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Driver reveals "surprising" way he got out of $410 seatbelt fine

<p>An Aussie driver who copped a $410 fine and three demerit points after their passenger made a common seatbelt move has revealed how they argued his way out of the ticket. </p> <p>Numerous motorists have been fined in recent weeks over the little-known road rule, where the driver could be penalised if a passenger reclines their seat too far back. </p> <p>Aussie lawyer Hayder Shkara argued that the rule is  "step too far" as well-rested passengers can help curb the growing rate of fatalities by taking over from fatigued drivers on long car trips.</p> <p>Shkara shared the story of how one of his followers had successfully overturned the seatbelt fine and demerit points on social media. </p> <p>"He applied for a review with the police, and he actually got approved," Shkara said.</p> <p>"In his review he focused on the fact that car manufacturers were allowed to import these vehicles with the ability to recline in the first place, and that if there was an actual issue with the vehicle in terms of its design, it should have been stopped at the importation basis.</p> <p>"[He] said to the police that they were practicing safe driving protocols by changing drivers and making sure that one driver was rested and at police actually withdrew the fine. He didn't have to pay anything, and he didn't get any demerit points."</p> <p>Shkara told<em> Yahoo</em> that "normally applications for review in traffic offences are extremely difficult to be successful in and there is a low margin of success." </p> <p>"What is the purpose of seat belts? It is for driver and passenger safety. But we all know that fatigue is a big problem for drivers, so if drivers are switching in and out, I believe that the safer thing to do is for one driver to have proper rest so they can continue to drive safely."</p> <p>He said he would also encourage others who receive a fine for the same offence to try and appeal their case, as the "review doesn't require you to pay any legal fees and it is worth a shot."</p> <p><em>Image: NSW Centre for Road Safety/ TikTok</em></p>


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Aussie drivers warned over little-known "speed fine trap"

<p>Road authorities are warning drivers of a "speed fine trap" in the lead-up to school's return. </p> <p>In NSW, four back-to-back pupil free days will take place from February 1 until February 5, as teachers and staff prep for the new school year, with students set to return on the 6th. </p> <p>While there will be no kids on campus, school zones will be in operation on those days, with speed limits being enforced. </p> <p>"Pupil-free days continue to be a major speed trap for motorists," NRMA spokesperson Peter Khoury said. </p> <p>Last year, 2,184 fines for speeding were issued to drivers in just two days prior to term one. </p> <p>An average of 1,092 fines were issued between January 30 and 31 in 2024, which was almost double the daily average for February (598). </p> <p>Khoury added that motorists are at risk of being fined at almost twice the rate during pupil-free days, as most drivers are "oblivious" to the rule. </p> <p>"It is extremely frustrating when drivers who normally abide by the 40 km/h speed limit in school zones are fined on pupil-free days because they were oblivious to the fact that the speed limits applied despite their children not being at school," he said. </p> <p>"The overwhelming majority of drivers go to great lengths to do the right thing around school zones and school zone speed limits have overwhelming public support — we just don’t want people inadvertently breaking the law and getting fined."</p> <p>He added: "Please be extra alert tomorrow as you drive through school zones as speed limits will apply." </p> <p>The number of pupil free days will increase from six days in 2024 to eight days in 2025. This includes the four pupil-free days on January 31 and February 3, 4 and 5.</p> <p><em>Image: Shutterstock</em></p>


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“Lesson learnt”: Expat fined for parking mistake

