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Is stress turning my hair grey?

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Theresa Larkin</a>, <a href="">University of Wollongong</a></em></p> <p>When we start to go grey depends a lot on <a href="">genetics</a>.</p> <p>Your first grey hairs <a href="">usually appear</a> anywhere between your twenties and fifties. For men, grey hairs <a href="">normally</a> start at the temples and sideburns. Women tend to start greying on the hairline, especially at the front.</p> <p>The most <a href="">rapid greying</a> usually happens between ages 50 and 60. But does anything we do speed up the process? And is there anything we can do to slow it down?</p> <p>You’ve probably heard that plucking, dyeing and stress can make your hair go grey – and that redheads don’t. Here’s what the science says.</p> <h2>What gives hair its colour?</h2> <p>Each strand of hair is produced by a hair follicle, a tunnel-like opening in your skin. Follicles contain two different kinds of <a href="">stem cells</a>:</p> <ul> <li>keratinocytes, which produce <a href="">keratin</a>, the protein that makes and regenerates hair strands</li> <li>melanocytes, which produce <a href="">melanin</a>, the pigment that colours your hair and skin.</li> </ul> <p>There are <a href="">two main types</a> of melanin that <a href="">determine hair colour</a>. Eumelanin is a black-brown pigment and pheomelanin is a red-yellow pigment.</p> <p>The <a href=",is%20due%20to%20low%20amounts%20of%20both%20pigments.">amount of the different pigments</a> determines hair colour. Black and brown hair has mostly eumelanin, red hair has the most pheomelanin, and blonde hair has just a small amount of both.</p> <h2>So what makes our hair turn grey?</h2> <p>As we age, it’s normal for cells to become less active. In the hair follicle, this means stem cells produce less melanin – turning our hair grey – and less keratin, causing hair thinning and loss.</p> <p>As less melanin is produced, there is less pigment to give the hair its colour. Grey hair has very little melanin, while white hair has none left.</p> <p>Unpigmented hair <a href="">looks grey</a>, white or silver because light reflects off the keratin, which is pale yellow.</p> <p>Grey hair is thicker, coarser and stiffer than hair with pigment. This is because the shape of the hair follicle becomes <a href="">irregular</a> as the stem cells change with age.</p> <p>Interestingly, grey hair also grows faster than pigmented hair, but it <a href="">uses more energy</a> in the process.</p> <h2>Can stress turn our hair grey?</h2> <p>Yes, stress can <a href="">cause your hair to turn grey</a>. This happens when <a href="">oxidative stress</a> damages hair follicles and stem cells and <a href="">stops them producing</a> melanin.</p> <p>Oxidative stress is an imbalance of too many damaging free radical chemicals and not enough protective antioxidant chemicals in the body. It can be <a href="">caused by</a> psychological or emotional stress as well as autoimmune diseases.</p> <p><a href="">Environmental factors</a> such as exposure to UV and pollution, as well as smoking and some drugs, can also play a role.</p> <p>Melanocytes are <a href="">more susceptible to damage</a> than keratinocytes because of the complex steps in melanin production. This explains why ageing and stress usually cause hair greying before hair loss.</p> <p>Scientists have been able to link less pigmented sections of a hair strand to <a href="">stressful events in a person’s life</a>. In younger people, whose stems cells still produced melanin, colour returned to the hair after the stressful event passed.</p> <h2>4 popular ideas about grey hair – and what science says</h2> <p><strong>1. Does plucking a grey hair make more grow back in its place?</strong></p> <p>No. When you pluck a hair, you might notice a small bulb at the end that was attached to your scalp. This is the <a href="">root</a>. It grows from the hair follicle.</p> <p>Plucking a hair pulls the root out of the follicle. But the follicle itself is the opening in your skin and can’t be plucked out. Each hair follicle can only grow a single hair.</p> <p>It’s possible frequent plucking could make your hair <a href="">grey earlier</a>, if the cells that produce melanin are damaged or exhausted from too much regrowth.</p> <p><strong>2. Can my hair can turn grey overnight?</strong></p> <p>Legend says Marie Antoinette’s hair went <a href="">completely white</a> the night before the French queen faced the guillotine – but this is a myth.</p> <p>Melanin in hair strands is chemically stable, meaning it can’t transform instantly.