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Why we get less narcissistic with age

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Ava Green</a>, <a href="">City St George's, University of London</a></em></p> <p>There’s a perception that today’s youth are extremely narcissistic – fame-obsessed, selfish and vain. In fact, studies show this is <a href="">a common view</a> of young people, regardless of the times we live in. But are young people really more narcissistic? New research reveals that, as people age, <a href="">they do tend to become less narcissistic</a>.</p> <p>Narcissism is a complex, <a href="">multi-dimensional personality trait</a>, which captures features beyond vanity and self-absorption. Emerging <a href="">research</a> suggests there are <a href="">three different features</a> (called “dimensions”) of narcissism: agentic, antagonistic and neurotic.</p> <p>Agentic narcissism involves the need for admiration and feelings of superiority. Antagonistic narcissism is characterised by the exploitation of, and a lack of empathy towards, other people. Finally, neurotic narcissism refers to being sensitive and having difficulties regulating one’s emotions.</p> <p>In order to fully understand how narcissism develops, the new study looked at all the three features. They analysed data from 51 longitudinal studies (meaning studies which follow participants over time), all of which measured how participants’ levels of narcissism changed. The researchers coded whether each study measured one or more of three different dimensions of narcissism.</p> <p>To select the studies, the team used the American Psychiatric Association (APA) PsychInfo database of papers, searching for terms including “narcissism” and “narcissistic”. Each article was reviewed by two coders who were not part of the research team. The coders independently selected the studies based on details including sample size, gender ratio, measurement used, and the country in which the sample was collected.</p> <p>This robust procedure generated a large dataset which comprised of 37,247 participants (52% female) ranging from ages eight to 77 years. The majority of the participants were from western Europe, the US and Canada.</p> <p>Overall, the researchers found that all three dimensions of narcissism declined across the life span. There was a small decline for agentic narcissism and a moderate reduction for antagonistic and neurotic narcissism. The rate of change did not differ based on gender, age or birth cohort.</p> <p>Interestingly, the researchers also found that people’s narcissism relative to that of their peers remained consistent over the life span. In other words, people who were more narcissistic than average as children remained more narcissistic than average as adults.</p> <h2>Changing roles</h2> <p>What, then, are the mechanisms involved in people becoming less narcissistic as they go through life? One possible factor is to do with changing social roles across our lifespan. It is important to remember that narcissism exists along a spectrum, with the lower end being helpful (a healthy balance of self-esteem and confidence) and the higher end being unhelpful and malignant (fluctuating self-esteem, aggression and lack of empathy).</p> <p>It is possible that our <a href="">personalities adapt</a> when we make the transition into adulthood – which involves important individual and social responsibilities such as commitment to a relationship, leadership roles, or becoming a parent. After all, it is hard to successfully look after children or managing other people if you are too focused on yourself.</p> <p>Even in old age, narcissism continues to decline. That may be because people tend to follow paths which encourages altruistic values as opposed to egoistic values, such as commitment to their family and grandchildren. By this age, most people have probably also learned the hard way the punishing consequences of being hostile to others.</p> <p>This view is supported by <a href="">other research</a> suggesting that people develop more mature personality features in general over time, including becoming more emotionally stable, conscientious (hardworking and dutiful) and agreeable (kind and altruistic). As narcissism is considered to be the opposite of maturity, we expect, in theory, that features of narcissism (particularly the antagonistic and neurotic dimensions) to decrease across the life span.</p> <p>However, narcissism can increase over time in some people. Research shows that some aspects of narcissism, such as exploitation of others and lack of empathy, can increase when people assume positions of power. This is <a href="">particularly relevant</a> at work and <a href="">in relationships</a>.</p> <p>And let’s not forget that some people are simply just more narcissistic than others. Just because you’re 70 doesn’t mean you can’t be self-centered, it just means you might be less narcissistic than you once were.</p> <p>This may be partly down to genetics, but it may also be the case that certain environments exacerbate existing features of narcissism. For instance, certain parenting styles – including being neglectful, overprotective, and/or providing excessive praise by putting the child on a pedestal – have <a href="">all been linked</a> to children developing narcissism in adulthood, suggesting a good balance is key.</p> <p>It is important to understand more fully how narcissism changes across life. That is not least because we know that it can have a detrimental effects on the individual and the people around them.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Ava Green</em></a><em>, Lecturer in Forensic Psychology, <a href="">City St George's, University of London</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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‘Self-love’ might seem selfish. But done right, it’s the opposite of narcissism