<p>A British expat has copped a hefty fine after going against a "common sense" road rule.</p> <p>The man had just moved to Sydney and was visiting the famous beaches in Shoalhaven, NSW when he copped a $200 fine for parking on the wrong  side of the road, facing against the direction of traffic flow.</p> <p>“Never heard of this before. It didn’t say anything about no parking and I’ve come back, and I’ve got a ticket, ” he said n the video posted on social media. </p> <p>While it is an offence in Australia, in the UK the parking technique is permitted, except at night. </p> <p>“Lesson learnt,” he ended his clip.</p> <p>The video received a lot of comments, with one asking the obvious question: “Didn’t you see what the other cars were doing?”</p> <p>Another added: “If the cars are all facing the one way, park that way. Why would you park facing the wrong way then all the other cars are facing the other way?” </p> <p>“Wasn’t it obvious?” a different person questioned.</p> <p> </p> <div class="embed" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 16px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: none !important;"><iframe class="embedly-embed" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 16px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: none !important; width: 535px;" title="tiktok embed" src="" width="340" height="700" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></div> <p>Others told him that it was just "common sense" but he insisted that everyone in the UK parks in different directions” despite also driving on the left-hand side of the road.</p> <p>A few people explained why they think the rule exists. </p> <p>“I think it’s because to get out of that park you would have to drive into oncoming traffic,” one user suggested. “Maybe in the UK your lanes are small and this would be okay but 99 per cent of our roads are wide and this is not needed.”</p> <p>“And to get into that park in the first place, you have to drive on the wrong side,” another person pointed out.</p> <p>Some British commenters could relate to the man's mistake, saying:  “I’ve been caught out doing this too,” and “It did my head in when I first moved here!”</p> <p>The penalty for parking in the wrong direction of travel can reach up to 257, and in school zones, this fine can increase to $330 plus two demerit points.</p> <p><em style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 16px; vertical-align: baseline; color: #323338; font-family: Figtree, Roboto, 'Noto Sans Hebrew', 'Noto Kufi Arabic', 'Noto Sans JP', sans-serif; background-color: #ffffff; outline: none !important;">Images: TikTok</em></p>

Money & Banking

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Tradie fights "unfair" fine for parking across his own driveway

<p>A frustrated tradie is fighting an "unfair" fine he copped for parking in his own driveway.</p> <p>Mark Fricker, a builder from Newcastle, was photographed last September by a council camera when his ute was briefly stopped across his driveway with two wheels in the gutter of the bus zone that fronts his property.</p> <p>The man was only parked in the precarious spot for a few minutes to open the gate to his home. </p> <p>He only became aware of the alleged offence when he received a fine about 10 days later, with the penalty notice saying he was parked in a bus zone and was required to pay $320. </p> <p>The fine was generated by the council’s mobile licence plate recognition technology with cameras attached to council cars patrolling the city’s streets to monitor parking offences.</p> <p>Fricker told <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>Yahoo News</em></a> the fine was ‘unfair’ and would not have been issued if a ranger was on the scene to see what was going on.</p> <p>While he attempted to take up the matter with his local council, he was referred back to Revenue NSW and felt he had no option but to contest the fine in court.</p> <p>“If it had been a person and not a car, they wouldn’t have issued the fine,” Fricker said.</p> <p>“I don’t feel an automated camera system is right. If a ranger had seen me park there, get out and open the gate, and move the car in, he wouldn’t have worried about it. He could see that I’m not a threat or danger to a bus, or passengers getting on or off, so it wouldn’t have happened."</p> <p>Fricker's dispute is just one of many to arise from the increased use of controversial ticketless parking fine systems used by councils across NSW.</p> <p>There was a 49 per cent surge in ticketless parking fines issued in NSW during the 2023-24 financial year, with revenue from ticketless fines surged to $158 million for that period, up 54 per cent on the previous year.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Newcastle Herald</em></p>

Money & Banking

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Samantha Murphy's accused killer fined over driving offences

<p>The man accused with murdering Samantha Murphy has been fined and convicted for driving offences in the months before the Ballarat mother's disappearance. </p> <p>Patrick Stephenson has been ordered to pay $2,500 over a crash that occurred in October 2023 when the man was under the influence of drugs. </p> <p>The son of ex-AFL footballer Orren Stephenson was riding his motorcycle home after attending a party to celebrate the grand final when he came off it about 1.42am, the court was told.</p> <p>Police found Stephenson lying in the middle of Armstrong Street South in Ballarat, with his black Kawasaki on its side in the service lane.</p> <p>"The motorcycle has slid out from underneath the accused, which had ejected the accused from the motorcycle," the prosecutor told the court.</p> <p>"Police had difficulty communicating with the accused due to his current state of intoxication."</p> <p>His blood was analysed and he tested positive to MDMA, with a blood alcohol reading of 0.148.</p> <p>Stephenson pleaded guilty to drug, drink and careless driving, with two other charges struck out.</p> <p>He has separately been committed to stand trial for the murder of missing Ballarat mother Samantha Murphy, after pleading not guilty to the offence in November.</p> <p>Mr Stephenson was charged with Samantha's murder in March, just weeks after the 51-year-old went missing after leaving home for a morning run on February 4th. </p> <p><em>Image credits: Supplied / Facebook</em></p>