</p> <p>Acute psychological stress does rapidly deplete melanocyte stem cells <a href="">in mice</a>. But the effect doesn’t show up immediately. Instead, grey hair becomes visible as the strand grows – at a rate of <a href="">about 1 cm per month</a>.</p> <p><a href="">Not all hair</a> is in the growing phase at any one time, meaning it can’t all go grey at the same time.</p> <p><strong>3. Will dyeing make my hair go grey faster?</strong></p> <p>This <a href="">depends on the dye</a>.</p> <p>Temporary and semi-permanent dyes should not cause early greying because they just coat the hair strand without changing its structure. But permanent products cause a chemical reaction with the hair, using an oxidising agent such as hydrogen peroxide.</p> <p>Accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and <a href="">other hair dye chemicals</a> in the hair follicle <a href="">can damage</a> melanocytes and keratinocytes, which can cause greying and hair loss.</p> <p><strong>4. Is it true redheads don’t go grey?</strong></p> <p>People with red hair also lose melanin as they age, but differently to those with black or brown hair.</p> <p>This is because the red-yellow and black-brown pigments are chemically different.</p> <p>Producing the brown-black pigment eumelanin is more complex and <a href="">takes more energy</a>, making it more susceptible to damage.</p> <p>Producing the red-yellow pigment (pheomelanin) causes <a href="">less oxidative stress</a>, and is more simple. This means it is easier for stem cells to continue to produce pheomelanin, even as they reduce their activity with ageing.</p> <p>With ageing, red hair tends to fade into strawberry blonde and silvery-white. Grey colour is due to less eumelanin activity, so is more common in those with black and brown hair.</p> <p>Your genetics determine when you’ll start going grey. But you may be able to avoid premature greying by staying healthy, reducing stress and avoiding smoking, too much alcohol and UV exposure.</p> <p>Eating <a href="">a healthy diet</a> may also help because vitamin B12, copper, iron, calcium and zinc all <a href="">influence melanin production and hair pigmentation</a>.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Theresa Larkin</a>, Associate Professor of Medical Sciences, <a href="">University of Wollongong</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>

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Is your smartwatch making you anxious? Wearables can lead people to stress more about their health

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><strong><a href="">Caleb Ferguson</a>, <em><a href="">University of Wollongong</a></em></strong></p> <p>Wearable trackers and monitors (such as smartwatches) are <a href="">increasingly popular and sophisticated</a>. For people living with heart conditions, they can provide important information, including updates about abnormalities in heart rate and rhythm.</p> <p>But a recent study published in the <a href="">Journal of the American Heart Association</a> found using wearables to monitor heart conditions like atrial fibrillation – an irregular heartbeat – can actually make people more anxious about their health.</p> <p>It’s a catch-22 situation: the wearable device may help you better manage your chronic heart condition, but wearing it could make you anxious – which is bad for those conditions.</p> <p>So what are the tradeoffs? And how can we get the most out of wearables, without unnecessary worry?</p> <h2>Wearables to monitor heart conditions</h2> <p>Wearables are playing an increasing role in managing and <a href="">detecting</a> conditions like atrial fibrillation, the <a href="">most common heart rhythm problem</a>.</p> <p>Atrial fibrillation <a href="">affects</a> around 2% of the general population, and about 5% of those aged over 55. Symptoms may include palpitations, fatigue and shortness of breath, although some patients may live relatively symptom-free. Self management is important to improve quality of life and prevent complications, such as stroke and heart failure.</p> <p>People with atrial fibrillation also often experience high rates of <a href="">anxiety linked to their condition</a>. <a href="">Psychological distress</a> – including anxiety, depression and worry about symptoms – affects between 25% and 50% of those living with the condition.</p> <p>Wearable devices can help people understand and monitor their condition by providing heart rate and rhythm data and alerts to detect atrial fibrillation episodes. This can be helpful to understand the impact of their disease, particularly for those living with paroxysmal (or episodic) atrial fibrillation.