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How beauty filters like TikTok’s ‘bold glamour’ affect tweens using social media

<p><a href="">TikTok’s new “bold glamour” filter</a> “enhances” physical features in a way that makes it difficult to distinguish whether someone is using a filter or not, despite its airbrushing qualities.</p> <p>Unlike its predecessors, this filter allows movement through an AI feature with the filter remaining fixed on when, for example, a hand crosses the face, with fewer glitches. </p> <p>Users could be left comparing their unfiltered appearance with their “perfect” filtered self. They may start to develop unrealistic goals of perceived physical perfection that affect their self esteem. </p> <p>Although the terms of service for most social media platforms require users to be at least 13, a significant number of “tweens” (children between the ages of nine and 12) <a href="">now have a social media profile</a>.</p> <p>Online safety lessons in schools <a href="">tend to concentrate</a> on physical risk and predatory behaviour rather than emotional risks that children may encounter, as these may not be as apparent or experienced by adults.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">I am old enough and tough enough that filters don’t have an impact on me. My face tells the story of my life and I know its value; I can (mostly) look at who I am with love and acceptance. But if I had had access to Tiktok’s Bold Glamour as a kid, I would have been destroyed. <a href=""></a></p> <p>— Rebecca Seal (@RebeccaSeal) <a href="">March 27, 2023</a></p></blockquote> <p>The <a href="">damaging effect of “filters”</a> (digital image effects that alter a person’s appearance) is less commonly taught.</p> <p><a href="">In my research</a>, I presented eight focus groups with activities to generate discussions with children of 10 and 11 years of age who were in their final year of primary school. One of the activities was related to the use of filters.</p> <p>Participants were given a set of photographs of people using filters on the social media site Snapchat and were asked questions such as: “How are these different from how they look in real life?” and “why do people use these filters?”</p> <p>The results demonstrated a clear and distinct gender divide. The boys said they used filters for fun and entertainment, favouring dog ears and exaggerated tongues to “make people laugh”. The girls used filters to create an idealised image that conformed to beauty ideals and for validation in the form of likes and comments.</p> <p>One girl, Samantha, said: “[filters] make you look perfect and flawless”. Another explained: “I like putting filters on because it doesn’t show my birthmark at all. It takes the blemishes off my face”. </p> <p>Similarly, tween Mia explained: “when you put a filter on, it makes your skin tone better and it covers up any spots or like any bruises and stuff that you feel insecure about in yourself.”</p> <p>My findings suggest that girls are internalising and aspiring to the beauty ideals that they are consuming via social media. There is a pressure to adopt a polished, physical appearance through filters, which may have <a href="">emotional repercussions</a>.</p> <h2>‘Beauty isn’t everything’</h2> <p>I also used collaging as an activity for exploring individual experiences. One child, Sophie, chose to show a binary depiction of herself as two halves.</p> <p>On the social media side, she used lots of different animal prints in triangles to show that you can be lots of different things and there are lots of different parts of yourself.</p> <p>She explained that the patterns she had chosen looked unnatural, unlike the more realistic filters online. </p> <p>Because (like other females in the study) she felt that there is an expectation for girls to look a certain way, Sophie also wrote “no one is perfect” on her collage.</p> <p>For the girls in my research, there was a sense that self expression was strongly linked to appearance, with a <a href="">pressure to adhere</a> to certain perceived physical ideals.</p> <p>In her collage, Karen discussed at length how social media can be an augmented reality and can emphasise feelings of self consciousness linked to physical appearance.</p> <p>The characters drawn on her collage show a “real-life” self that had no filter, which “makes her sad” and a “filter self” which used make up and filters to enhance her appearance and made her happy. </p> <p>She also emphasised the feelings of negative self-esteem that viewing filtered images could have by saying, "People try and make themselves look beautiful and at the end it may really disappoint them."</p> <p><a href="">Similar research from 2020</a> also concluded that girls tend to replicate “female” cues popularised through social media patterns, such as exaggerated lips and flawless skin. </p> <p>Although my research specifically focused on Snapchat, other social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram also encourage enhancing appearance through filters.</p> <p>Beauty filters reinforce the message that wearing makeup, looking a certain way and conforming to beauty ideals, is the desired physical state for women. Isabel had a strong message for girls in her collage: “be your own person and stop comparing yourself to others”.</p> <p>The widespread use of filters is certainly not facilitating this message and it is important that the emotional repercussions of using these appearance altering tools – as well as continually seeing them in social media feeds – is addressed. </p> <p>Open discussions could help educate girls to learn that these unattainable physical aspirations do not represent reality.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Conversation</a>. </em></p>

Beauty & Style

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13 unusual uses for coffee filters