<p><em><a href="">Ian Robertson</a>, <a href="">University of Wollongong</a></em></p> <p>“To love what you are, the thing that is yourself, is just as if you were embracing a glowing red-hot iron” <a href="">said psychonalyst Carl Jung</a>.</p> <p>Some may argue this social media generation does not seem to struggle with loving themselves. But is the look-at-me-ism so easily found on TikTok and Instagram the kind of self-love we need in order to flourish?</p> <p>The language of <a href="">positive psychology</a> can be – and often is – appropriated for all kinds of self-importance, as well as cynical marketing strategies.</p> <p>Loving yourself, though, psychological experts stress, is not the same as behaving selfishly. There’s a firm line between healthy and appropriate forms of loving yourself, and malignant or <a href="">narcissistic</a> forms. But how do we distinguish between them?</p> <p>In 2023, researchers Eva Henschke and Peter Sedlmeier conducted <a href="">a series of interviews</a> with psychotherapists and other experts on what self-love is. They’ve concluded it has three main features: self-care, self-acceptance and self-contact (devoting attention to yourself).</p> <p>But as an increasingly individualistic society, are we already devoting too much attention to ourselves?</p> <h2>Philosophy and self-love</h2> <p>Philosophers and psychology experts alike have considered the ethics of self-love.</p> <p>Psychology researcher Li Ming Xue and her colleagues, <a href="">exploring the notion of self-love in Chinese culture</a>, claim “Western philosophers believe that self-love is a virtue”. But this is a very broad generalisation.</p> <p>In the Christian tradition and in much European philosophy, <a href="">says philosopher Razvan Ioan</a>, self-love is condemned as a profoundly damaging trait.</p> <p>On the other hand, <a href="">many of the great Christian philosophers</a>, attempting to make sense of the instruction to love one’s neighbour as oneself, admitted certain forms of self-love were virtuous. In order to love your neighbour as yourself, you must, it would seem, love yourself.</p> <p>In the Western philosophical context, claim Xue and her colleagues, self-love is concerned with individual rights – “society as a whole only serves to promote an individual’s happiness”.</p> <p>This individualistic, self-concerned notion of self-love, they suggest, might come from the Ancient Greek philosophers. In particular, Aristotle. But <a href="">Aristotle thought only the most virtuous</a>, who benefited the society around them, should love themselves. By making this connection, he avoided equating self-love with self-centredness.</p> <p>We should love ourselves not out of vanity, he argued, but in virtue of our capacity for good. Does Aristotle, then, provide principled grounds for distinguishing between proper and improper forms of self-love?</p> <h2>Bar too high?</h2> <p>Aristotle might set the bar too high. If only the most virtuous should try to love themselves, this collides head-on with the idea loving yourself can help us improve and become more virtuous – as <a href="">philosophers Kate Abramson and Adam Leite have argued</a>.</p> <p>Many psychologists claim self-love is important for adopting the kind and compassionate self-perception crucial for overcoming conditions that weaponise self-criticism, like <a href="">clinical perfectionism</a> and <a href="">eating disorders</a>.</p> <p>More broadly, some argue compassion for oneself is necessary to support honest insights into your own behaviour. They believe we need warm and compassionate self-reflection to avoid the defensiveness that comes with the fear of judgement – even if we’re standing as our own judge.</p> <p>For this reason, a compassionate form of self-love is often necessary to follow Socrates’ advice to “know thyself”, says <a href="">philosopher Jan Bransen</a>. Positive self-love, by these lights, can help us grow as people.</p> <h2>Self-love ‘misguided and silly’</h2> <p>But not everyone agrees you need self-love to grow. The late philosopher <a href="">Oswald Hanfling</a> was deeply sceptical of this idea. In fact, he argued the notion of loving oneself was misguided and silly. His ideas are mostly rejected by philosophers of love, but pointing out where they go wrong can be useful.</p> <p>When you love someone, he said, you’re prepared to sacrifice your own interests for those of your beloved. But he thought the idea of sacrificing your own interests made no sense – which shows, he concluded, we can’t love ourselves.