</p> <p><a href="">One study</a> found smartwatches were very effective at detecting irregular heart rhythms – and could help manage and even prevent them.</p> <p>But any benefits of using wearables to monitor atrial fibrillation need to be balanced with the high rates of anxiety people with this condition experience, to make sure their use doesn’t exacerbate psychological distress.</p> <h2>Wearables can empower patients</h2> <p>For many people, the sense they are receiving reliable, objective and personalised health data can encourage <a href="">feelings of confidence, safety and assurance</a>, especially when combined with symptom trackers or patient diaries.</p> <p>This may allow patients to self-manage their condition at home with their families, rather than spending time in hospital – reducing anxiety and stress.</p> <p>In a clinical setting, data may also encourage patients to take part in <a href="">shared decision-making</a>. Interpreting health data together with doctors or other health-care professionals, they can develop goals and action plans, including when to seek help from a GP – and when to go to hospital.</p> <p>Patients who understand their condition <a href="">tend to report</a> fewer atrial fibrillation symptoms.</p> <h2>But wearables can induce anxiety</h2> <p>The study published by the Journal of the American Heart Association examined the behaviour and wellbeing of 172 people with atrial fibrillation over a nine-month period.</p> <p>It found the 83 people who used wearables to monitor their condition were more worried about their symptoms and treatment, with one in five experiencing “intense anxiety”.</p> <p>Chronic anxiety can contribute to stress, burnout and poor physical health, which in turn can <a href="">exacerbate heart conditions</a>.</p> <p>Previous <a href="">research</a> has also explored the impacts of wearables on patients with long-term conditions, including heart disease. Patients in this study similarly reported increased anxiety while using these devices, as one explained:</p> <blockquote> <p>I am one of these people who do worry about things. I do get concerned about myself […] and I just thought this is silly. This is reminding me every day, […] I wonder what my reading is, how good it is or how bad it is […]. Every time as soon I started thinking about it, I started thinking about my illness.</p> </blockquote> <p>Some people also <a href="">describe</a> being a “prisoner of the numbers”. They feel they “need to keep checking the device to know how they were doing, leading to the device dominating their lives”.</p> <p>The volume and frequency of notifications, alarms and vibrations from wearable devices can be overwhelming and make people worry about their health.</p> <p>Information overload can also discourage self-management, with notifications instead prompting people to seek health advice more often than they otherwise would. But this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.</p> <p>For other people, low levels of health or digital literacy – not knowing how to use the devices or interpret the data – may make them feel so stressed or anxious they <a href="">abandon wearables</a> altogether.</p> <h2>The future of wearables</h2> <p>In the future, digital devices may help paint a holistic picture of health and wellbeing through a “<a href="">digital phenotype</a>” that combines data like sleep patterns, weight changes and physical activity.</p> <p>But more research is needed to understand the effects of wearables – including their notifications and alarms – on patients’ anxiety levels.</p> <p>If you already use a wearable device for health monitoring, it can be helpful to regularly review the data and notification settings. You may wish to discuss how you are using your device to help you self-manage your condition with your doctor or nurse.</p> <p>With any chronic disease, having a management action plan is important. This includes discussing with your health-care professional when to seek care (such as attending the emergency department or GP).</p> <p>Meanwhile, there’s still work to be done to help make nurses and doctors feel more confident <a href="">integrating wearables</a> – and the data they provide – into patient care.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Caleb Ferguson</a>, Professor of Nursing; Director of Health Innnovations, <a href="">University of Wollongong</a></em></p> <p><em>Image </em><em>credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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What is ‘breathwork’? And do I need to do it?