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Two Aussies cop $35,000 fine for "illegal" enterprise

<p>A pair of Aussies have copped a $35,000 fine for illegally collecting masses of firewood for a black market enterprise. </p> <p>The duo were caught during a targeted patrol inside a national park in Victoria, where fallen timber is supposed to be left as wildlife habitat. </p> <p>They fled after they were approached by officers, according to Parks Victoria, but had left behind evidence of their illegal enterprise. </p> <p>Officers found records that identified the 44-year-old man and 31-year-old woman in their abandoned Commodore, as well as their sales record and social media accounts promoting their black market business. </p> <p>The pair were convicted of six charges at the Shepparton Magistrates’ Court on November 22, with the man fined $20,000 and the woman $15,000 for cutting, removing and selling firewood in the Lower Goulburn National Park in May, 2023.</p> <p>The couple faced additional charges for damaging wildlife habitat. </p> <p>On Wednesday, Parks Victoria issued a warning to the public to not fall for firewood scams and illegal wood sellers after almost 10,000 trees had been illegally felled across 462 hectares of public land last year.</p> <p>"The illegal cut and take of firewood from national parks and protected public land is theft," Andrew Dean, a Parks Victoria Senior Enforcement Officer, said in a statement. </p> <p>"Theft damages and destroys wildlife habitat and robs Victorians of the natural places they love to visit. Magistrate Zebrowski's verdict sends a strong and clear message: firewood theft will not be tolerated, and offenders will be held accountable for their actions.</p> <p>"We encourage consumers to use common sense when purchasing firewood. Any time a deal is too good to be true, it probably is."</p> <p>Fallen logs are important and a key habitat for Australian wildlife including the  marbled gecko, brown treecreeper and Peron’s tree frog. </p> <p><em>Images:  Parks Victoria</em></p>


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First driver fined under new road rules

<p>The driver of a luxury car is believed to be the first person fined under new rules that requires high-powered vehicle owners to hold a special license.</p> <p>New legislation in South Australia came into force on December 1st this year that requires drivers of ultra high-powered vehicles (UHPV) to hold a U class licence.</p> <p>Drivers who flout the rules can be hit with six demerit points a maximum fine of $2,500 for the first offence, with the penalty for subsequent offences potentially leading to one year of imprisonment.</p> <p>On Monday, police in South Australia revealed a man driving a Lamborghini had been fined for allegedly breaching the new law on Sunday: the first day the legislation came into force.</p> <p>“About 7.30am on Sunday 1 December, police stopped a Lamborghini Huracan on Queensborough Ave, Hillcrest after noticing it was not bearing a rear number plate,” a South Australia Police spokesman wrote in a media release.</p> <p>“The officer identified the vehicle as being classed as an UHPV however checks on the man’s licence revealed that he did not have the required ‘U’ class licence endorsement."</p> <p>“A 36-year-old man from Evandale was issued with an expiation notice for driving with an expired licence for that class of vehicle.”</p> <p>The requirement for the licence was introduced following the death of Sophia Naismith, according to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport.</p> <p>In 2019, Sophia Naismith, 15, and her friend were struck luxury Lamborghini after the luxury car mounted the kerb and hit the teenagers before crashing into a restaurant. </p> <p>The Naismiths campaigned for changes and they were introduced, with Attorney-General Kyam Maher saying: “If you drive an ultra high-powered vehicle, you need to go through training to have that accredited on your licence.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: South Australia Police</em></p>