<p>If you enjoy a cup of the caffeinated stuff of a morning, chances are good you probably have a packet or two of coffee filters knocking around in the pantry. While essential for creating the perfect brew, the simple shape and lint-free design of this beverage essential makes them useful in plenty of other places around the house.</p> <ol> <li>Use them to protect your dishes – Protect your favourite plates or good china from chipping and scratches by slipping a single filter in between each when stacking.</li> <li>Savvy snacking – If you’re serving up something greasy or even a finger food snack, a coffee filter makes the perfect snack bowl. Added bonus? No washing up!</li> <li>Sparkling windows and mirrors – The lint-free design of coffee filters make them perfect for cleaning fragile surfaces.</li> <li>In the garden – When filling up pots with soil, place a filter in the bottom, over the water hole. This allows water to filter through but stops soil seeping out.</li> <li>Smart storage – Lots of loose odds and ends floating around? Corral them all together by using a filter to group similar objects.</li> <li>Clean your screens – Dusty TV or computer screen? A coffee filter is great for grabbing dust and grime from smooth surfaces.</li> <li>The key to micro-sieving – If you’re baking and need a super fine sieve, line your standard utensil with a filter to catch even the smallest particles of food.</li> <li>Ice block savior- Stop sticky fingers in the grandkids by snipping a hole in the centre of a filter and pushing the stick through to create a little “drip dish”.</li> <li>Grease your baking utensils – Ensure a lint free, well-greased surface by using a filter to grease your baking tins or trays.</li> <li>Create spotless glassware – Prevent unsightly streaks by using a filter to dry your glassware.</li> <li>Keep your microwave clean – Use a filter when heating leftovers in the microwave to prevent splatter.</li> <li>Absorb oil – Cooking bacon? Pop the finished product onto a filter to drain away excess oil.</li> <li>Streak free stainless steel – Filters work like magic on stainless steel appliances like your toaster as well as taps and fixtures.</li> </ol> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>

Home & Garden

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Tips to filter out the noise in your life

<p>The modern world can make you feel like you are in a constant state of busyness. Here’s how to filter out the noise and take back some time for yourself.</p> <p><strong>1. Begin your day with some quiet</strong></p> <p>They way you start your morning can determine your whole day. When you wake up, take a few minutes to centre yourself in silence. This could be meditation or even just some quiet reflection in bed. You will be amazed at how it can change your outlook.</p> <p><strong>2. Declutter your digital</strong></p> <p>Technology is a wonderful thing, but it also means we are constantly tied to our smartphones, email accounts or the latest news updates. It can be hard to switch off when you are constantly connected. You don’t have to switch off completely, but set yourself limits – only check social media once a day, don’t check emails on the weekend or leave your phone at home if it’s not essential.</p> <p><strong>3. Limit TV time</strong></p> <p>It’s amazing how quickly an hour (or two or three) can go by when you are sat mindlessly in front of the TV. Don’t automatically turn it on as soon as you walk in the house. Set a time for TV (say after 7pm) and then use your new free time to read a book, do some gardening or take a walk. You’ll be amazed at how much free time you suddenly have.</p> <p><strong>4. Get out into nature</strong></p> <p>Never underestimate the power of connecting with the physical world. Head out for a walk through the park or along the beach. Leave your phone and iPod at home so you can listen to the sounds around you. You can clear your mind in a sort of moving meditation, plus the physical exercise will give you an extra boost.</p> <p><strong>5. Find meaningful activities</strong></p> <p>In our busy life we rarely take time for the activities we love, like drawing, reading, singing or yoga. These activities can bring meaning to our lives, and encourage us to slow down and find stillness. It is worth setting aside some time each day or week to do something you really love.</p> <p><strong>6. Practice inner stillness</strong></p> <p>Too often we are our own worst enemy. So, even if we can quiet the external noise, we persist with the internal noise. We constantly run over to do lists, fret over mistakes we’ve made, berate ourselves for not loosing weight. When you feel yourself falling into these patterns, stop. Relax, reset and feel grateful for what you have. </p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>


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“A mockery of my tipuna”: Traditional tattoo camera filter sparks outcry