<div class="theconversation-article-body"> <p><em><a href="">Theresa Larkin</a>, <a href="">University of Wollongong</a> and <a href="">Judy Pickard</a>, <a href="">University of Wollongong</a></em></p> <p>From “breathwork recipes” to breathing techniques, many <a href="">social media</a> and <a href="">health websites</a> are recommending breathwork to reduce stress.</p> <p>But breathwork is not new. Rather it is the latest in a long history of breathing techniques such as <a href="">Pranayama</a> from India and <a href=",one%20or%20two%20balancing%20poses.">qigong</a> from China. Such practices have been used for thousands of years to promote a healthy mind and body.</p> <p>The benefits can be immediate and obvious. Try taking a deep breath in through your nose and exhaling slowly. Do you feel a little calmer?</p> <p>So, what’s the difference between the breathing we do to keep us alive and breathwork?</p> <h2>Breathwork is about control</h2> <p>Breathwork is <a href="">not the same</a> as <a href="">other mindfulness practices</a>. While the latter focus on observing the breath, breathwork is about <a href="">controlling inhalation and exhalation</a>.</p> <p>Normally, breathing happens automatically via messages from the brain, outside our conscious control. But we can control our breath, by directing the movement of our diaphragm and mouth.</p> <p><a href="">The diaphragm</a> is a large muscle that separates our thoracic (chest) and abdominal (belly) cavities. When the diaphragm contracts, it expands the thoracic cavity and pulls air into the lungs.</p> <p>Controlling how deep, how often, how fast and through what (nose or mouth) we inhale is the crux of breathwork, from <a href="">fire breathing</a> to the <a href="">humming bee breath</a>.</p> <h2>Breathwork can calm or excite</h2> <p>Even small bits of breathwork can have physical and mental health benefits and <a href="">complete the stress cycle</a> to avoid burnout.</p> <p>Calming breathwork includes diaphragmatic (belly) breathing, slow breathing, pausing between breaths, and specifically slowing down the exhale.</p> <p>In diaphragmatic breathing, you consciously contract your diaphragm down into your abdomen to inhale. This pushes your belly outwards and makes your breathing deeper and slower.</p> <p>You can also <a href="">slow the breath</a> by doing:</p> <ul> <li> <p><a href="">box breathing</a> (count to four for each of four steps: breathe in, hold, breathe out, hold), or</p> </li> <li> <p><a href="">coherent breathing</a> (controlled slow breathing of five or six breaths per minute), or</p> </li> <li> <p><a href="">alternate nostril breathing</a> (close the left nostril and breathe in slowly through the right nostril, then close the right nostril and breathe out slowly through the left nostril, then repeat the opposite way).</p> </li> </ul> <p>You can slow down the exhalation specifically by counting, humming or pursing your lips as you breathe out.</p> <p>In contrast to these calming breathing practices, energising fast-paced breathwork increases arousal. For example, <a href="">fire breathing</a> (breathe in and out quickly, but not deeply, through your nose in a consistent rhythm) and <a href="">Lion’s breath</a> (breathe out through your mouth, stick your tongue out and make a strong “haa” sound).</p> <h2>What is happening in the body?</h2> <p>Deep and slow breathing, especially with a long exhale, is the best way to <a href="">stimulate the vagus nerves</a>. The vagus nerves pass through the diaphragm and are the main nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system.</p> <p>Simulating the vagus nerves calms our sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) stress response. This improves mood, lowers the stress hormone <a href="">cortisol</a> and helps to regulate emotions and responses. It also promotes more <a href="">coordinated brain activity</a>, <a href="">improves immune function and reduces inflammation</a>.</p> <p>Taking deep, diaphragmatic breaths also has <a href="">physical benefits</a>. This improves blood flow, lung function and exercise performance, increases oxygen in the body, and strengthens the diaphragm.</p> <p><a href=",et%20al.%2C%202001">Slow breathing</a> reduces heart rate and blood pressure and increases heart rate variability (normal variation in <a href="">time between heart beats</a>). These are linked to better heart health.</p> <p>Taking shallow, quick, rhythmic breaths in and out through your nose stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. Short-term, controlled activation of the stress response is healthy and <a href="">develops resilience to stress</a>.</p> <h2>Breathing in through the nose</h2> <p>We are designed to <a href="">inhale through our nose</a>, not our mouth. Inside our nose are lots of <a href="">blood vessels, mucous glands and tiny hairs called cilia</a>. These warm and humidify the air we breathe and filter out germs and toxins.</p> <p>We want the air that reaches our airways and lungs to be clean and moist. Cold and dry air is irritating to our nose and throat, and we don’t want germs to get into the body.