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Lawyer warns Aussies over $30,000 fine for pigeon-feeding

<p>While feeding a pigeon a piece of bread seems like a harmless act, in two Australian states it could cost you a staggering $30,000 in fines. </p> <p>It is not uncommon for local councils in Western Australia or South Australia to issue infringements for feeding pigeons, with Sydney lawyer Avinash Singh warning Aussies of the potential fine "when a complaint is made — quite often neighbours will take videos and photos of the number of pigeons and the person feeding them."</p> <p>If the behaviour is repeated, local council may even issue a court attendance notice, Singh told <em>Yahoo News</em>. </p> <p>The lawyer explained that the SA legislation "was enacted to protect communities from local nuisance" and prevent littering. </p> <p>"There is an emphasis by the South Australian parliament on protecting property values and this legislation is one of the tools they can use to prevent behaviour that can negatively affect this," he said.</p> <p>While the fine isn't as high in the WA, the offence can cost an incredible $20,000. </p> <p>Feeding pigeons poses health risks, as pigeons can carry diseases that may be transmitted to humans and other animals such as respiratory infections and parasites.</p> <p>The act also encourages larger congregations of birds, increasing the risk of diseases spreading, and the overpopulation of pigeons can disrupt local ecosystems as they compete with native bird species for resources. </p> <p>Not only that, large flocks of pigeons can create a public nuisance by causing noise, dirt, and property damage, particularly through their corrosive droppings, which can damage buildings and infrastructure.</p> <p>"It's definitely one of Australia's strangest laws, and one that while it may be annoying for other people passing by or trying to relax, it's not something people think they can get in trouble with the law for," Singh said.</p> <p><em>Image: Reddit</em></p> <p> </p>


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Mum appeals "incorrect" $410 seatbelt fine

<p>April Miller and her husband had been visiting family in the Blue Mountains last month when the new detection cameras flagged her for not wearing her seatbelt properly. </p> <p>The Sydney mum argued otherwise, saying that the couple clearly had their seatbelts on and they were incorrectly fined. </p> <p>“We came back to a fine in the mail (claiming) our seatbelts weren’t on correctly,” she told <em>7NEWS</em>.</p> <p>“In the corner you can clearly see that we have our seatbelts on, both of us.</p> <p>“If you’ve broken the law, you’ve broken the law, but if you haven’t and there’s no reason for it, then that is frustrating.”</p> <p>She has since appealed the $410 fine and three demerit points, and while her first appeal was denied, it is not stopping her from trying again. </p> <p>The seatbelt detection cameras were implemented on July 1 this year, with the intention of saving lives, as 15 per cent of deaths on NSW roads each year involve seatbelt noncompliance. </p> <p>Shadow Transport Minister Natalie Ward said, “if the seatbelt was on, then the fine should be repaid”.</p> <p>“Fining motorists who do the right thing is unacceptable because it reduces community confidence.”</p> <p>Transport for NSW Centre for Road Safety executive director Bernard Carlon told <em>7NEWS</em> that “although the AI works to identify whether there is an offence that has been committed, there are two human reviews that happen after that” before an infringement is issued. </p> <p>“There can always be human error and we want to have a system that’s fair.”</p> <p>In just five months since the implementation of the cameras,  50,000 fines have been handed out.</p> <p>Fines for not wearing seatbelts have plummeted from more than 16,500 in July to about 9,800 in October.</p> <p>“There’s a massive reduction in the number of people offending, that’s really good,” Carlon said.</p> <p><em>Image: 7NEWS</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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NSW Government refunds millions of Covid fines