</p> <p><a href="">He wrote</a>: "I may sacrifice an immediate satisfaction for the sake of my welfare in the future, as in the case of giving up smoking. In this case, however, my motive is not love but self-interest. What I reveal in giving up smoking is not the extent of my love for myself, but an understanding that the long-term benefits of giving it up are likely to exceed the present satisfaction of going on with it."</p> <p>We often have conflicting interests (think of someone who is agonising over two different career paths) – and it’s not at all strange to sacrifice certain interests for the sake of others.</p> <p>This is not just a question of sacrificing short-term desires in favour of a long-term good, but a matter of sacrificing something of value for your ultimate benefit (or, so you hope).</p> <h2>Self-compassion</h2> <p>Hanfling fails to consider the role of compassionate self-love. While we might understand it’s in our interests to do something (for instance, repair bridges with someone we’ve fallen out with), it might take a compassionate and open disposition towards ourselves to recognise what’s in our best interests.</p> <p>We might need this self-compassion, too, in order to admit our failures – so we can overcome our defensiveness and see clearly how we’re failing to fulfil <a href="">these interests</a>.</p> <p>Self-acceptance in this context does not mean giving ourselves licence to run roughshod over the interests of those around us, nor to justify our flaws as “valid” rather than work on them.</p> <p>Self-love, as promoted by contemporary psychologists, means standing in a compassionate relationship to ourselves. And there’s nothing contradictory about this idea.</p> <p>Just as we strive to develop a supportive, kind relationship to the people we care about – and just as this doesn’t involve uncritical approval of everything they do – compassionate self-love doesn’t mean abandoning valid self-criticism.</p> <p>In fact, self-compassion has the opposite effect. It promotes comfort with the kind of critical self-assessment that helps us grow – which leads to resilience. It breeds the opposite of narcissistic self-absorption.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Ian Robertson</a>, PhD Candidate (Teaching roles at Macquarie &amp; Wollongong), <a href="">University of Wollongong</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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"Self-indulgent narcissism": Tina Arena slammed for breaking lockdown restrictions

<p>Tina Arena has come under fire for bragging about breaking Covid lockdown restrictions to resist what she called a "totalitarian" regime. </p> <p>The 55-year-old singer spoke candidly with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>The Weekend Australian</em></a>, reflecting on the 2021 Delta lockdowns and why she chose to deliberately break the restriction that prevented people from travelling within 5km of their homes. </p> <p>"Why can't you drive more than five kilometres? Guess what – watch me. So I did. I drove past my five kilometres. Am I a criminal now? You want to pull me up? Pull me up. You want to fine me? Fine me. I'm not the one with the issue here," she told the publication.</p> <p>"The issue is, there is no logic. You have no right to do that. You are fining me. This is totalitarian. We don't work like that."</p> <p>Tina went on to claim that she was the only person who was frustrated by the harsh lockdown measures enough to speak up. </p> <p>"I didn't hear anybody complaining ­during lockdown other than me: 'Why are we locked up? Where's your science? What? Why?; The fear was so much for me; it was choking me, I was like, I can't cope with all of you being so fear-driven like this, and compliant," she said.</p> <p>Tina's comments sparked outrage online, with many people weighing in on her "selfish" choice to break the rules.</p> <p>"Tina Arena is just the Pete Evans of Music," wrote one person, referring to the disgraced television chef who was criticised for his anti-vax views. </p> <p>"Tina Arena - just another ignorant, selfish, fearful individual who was unwilling to comply with lockdown orders at the height of a deadly pandemic before vaccines were available. Yes 'deadly'! I have zero sympathy for those who blatantly ignored the restrictions," said another. </p> <p>Another disgruntled reader said, "Tina Arena's self indulgent narcissism is astounding, does she think she was the only person feeling fearful, locked up and battling mental health issues during the pandemic?"</p> <p>Another person called out her actions, writing, "Very selfish of Tina Arena. Hundreds of healthcare workers were f***ing exhausted, people with disabilities and severe health conditions were (and still are) living in fear of getting sick and she decided the rules wouldn't apply to her. Very disappointing."</p> <p>Social media users were quick to point out her "selfish" comments, with one person putting things into perspective by saying, "Most of us weren't wallowing in self pity, we were just doing what we needed to do to keep our families safe."</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>


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