</p> <p><a href=";utm_medium=PressRelease&amp;utm_campaign=1.17.2024">Nasal breathing</a> increases parasympathetic activity and releases nitric oxide, which improves airway dilation and lowers blood pressure.</p> <p>Consistently breathing through our mouth <a href="">is not healthy</a>. It can lead to <a href="">pollutants</a> and <a href=",barriers%20to%20long%2Dterm%20enjoyment.">infections</a> reaching the lungs, snoring, sleep apnoea, and <a href="">dental issues</a> including cavities and jaw joint problems.</p> <h2>A free workout</h2> <p><a href="">Slow breathing</a> – even short sessions at home – can reduce stress, anxiety and depression in the general population and among those with clinical depression or anxiety. Research on breathwork in <a href="">helping post-traumatic stress disorder</a> (PTSD) is also promising.</p> <p>Diaphragmatic breathing to improve lung function and strengthen the diaphragm can improve breathing and exercise intolerance in <a href="">chronic heart failure</a>, <a href="">chronic obstructive pulmonary disease</a> and <a href="">asthma</a>. It can also <a href=",barriers%20to%20long%2Dterm%20enjoyment.">improve exercise performance</a> and <a href="">reduce oxidative stress</a> (an imbalance of more free radicals and/or less antioxidants, which can damage cells) after exercise.</p> <h2>A mind-body connection you can access any time</h2> <p>If you feel stressed or anxious, you might subconsciously <a href="">take shallow, quick breaths</a>, but this can make you feel more anxious. Deep diaphragmatic breaths through your nose and focusing on strong exhalations can help break this cycle and bring calm and mental clarity.</p> <p>Just <a href="">a few minutes a day</a> of breathwork can improve your physical and mental health and wellbeing. Daily deep breathing exercises <a href="">in the workplace</a> reduce blood pressure and stress, which is important since <a href="">burnout rates are high</a>.</p> <p>Bottom line: any conscious control of your breath throughout the day is positive.</p> <p>So, next time you are waiting in a line, at traffic lights or for the kettle to boil, take a moment to focus on your breath. Breathe deeply into your belly through your nose, exhale slowly, and enjoy the benefits.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Theresa Larkin</a>, Associate professor of Medical Sciences, <a href="">University of Wollongong</a> and <a href="">Judy Pickard</a>, Senior Lecturer, Clinical Psychology, <a href="">University of Wollongong</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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Stuck in fight-or-flight mode? 5 ways to complete the ‘stress cycle’ and avoid burnout or depression

<div class="theconversation-article-body"> <p>Can you remember a time when you felt stressed leading up to a big life event and then afterwards felt like a weight had been lifted? This process – the ramping up of the stress response and then feeling this settle back down – shows completion of the “stress cycle”.</p> <p>Some stress in daily life is unavoidable. But remaining stressed is unhealthy. <a href="">Chronic stress</a> increases <a href="">chronic health conditions</a>, including heart disease and stroke and diabetes. It can also lead to <a href="">burnout</a> or <a href="">depression</a>.</p> <p>Exercise, cognitive, creative, social and self-soothing activities help us process stress in healthier ways and complete the stress cycle.</p> <h2>What does the stress cycle look like?</h2> <p>Scientists and researchers refer to the “stress response”, often with a focus on the fight-or-flight reactions. The phrase the “stress cycle” has been made popular by <a href="">self-help experts</a> but it does have a scientific basis.</p> <p>The <a href="">stress cycle</a> is our body’s response to a stressful event, whether real or perceived, physical or psychological. It could be being chased by a vicious dog, an upcoming exam or a difficult conversation.</p> <p>The stress cycle has three stages:</p> <ul> <li> <p><strong>stage 1</strong> is perceiving the threat</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>stage 2</strong> is the fight-or-flight response, driven by our stress hormones: adrenaline and cortisol</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>stage 3</strong> is relief, including physiological and psychological relief. This completes the stress cycle.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Different people will respond to stress differently based on their life experiences and <a href=",renin%2Dangiotensin%2Daldosterone%20system%20or">genetics</a>.</p> <p>Unfortunately, many people experience <a href="">multiple and ongoing stressors</a> out of their control, including the cost-of-living crisis, extreme weather events and <a href="">domestic violence</a>.</p> <p>Remaining in stage 2 (the flight-or-flight response), can lead to chronic stress. <a href="">Chronic stress</a> and high cortisol can increase <a href="">inflammation</a>, which damages our brain and other organs.