<p>Millions of dollars in fines dished out for breaches of Covid restrictions in NSW are set to be refunded, while close to 24,000 penalty notices will be officially erased. </p> <p>The announcement of the statewide refund by the NSW Fines Administration Commissioner on Tuesday came after legal advice cast doubt on the legal validity of the penalties handed out during Covid lockdowns. </p> <p>In total, more than $5.5 million will be handed back to those who have made either a full or partial payment towards paying off a Covid fine. </p> <p>Those in line for money, or with outstanding penalties, will be contacted by Revenue NSW within days.</p> <p>“Following representations made to the Commissioner of Police and myself concerning the validity of COVID-19 penalty notices, I have decided to exercise my statutory authority and withdraw these notices,” Fine Administration Commissioner Scott Johnston said.</p> <p>“Revenue NSW will be reaching out to all affected customers to support them through the finalisation of their matters.”</p> <p>At the height of the pandemic, the state government claimed they introduced the public health orders to "protect the community". </p> <p>Some fines have already been withdrawn, as in 2022 the Commissioner withdrew about 36,000 penalty notices tied to Covid-related offences because the information on them “made it difficult” for recipients to understand their offence.</p> <p>The remaining 23,539 penalty notices were believed to have provided a clearer explanation and were not withdrawn, but after further legal advice and consideration, it was considered “appropriate” to withdraw them too.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Xinhua News Agency/Shutterstock Editorial </em></p>


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Family cops $2k fine for little known offence

<p>A family in Sydney have been repeatedly fined for parking their car in their own driveway. </p> <p>Jane Mansfield, who lives in Sydney's south-west with her family of six, started copping fines for her parked car six months ago. </p> <div> <article> <div id="outbrain_widget_1" data-src="//" data-widget-id="AR_1" data-external-id="63f8b8e389687ebfeb24eb9bf5179b0b" data-ob-mark="true" data-browser="safari" data-os="macintel" data-dynload="" data-idx="1"> <p>"All up we're due to pay about $2,000 on a finance plan at the moment," she told <em>A Current Affair</em>.</p> <p>Both Jane and her husband each received one fine for parking slightly over the curb in their driveway, with both of them accepting the fine and putting them on a payment plan. </p> <p>"Then we tried to do the right thing by pulling the car onto the driveway further, and got another fine," Mansfield said.</p> <p>"Well, apparently, you need to go past the letterbox, and even being slightly out ... is not allowed. So I'm thinking, where am I meant to put my car?"</p> <p>According to the fine, the offence was for stopping on or across a driveway - which is her own.</p> <p>Each fine they have received is worth $320 and Mansfield claimed she is now running out of patience and money trying to keep up with the ridiculous fines. </p> <p>"Four children, rent's gone up, electricity, everything's gone up bill wise, so $2,000 to us is a huge amount," Mansfield said.</p> <p><em>Image credits: A Current Affair </em></p> </div> </article> </div>


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Aussie woman fined $20,000 for illegal wildlife trade

<p>A woman in Queensland has been slapped with a $20,000 fine for illegal wildlife trade. </p> <p>After a tip-off from a member of the public, officers with Queensland's Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DETSI) attended a residence in Nambour in January, where they found and seized 18 reptile eggs and 26 reptiles — many of which were found to be in poor health.</p> <p>DETSI officers said the discovery highlights a more pressing issue, which is the "increasing trend in people seeking to profit from high prices" that "our unique wildlife" fetch on domestic and international markets.</p> <p>The woman was found in possession of a northern blue-tongue lizard, a Woma python, carpet python, shingleback lizard, inland bearded dragon, children’s python, broad-shelled turtle and Centralian carpet python, among others.</p> <p>Senior Wildlife Officer Jonathan McDonald condemned the woman's behaviour, as she didn't provide adequate care for the snakes and reptiles to stay healthy in captivity. </p> <p>"Sadly, several of the reptiles were in poor condition and needed to be humanely euthanised," McDonald said.</p> <p>"The surviving reptiles can never be released to the wild as they may have been exposed to disease while they were in captivity." </p> <p>An independent veterinary exam of the reptiles seized revealed medical conditions like necrosis, dehydration, neurological defects and general poor health. </p> <p>The woman admitted to knowingly keeping the animals without valid licences, purchasing them from unlicensed sellers and operating a reptile business. </p> <p>She also could not provide mandatory records of sale for 13 of her purchased animals. </p> <p>Globally illegal wildlife trafficking is estimated to be worth $27 billion a year, ranking fourth in the world's illegal trades after drugs, counterfeit products, and human trafficking. </p> <p><em>Images: DETSI</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Driver fined $544 for little known road act