<p dir="ltr">The emergence of social media filters that allow users to project traditional Māori tattoos onto their faces has caused controversy, with concerns raised about the protection of Māori identity and intellectual property.</p> <p dir="ltr">The filters, given names like “Māori Mask” and “Māori Face Tattoo” and projecting mataora, moko kauae, tatua and other traditional tattoos, have appeared on social media platforms such as Snapchat, using open-source Lookery software to enable real-time modification of people’s faces in photos.</p> <p><span id="docs-internal-guid-8e092ecf-7fff-b23f-fcd0-44a1d24b92e6"></span></p> <p dir="ltr">Anyone can create filters, which are shared openly across the platform, with Instagram offering a similar feature.</p> <p dir="ltr"><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720" /></p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Filters available on Snapchat that allow users to project traditional Māori tattoos onto their faces have sparked controversy. While two filters (left, centre) have been removed, one (right) is still available  Images: RNZ, Author</em></p> <p dir="ltr">While some see these filters as helping make Māori culture more accessible and revitalise mātauranga Māori (traditional Māori knowledge), others say it is damaging - particularly if they’re created from a non-Māori perspective.</p> <p dir="ltr">"When people wear a fake Prada or Gucci bag, people are quick to call it out. However, when tauiwi (non-Māori people) create Māori art for profit, everyone thinks it's great,” Māori activist Karu Martin said.</p> <p dir="ltr">"There are people who need to take responsibility when they are using Māori culture in an international space or platform to understand that they have consequences and ramifications."</p> <p dir="ltr">In Māori cultures, moko and tatua are unique expressions of a person’s whakapapa (genealogy) and identity, with traditional Māori tattoo artist Julie Paama Pengally adding that the tattoos represent more than what the creators of these filters could fathom.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Those elements are strongly connected to our whakapapa, our atua (ancestors), and our being,” Paama Pengally told the <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">RNZ</a></em>.</p> <p dir="ltr">"As soon as you take something from a culture without permission and you misrepresent it, and you displace that culture from doing what they want to do with those things themselves, then you're appropriating.</p> <p dir="ltr">"That's a mockery of my tīpuna that you're wearing on your face, just so you can have your two seconds of fun.</p> <p dir="ltr">"For me, it's a long-lasting reminder that if I were to have that on my face, people would look at me sideways."</p> <p dir="ltr">But social media platforms are the only culprits when it comes to the commercialisation and appropriation of moko, with the sequel to Avatar and video games Borderlands 2077 and Grand Theft Auto drawing criticism for depictions of moko.</p> <p dir="ltr">Tūranga Morgan-Edmonds, a Māori musician for the metal band Alien Weaponry who got his mataora last year, said he is weary of the commercialisation of moko.</p> <p dir="ltr">"It's being made by some stranger on the other side of the world to be provided to the masses that don't belong to our culture,” he said.</p> <p dir="ltr">"These ones in the games are blatant rip-offs - they follow the same patterns and all of that.</p> <p dir="ltr">"Places that take inspiration have taken the concepts, and then designed something completely different."</p> <p dir="ltr">Since <em>RNZ</em> approached Snapchat for a comment, the platform has removed the filters.</p> <p dir="ltr">Meta, the company that owns Instagram and Facebook, didn’t respond to questions.</p> <p dir="ltr"><span id="docs-internal-guid-a2b76514-7fff-ebc0-700e-4df9ebfe0d9a"></span></p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image: RNZ</em></p>


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13 unusual uses for coffee filters

<p>If you enjoy a cup of the caffeinated stuff of a morning, chances are good you probably have a packet or two of coffee filters knocking around in the pantry. While essential for creating the perfect brew, the simple shape and lint-free design of this beverage essential makes them useful in plenty of other places around the house.</p><ol><li>Use them to protect your dishes – Protect your favourite plates or good china from chipping and scratches by slipping a single filter in between each when stacking.</li><li>Savvy snacking – If you’re serving up something greasy or even a finger food snack, a coffee filter makes the perfect snack bowl. Added bonus? No washing up!</li><li>Sparkling windows and mirrors – The lint-free design of coffee filters make them perfect for cleaning fragile surfaces.</li><li>In the garden – When filling up pots with soil, place a filter in the bottom, over the water hole. This allows water to filter through but stops soil seeping out.</li><li>Smart storage – Lots of loose odds and ends floating around? Corral them all together by using a filter to group similar objects.</li><li>Clean your screens – Dusty TV or computer screen? A coffee filter is great for grabbing dust and grime from smooth surfaces.</li><li>The key to micro-sieving – If you’re baking and need a super fine sieve, line your standard utensil with a filter to catch even the smallest particles of food.</li><li>Ice block savior- Stop sticky fingers in the grandkids by snipping a hole in the centre of a filter and pushing the stick through to create a little “drip dish”.</li><li>Grease your baking utensils – Ensure a lint free, well-greased surface by using a filter to grease your baking tins or trays.</li><li>Create spotless glassware – Prevent unsightly streaks by using a filter to dry your glassware.</li><li>Keep your microwave clean – Use a filter when heating leftovers in the microwave to prevent splatter.</li><li>Absorb oil – Cooking bacon? Pop the finished product onto a filter to drain away excess oil.</li><li>Streak free stainless steel – Filters work like magic on stainless steel appliances like your toaster as well as taps and fixtures.</li></ol><p><strong>Related links:&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="/lifestyle/at-home/2015/10/unusual-uses-for-windex/">8 unusually great uses for Windex</a></span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="/lifestyle/at-home/2015/09/common-cleaning-myths/">5 common cleaning myths busted</a></span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="/lifestyle/at-home/2015/08/home-cleaning-tricks/">12 cleaning tricks for hard-to-clean areas around the home</a></span></em></strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

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