</p> <p>When you are stuck in chronic fight-or-flight mode, you don’t think clearly and are more easily distracted. Activities that provide temporary pleasure, such as eating junk food or drinking alcohol are <a href="">unhelpful strategies</a> that do not reduce the stress effects on our brain and body. Scrolling through social media is also not an effective way to complete the stress cycle. In fact, this is associated with an <a href="">increased stress response</a>.</p> <h2>Stress and the brain</h2> <p>In the brain, chronic high cortisol can <a href="">shrink the hippocampus</a>. This can <a href=",%2C%20memory%2C%20motivation%20and%20emotion.&amp;text=Therefore%2C%20reduced%20hippocampal%20volumes%20should,in%20patients%20with%20major%20depression">impair a person’s memory</a> and their capacity to think and concentrate.</p> <p>Chronic high cortisol also <a href=",brain%20regions%20(BOX%201).">reduces activity</a> in the prefrontal cortex but <a href="">increases activity</a> in the amygdala.</p> <p>The prefrontal cortex is responsible for higher-order control of our thoughts, behaviours and emotions, and is <a href="">goal-directed</a> and rational. The amygdala is involved in reflexive and emotional responses. Higher amygdala activity and lower prefrontal cortex activity explains why we are less rational and more emotional and reactive when we are stressed.</p> <p>There are five <a href="">types of activities</a> that can help our brains complete the stress cycle.</p> <figure><iframe src=";start=0" width="440" height="260" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><figcaption><span class="caption">It can help to understand how the brain encounters stress.</span></figcaption></figure> <h2>1. Exercise – its own complete stress cycle</h2> <p>When we exercise we get a short-term spike in cortisol, followed by a <a href="">healthy reduction</a> in cortisol and adrenaline.</p> <p>Exercise also <a href=",distract%20you%20from%20daily%20worries.&amp;text=You%20know%20that%20exercise%20does,fit%20it%20into%20your%20routine.">increases endorphins and serotonin</a>, which improve mood. Endorphins cause an elated feeling often called “runner’s high” and have <a href="">anti-inflammatory effects</a>.</p> <p>When you exercise, there is more blood flow to the brain and <a href="">higher activity</a> in the prefrontal cortex. This is why you can often think more clearly after a walk or run. Exercise can be a helpful way to <a href="">relieve feelings of stress</a>.</p> <p>Exercise can also increase the <a href="">volume</a> of the <a href="">hippocampus</a>. This is linked to better short-term and long-term memory processing, as well as reduced stress, depression and anxiety.</p> <h2>2. Cognitive activities – reduce negative thinking</h2> <p>Overly negative thinking can trigger or extend the stress response. In our 2019 research, we found the relationship between stress and cortisol was <a href="">stronger in people with more negative thinking</a>.</p> <p>Higher amygdala activity and less rational thinking when you are stressed can lead to <a href="">distorted thinking</a> such as focusing on negatives and rigid “black-and-white” thinking.</p> <p>Activities to reduce negative thinking and promote a more realistic view can reduce the stress response. In clinical settings this is usually called <a href="">cognitive behaviour therapy</a>.</p> <p>At home, this could be journalling or writing down worries. This engages the logical and rational parts of our brain and helps us think more realistically. Finding evidence to challenge negative thoughts (“I’ve prepared well for the exam, so I can do my best”) can help to complete the stress cycle.</p> <h2>3. Getting creative – a pathway out of ‘flight or fight’</h2> <p>Creative activities can be art, craft, gardening, cooking or <a href="">other activities</a> such as doing a puzzle, juggling, music, theatre, dancing or simply being absorbed in enjoyable work.</p> <p>Such pursuits increase <a href="">prefrontal cortex activity</a> and promote flow and focus.</p> <p>Flow is a <a href="">state of full engagement</a> in an activity you enjoy. It lowers high-stress levels of noradrenaline, the brain’s adrenaline. When you are focussed like this, the brain only processes information relevant to the task and ignores non-relevant information, including stresses.</p> <h2>4. Getting social and releasing feel-good hormones</h2> <p>Talking with someone else, physical affection with a person or pet and laughing can all <a href="">increase oxytocin</a>. This is a chemical messenger in the brain that increases social bonding and makes us feel connected and safe.</p> <p>Laughing is also a social activity that <a href="">activates parts</a> of the limbic system – the part of the brain involved in emotional and behavioural responses. This increases <a href="">endorphins</a> and <a href="">serotonin</a> and improves our mood.</p> <h2>5. Self-soothing</h2> <p>Breathing <a href="">exercises</a> and meditation stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (which calms down our stress responses so we can “reset”) via the <a href="">vagus nerves</a>, and <a href="">reduce cortisol</a>.