<p>A Mercedes driver has copped a massive fine after illegally transporting a ladder in the back of his car. </p> <p>The motorist thought he snagged a bargain on Gumtree, buying a ladder from someone who lived only a few streets away. </p> <p>But when he went to take the ladder home after placing it in the backseat of his car, the ladder was protruding almost one metre out the window. </p> <p>Highway Patrol officers in Sydney's west stopped the driver who said, "I picked it up from someone on Gumtree, I’m just going down the road".</p> <p>He was $544 and lost three demerit points by the roadside, with the short distance of travel between his purchase location and destination meaning nothing to police due to the dangerous nature of the act.</p> <p>The driver claims he "didn't know" it was an offence to drive with a protruding load, despite every state and territory handed an on-the-spot fine if any items stick out of a moving vehicle.</p> <p>"Due to the danger posed to other road users as well as the driver himself, he was issued with an infringement," NSW Police said, explaining that the driver was able to disassemble the ladder and store it "more suitably" in the car before taking off again.</p> <p>In NSW, the fine for driving with a protruding load will set a motorist back $349. Across the country, fines fall between $200 to $400 for drivers of light vehicles, however, those in heavy vehicles can pay thousands.</p> <p>Protruding loads can alter the weight distribution of a car and make it unstable and unsafe to drive, reducing a driver's control, while also posing a risk of hitting others on the road, pedestrians or cyclists.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Facebook</em></p>


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Pet owner fined $806 over simple mistake

<p>A poodle owner has been fined $806 over a 10-metre walk to the beach. </p> <p>John, who lives a few minutes away from Budd's Beach in Queensland, took his van down to the water's edge and walked roughly 10 metres across the shoreline with his dog Emma by his side. </p> <p>Little did he know that this common act would cost him $806 under new regulations that came into effect on July 31, where pet owners can get fined for not having a pet on a leash or not maintaining proper control of the leash while in public. </p> <p>"I thought that it was very unfair ...I was only traveling from my van to the water," John told <em>A Current Affair</em>. </p> <p>"I wasn't wandering along the footpath or in public areas or anywhere.</p> <p>"I was just passing, travelling from the car to the water... I really didn't think that I was doing anything wrong."</p> <p>John was fined for “failure to exercise effective control of a non regulated dog in a public place”. </p> <p>There are signs further up Budd's Beach that state dogs must be on a leash at all times, and John said he does use a lead when he takes his pup out for a walk. </p> <p>The massive fines are a part of the Queensland government's crackdown on dog attacks, with fines of up to $112,910 for more serious dog attack offences as well as up to three years imprisonment.</p> <p>“Changes were made to the AMCDA due to a rise in complaints about aggressive dogs and dog attacks, and the large number of dog-attack victims admitted to hospital each year in Queensland,” the Queensland government said in a statement online.</p> <p>Another Queensland resident has also been fined under the same laws for having her dog's lead under her foot during a coffee break. </p> <p>“It’s wrong, we are trying to survive and it is another stress I didn’t need,” the resident said. </p> <p>“She was on a lead and collar and she was behaving properly."</p> <p><em>Images: Nine</em></p>


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Aussie mum stunned by $1,700 jury duty fine

