And if it was when they were on the job, it’s a sackable offence, if not criminal," one said. </p> <p>Another argued that the woman was also in the wrong for being  "up in his face" as the ranger was  "just doing his job". </p> <p>"You can tell he didn't mean to knock the camera, and that she was up in his face," another added. </p> <p>A spokesperson for Woollahra Council confirmed they were aware of the incident and "regrets any distress experienced during the issuing of a fine due to an illegally parked vehicle."</p> <p>"We understand no one likes receiving a fine, but [we] ask members of the public to refrain from taking out their frustration on Council staff, either verbally or physically," they told Y<em>ahoo News</em>. </p> <p><em>Images: Facebook/ Yahoo</em></p>

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Restaurant sparks debate over “age discrimination”

<p>A US restaurant has gone viral for their "age policy" after they decided to ban young people in a bid to create a “grown and sexy” vibe. </p> <p>Bliss Restaurant opened its doors in St. Louis, Missouri last month and have already caused an uproar for their unique policy where men under 35 and women under 30 are not allowed in. </p> <p>Owners Marvin Pate and his wife, said that they created the rule to help them “maintain a sophisticated environment, uphold our standards, and support the sustainability of our unique ambience”.</p> <p>Despite getting some backlash over the policy, they insist that they will stick to their code. </p> <p>“I think Bliss is a home away from home,” he told local news station <em>KSDK</em>.</p> <p>“You can come here and actually feel like you’re at a resort. People will feel like they’re on a vacation.</p> <p>“Of course, we have been getting a little backlash because of our policy, but that’s OK. We’re sticking to our code.”</p> <p>Pate is so committed to providing a space for older people, that if anyone looks younger than 30, they will get their ID's checked. </p> <p>“The restaurant is just something for the older people to come do, have a happy hour, come get some good food and not have to worry about some of the young folks who bring some of that drama,” assistant manager Erica Rhodes added.</p> <p>A few people have slammed the restaurant, suggesting that the rule was “age discrimination”.  </p> <p>“The owner barely makes his own age requirement. Come on,” one vented online.</p> <p>“I’ve never seen a bar fight that wasn’t started by some drunk over 30,” another added. </p> <p>“I feel like it’s usually older people acting out nowadays," and another person replied: “Y’all ever seen a Karen under 30?”</p> <p>However, in the age of young influencers, many thought the restriction  “makes sense". </p> <p>“Ah, Bliss, no influencers with those bright lights and filming while everyone else is trying to have a nice meal,” one said. </p> <p>“I like the concept, it’s time we mature adults can dine in a relaxing atmosphere without kids screaming, parents screaming, aggressive behaviours,” another added. </p> <p>“I love the age requirements. Please keep it like this. Don’t change it a lot of places back in the day had age requirements I’m glad that somebody finally taking it back protect your business I support,” a third wrote. </p> <p>“I love this idea!!!! Perfect!!!! And for all those gripping and complaining about it…..or have some smartelic comment….. just wait. One day your day is coming," another mused. </p> <p><em>Images: Instagram</em></p>

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“Is this illegal?”: Mum sparks debate over divisive rubbish bin tactic

<p>A mother has reignited an age-old debate over neighbourhood etiquette, asking whether it is "illegal or frowned upon” to add rubbish to a neighbour’s wheelie bin if yours is completely full.</p> <p>Brooke Bliss, who lives on the NSW Mid North Coast, said that in her area bins were only collected once a fortnight and her outside bins fill up very quickly as a family of five. </p> <p>Often left with overflowing rubbish by the time collection day rolls around, Bliss admitted that she waits till the "dead of night" on the day before the bins are emptied and tosses a couple of bags of general waste into neighbours' bins.</p> <p>“Is this illegal or frowned upon?” the creator asked her followers in a video online.</p> <p>The mother-of-three explained to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>Yahoo News Australia</em></a>, “It’s actually super stressful, especially when you have young children… the bins fill up quite quickly.”</p> <p>“I find that my bin is full maybe like the fourth day after it’s just been collected and there’s still another eight or so days to go.”</p> <p>She added that she had “the most lovely neighbours” who would never have an issue with it, but she’d heard of other people being told not to do that by other residents.</p> <p>“I mean, if your neighbours aren’t letting you do that even if they have room in their bin, you then have the rubbish lying around your property because you have nowhere else to put it," Bliss added.</p> <p>Many fellow Aussies commenting on her video said they also sneak rubbish into their neighbours' bins and that once they were on the kerb they were fair game, with one adding, "as long as you're not putting rubbish in recycling or garden waste".</p> <p>“Both our neighbours know we do this to them,” one wrote, while another said, “I do it in broad daylight.” With a third adding, "everyone does this".</p> <p>While there are technically no laws against using your neighbours' bin, trespassing could be an issue unless you wait until the bin is on council land. </p> <p>A spokesman for Bliss's local council said that the move is generally frowned upon unless there is an agreement among neighbours.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Instagram / Shutterstock</em></p>


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"Height of selfishness": Photo at iconic beach sparks debate over etiquette