<p>A Sydney mum is searching for answers after being hit by a $1,715 fine for missing jury duty that she knew nothing about. </p> <p>The mum shared that she had just returned from an overseas  holiday to find the "hefty" fine, which said she needed pay the overdue penalty by October 9 for failing to attend jury duty for a court case in May, but she claims she had never been summoned. </p> <p>“I didn’t get this by the due date of October 9. However, I have also never seen the jury notice for May 28 nor any other notices since. So I’m in total and absolute shock,” she posted on social media. </p> <p>She asked other local mums for advice on getting the fine "ditched", explaining that she hasn't changed her address in decades and checks her mail every day. </p> <p>“The only mail I’ve received on the matter at all is this fine enforcement notice on return from overseas. It’s very strange. How can I prove I never received the original notice?”</p> <p>It turns out that the Aussie mum is not the only one who has encountered this, as several other Sydneysiders have been slapped with fines for missing jury duty. </p> <p>One woman claimed she had no idea she had a $1,000 fine for missing jury duty until she went onto Service NSW to pay a separate bill. </p> <p>“I had never received or seen a notice regarding jury duty or the associated fine,” she said. </p> <p>Others urged her to contact Service NSW and explain the error. </p> <p>“This happened to me a couple of months ago. You just call them and explain what happened. They are very understanding,” one woman said.</p> <p>“This happened to me in the past. I wasn’t travelling and have been in the same address, just simply didn’t receive the notice to serve jury duty. So I just wrote to them to explain my reason of not attending. They waived my fine,” another noted. </p> <p>According to the state’s Department of Communities and Justice you can have the fine reviewed if you: </p> <ul> <li>did attend jury service, or</li> <li>did not receive previous notices from the NSW Sheriff’s Office</li> <li>had a legitimate reason for not attending jury service</li> </ul> <p><em>Images: Facebook/ </em><em>B-E /</em></p>


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"Absurd" $312 fine for common bin act

<p>Aussies have been warned to not leave out their bins for too long unless they want to cop a $312 fine. </p> <p>An Adelaide resident was stunned after they received a "final warning" letter from their local council, stating it had received complaints over their bins. </p> <p>“How is ‘$312’ justified for leaving a bin out too long on a quiet back road,” the confused resident wrote on Reddit. </p> <p>They also said the penalty was "absurd", however, council said the resident was not fined. </p> <p>Hadi Jafari, another local from Kilburn, said he was "really surprised" about the cost. </p> <p>“$300 for a fine is really hard for people to afford, it is really a lot of money,” he told <em>The Advertiser</em>.</p> <p>He added that his family would struggle to pay the amount if they were fined over the common act. </p> <p>“We would probably have to repay it over time, I don’t think we could pay it at once so that is not good.”</p> <p>Under Port Adelaide Enfield Council’s waste management by-laws, bins have to be placed out after 4pm the night before rubbish collection and taken back in by midnight the day after. </p> <p>Council also clarified that it has only issued four fines in the last five years. </p> <p>Residents caught in the common act first receive a reminder letter that their bins have been reported to council. </p> <p>“However as a final resort expiations may be issued,” council said in a statement.</p> <p>The council said it receives 200 complaints annually in relation to bins being left on the street, however the number of warning letters issued has not been disclosed.  </p> <p>Port Adelaide Enfield Council noted other councils also have bylaws in place regarding bin collection.</p> <p>“This is because when people do not remove their bins from footpaths, it can result in impediments to people being able to use the footpath for walking, people with prams, people in wheelchairs, incorrect use of bins and contamination, and it can also impact vehicle and emergency access on streets.”</p> <p>Image: Shutterstock</p>


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$22,000 fine imposed on Waratah thieves

<p>A spate of thefts of one of Australia's most iconic native plants have prompted a furious warning from authorities. </p> <p>More than 20 Waratahs have "disappeared" from the Brisbane Water National Park on the Central Coast alone, according to NSW National Parks, and thieves can risk a potential fine of  $22,000 for hacking the bright flower. </p> <p>“It is illegal to pick waratahs or any other plant in any area protected under the National Parks and Wildlife Act,” an NPWS spokesperson told <em>Yahoo News</em>. </p> <p>Rangers can issue a $300 on-the-spot fine to those caught illegally picking the flower.</p> <p>“The maximum fine under the Biodiversity Conservation Act is $22,000. NPWS is keen to receive details of anyone illegally picking waratahs.”</p> <p>Over the long weekend, locals in the Blue Mountains have hit out at "selfish" tourists for "ripping" waratahs from their stems, with images of the act posted on social media. </p> <p>“Just went to check on a beautiful double header waratah in local bushland only to find someone, well prepared with their secateurs, has cut it clean off. Beyond disgusted!” environmental conservation organisation Wild Blue Mountains said.</p> <p>“This is just not on. They had been giving joy to everyone who passed them but now they’re gone due to one person’s selfish actions.”</p> <p>Last week, NSW National Parks had installed signage about “helping protect the Waratah” to deter culprits from taking them and they've even painted some of the stems with a “non-toxic blue paint”.</p> <p>“Waratahs need to go through their full lifecycle to produce seeds, so picking them deprives the ecosystem of a new generation of plants,” NSW National Parks said.</p> <p>“These flowers are more than just a pretty face, they also provide nectar for birds and other native animals. Please leave them be so we can all enjoy more of these beautiful flowers in years to come.</p> <p>“If you want to pick something in a national park, pick your nose instead!”</p> <p><em>Image: NSW National Parks/Instagram</em></p> <p> </p>


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The surprising unknown road rule that is costing drivers

<p dir="ltr">A woman has issued a warning to Aussie drivers after being threatened with a hefty fine for a common car decoration. </p> <p dir="ltr">Janelle McEvoy, a young woman from Perth, took to TikTok to recall the moment she learned that she could be facing a fine for having an air freshener hanging from her car’s rear view mirror. </p> <p dir="ltr">“I randomly got breath tested on the way to an event this morning and the police officer told me when I get home I need to remove this hanging from my car to avoid the $100 fine and the demerit point,” she said in her TikTok video, which has since had nearly 2 million views. </p> <p dir="ltr">“Doesn’t everyone have one of these hanging from their car? Where is it supposed to go?”</p> <p dir="ltr">Thousands of people flocked to the comments on the video to share their surprise over the obscure road rule, with one person writing, “The way my jaw dropped when you showed what it was cause I bought the exact same thing not too long ago.”</p> <p dir="ltr">Another added, “That’s crazy, I have like four air fresheners and two crystal chains hanging from my car.”</p> <p dir="ltr">The rule, which varies between states, can carry fines and possibly the loss of demerit points, if a police officer deems that the driver’s vision is obstructed from whatever is hanging from the mirror.</p> <p dir="ltr">In NSW, drivers without a clear view of the road can be fined $410 fine and have three demerit points issued.</p> <p dir="ltr">In other Aussie states, the fine for obstructed vision can range between $100 and $361. </p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>

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"It's just not OK": Parking inspectors under fire for fining innocent drivers

<p>Melbourne drivers are being hit with parking fines despite not doing anything wrong, raising questions about the legitimacy of the infringement notices. </p> <p>Emma Hodgkinson from Essendon told<em> 9News</em> that she was fined for supposedly overstaying in a two-hour parking zone. </p> <p>"I was furious, it's just not OK" she told the publication. </p> <p>Hodkinson had only left her house 40 minutes prior to the time stamp on the fine, and used CCTV footage from her home to prove it. </p> <p>"When I saw the timecode on the footage and I compared it to the time on the ticket I realised I hadn't done anything wrong and it was their mistake," she said.</p> <p>Many other drivers have had similar experiences, with one man from Richmond saying he received a $99 penalty earlier this month, despite having almost an hour left on his Pay Stay app. </p> <p>Another driver was fined by Stonnington Council who said he had parked for more than two hours even though he'd only been there for about 20 minutes. </p> <p>In most of these examples, many other cars in the same area had also been fined. </p> <p>"I was able to prove I was innocent but how are [the other drivers] going to be able to prove that?" Hodgkinson said.</p> <p>Council Watch representative Dean Hurlston said the reason why innocent drivers are being fined could be because council parking inspectors have to hit their quotas. </p> <p>"We know the job of a parking inspector is well paid for good reason," he told <em>9News</em>.</p> <p>"They definitely have quotas. Councils need money, they're cash strapped. This is a way to gouge and raise revenue."</p> <p>If you've been unfairly fined, it is important to collect as much evidence as possible, including photos and screenshots. </p> <p><em>Image: Nine News</em></p>


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