<p>A photo taken at Bronte Beach has sparked the age old debate over whether picnickers should be allowed to reserve picnic tables by dumping their stuff on them. </p> <p>The image taken at one of Sydney's most popular beaches, showed two picnic tables under the same hut with table clothes and bags on them, but there was no human in sight. </p> <p>“There were at least half a dozen of these tables ‘reserved’ for a couple of hours on Sunday morning from very early in the day,” one annoyed beachgoer wrote on Reddit. </p> <p>“We got there at 7am and left a few hours later. No one was using the tables the entire time we were there.”</p> <p>The post has received hundreds of comments from other annoyed picnickers, with one going as far as calling it "unAustralian". </p> <p>“It's not acceptable,” one person said. “You can reserve it by sitting there yourself, but not by leaving an item.”</p> <p>“Yes, you should be actually using it, not leaving your s**t on there to reserve it for later,” another added. </p> <p>“It's the height of selfishness.”</p> <p>“Move their stuff, move yourself in, and say, ‘it was like this when I got here’,” one commenter suggested. </p> <p>“All I see is a free tablecloth and free bag,” another quipped. </p> <p>However, a few others pointed out that there were other available seats, and that there are unspoken rules around reserving picnic spots. </p> <p>"In this instance, it’s probably okay,” one wrote. “The back table is free, go grab it.”</p> <p>"As long as there’s people there minding the tables, not just throwing a bunch of tablecloths down and walking off, I’m fine with it,” another added. “First come first served.”</p> <p>“If I was bringing a few things from the car I might do this,” a third commented. </p> <p> “Like dropping off the tablecloth and backpack before grabbing the esky etc. But I'd maintain line of sight. Anything else isn't justified in my opinion.”</p> <p>A spokesperson for Waverly Council have asked people to "refrain from reserving tables and always have a back up plan". </p> <p>“Waverley is the second-most densely populated local government area in Australia outside of the City of Sydney, and we attract millions of visitors every year, so our recreational spaces are at a premium," the spokesperson told <em>Yahoo News Australia</em>. </p> <p>“On weekends and at other peak times, picnic tables and barbecues do invariably fill up. So we ask people to share our spaces so that everyone can have a turn.”</p> <p><em>Images: Reddit</em></p>

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Debate erupts over groom's unconventional footwear choice

<p>In what seems to be a picture perfect wedding, eagle-eyed social media users spotted one odd detail. </p> <p>The couple were snapped standing at the altar, and while everything else about their outfit seemed flawless, one Reddit user called the groom out for wearing black Crocs and black socks to his wedding. </p> <p>“Imagine you get ready for three hours and your groom shows up in Crocs,” the user said. </p> <p>“Crocs would be a legit reason to say no at the altar,” another wrote, before adding: <span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">“Crocs are a valid reason to not date someone. They are horrible.”</span></p> <p>“He’s wearing a suit, maybe he has a problem with his feet that he can’t wear proper footwear,” a third commented</p> <p>“Surely no one, no matter how casual in style, voluntarily leaves the house in Crocs?”</p> <p>However many other social media users were quick to defend the wedding faux pas, with some saying that they wish they had done the same thing at their own weeding. </p> <p>“He probably has an injured foot or broken toe. He’s perfectly groomed (a pun) otherwise and obviously tried to camouflage his socks and crocs with his attire," one sympathised. </p> <p>“Ya I have really severe diabetic neuropathy in my feet, especially my toes. Doctor actually suggested Crocs as they have extra space and don’t restrict movement," another added.</p> <p>“I wore flip flops under my dress. I hate heels with a passion,” a third wrote. </p> <p>"He's wearing a nice suit, matching dark socks so I'm not seeing an issue here as he probably has some kind of foot or back injury or pain. If I were marrying him this wouldn't bother me," added a fourth. </p> <p>“Let the man get married in something comfortable. My wife could have shown up in a potato sack barefoot for all I cared, she is there to marry me, not for a fashion show," a fifth defended. </p> <p><em>Image: Reddit</em></p> <p> </p>


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Woman sparks debate after copping $116 fine for "absurd" rule

<p>Shakira Coldwell, 21, has sparked debate online after copping a $116 parking fine for an "absurd" rule she claims she didn't even know existed. </p> <p>The Aussie woman took to TikTok to share her confusion, and asked if anyone else was aware of the rule. </p> <p>“Was I the only one that didn’t know you can get a parking fine for parking nose in, like the front of your car goes in first instead of backing into a car park?” she asked. </p> <p>She then asked whether the rule was only enforced in Noosa, saying that she was "pretty sure" you could park in any way as long as you stay between the lines. </p> <p>Coldwell then shared a photo of how she parked her car when she received the fine and said that she was “clearly” within the parking lines but hadn’t backed into her space like the car next to her.</p> <p>“Does that not just seem a bit absurd, a bit bizarre?” she said.</p> <p>She also said that she was only just made aware of the fine, as she had been travelling, which means that she may be copping even bigger fees as her payment was now overdue. </p> <p>“I’ve asked a couple of people about this and they literally had no idea that rule even existed. Like, I’m within the lines, it doesn’t matter how I’m parked,” she continued. </p> <p>According to the Brisbane City Council website, failing to park as indicated by an angle parking sign will result in a $116 fine, but Coldwell claims that she didn't see any signs. </p> <p>“So I am a bit confused. Is this just Noosa rule or does everyone know this because I literally did not know this was a rule. And low key $116 for a parking fine that's a bit absurd, given I was within the lines,” she said.</p> <p>Many commenters were quick to inform her that it was actually a common parking rule that wasn't restricted to Noosa. </p> <p>“As someone who lives in Noosa I can 100% guarantee there was a sign saying you had to back in,” one person wrote. </p> <p>“Being within the lines literally has nothing to do with it lol,” another said.</p> <p>A few others said that parking the wrong way in angled spots can make it “dangerous” when backing out into traffic, with one commenter claiming “everyone knows this”.</p> <p>However, a few others were just as baffled as the 21-year-old. </p> <p>“I’d be challenging that. I have never heard of it and there should definitely be signs so if you can go and check the signage,” one said. </p> <p>“Never heard of this before I wouldn’t pay it tell them where to go,” another wrote. </p> <p>According to the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Noosa Council website</a>, rear-in angle parking is enforced in certain areas to “ensure a safer parking experience for everyone in the area," and to prevent cars from crossing into oncoming traffic as they try to exit the parking bay. </p> <p><em>Images: TikTok</em></p>


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