</p> <p>A good <a href=",self%2Dsoothing%20effects%20of%20crying.">cry can help too</a> by releasing stress energy and increasing oxytocin and endorphins.</p> <p><a href=",of%201.9%20times%20a%20month.">Emotional tears</a> also remove cortisol and the hormone prolactin from the body. Our prior research showed <a href="">cortisol</a> and <a href="">prolactin</a> were associated with depression, anxiety and hostility.<em><a href="">Theresa Larkin</a>, <a href="">University of Wollongong</a> and <a href="">Susan J. Thomas</a>, <a href="">University of Wollongong</a></em></p> <h2>Action beats distraction</h2> <p>Whether it’s watching a funny or sad movie, exercising, journalling, gardening or doing a puzzle, there is science behind why you should complete the stress cycle.</p> <p>Doing at least one positive activity every day can also reduce our baseline stress level and is beneficial for good mental health and wellbeing.</p> <p>Importantly, chronic stress and <a href="">burnout</a> can also indicate the need for change, <a href="">such as in our workplaces</a>. However, not all stressful circumstances can be easily changed. Remember help is always available.</p> <p>If you have concerns about your stress or health, please talk to a doctor.</p> <p><em>If this article has raised issues for you, or if you’re concerned about someone you know, call <a href="">Lifeline</a> on 13 11 14 or <a href="">Kids Helpline</a> on 1800 55 1800.</em><!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Theresa Larkin</a>, Associate professor of Medical Sciences, <a href="">University of Wollongong</a> and <a href="">Susan J. Thomas</a>, Associate professor in Mental Health and Behavioural Science, <a href="">University of Wollongong</a></em></p> <p><em>Image </em><em>credits: Getty Images </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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How much stress is too much? A psychiatrist explains the links between toxic stress and poor health − and how to get help

<p><a href="">La<em>wson R. Wulsin</em></a><em>, <a href="">University of Cincinnati </a></em></p> <p>COVID-19 taught most people that the line between tolerable and toxic stress – defined as persistent demands that lead to disease – varies widely. But some people will age faster and die younger from toxic stressors than others.</p> <p>So how much stress is too much, and what can you do about it?</p> <p>I’m a <a href="">psychiatrist specializing in psychosomatic medicine</a>, which is the study and treatment of people who have physical and mental illnesses. My research is focused on people who have psychological conditions and medical illnesses as well as those whose stress exacerbates their health issues.</p> <p>I’ve spent my career studying mind-body questions and training physicians to treat mental illness in primary care settings. My <a href="">forthcoming book</a> is titled “Toxic Stress: How Stress is Killing Us and What We Can Do About It.”</p> <p>A 2023 study of stress and aging over the life span – one of the first studies to confirm this piece of common wisdom – found that four measures of stress all speed up the pace of biological aging in midlife. It also found that persistent high stress ages people in a comparable way to the <a href="">effects of smoking and low socioeconomic status</a>, two well-established risk factors for accelerated aging.</p> <figure><iframe src=";start=0" width="440" height="260" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><figcaption><span class="caption">Children with alcoholic or drug-addicted parents have a greater risk of developing toxic stress.</span></figcaption></figure> <h2>The difference between good stress and the toxic kind</h2> <p>Good stress – a demand or challenge you readily cope with – is good for your health. In fact, the rhythm of these daily challenges, including feeding yourself, cleaning up messes, communicating with one another and carrying out your job, helps to regulate your stress response system and keep you fit.</p> <p>Toxic stress, on the other hand, wears down your stress response system in ways that have lasting effects, as psychiatrist and trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk explains in his bestselling book “<a href="">The Body Keeps the Score</a>.”</p> <p>The earliest effects of toxic stress are often persistent symptoms such as headache, fatigue or abdominal pain that interfere with overall functioning. After months of initial symptoms, a full-blown illness with a life of its own – such as migraine headaches, asthma, diabetes or ulcerative colitis – may surface.</p> <p>When we are healthy, our stress response systems are like an orchestra of organs that miraculously tune themselves and play in unison without our conscious effort – a process called self-regulation. But when we are sick, some parts of this orchestra struggle to regulate themselves, which causes a cascade of stress-related dysregulation that contributes to other conditions.</p> <p>For instance, in the case of diabetes, the hormonal system struggles to regulate sugar. With obesity, the metabolic system has a difficult time regulating energy intake and consumption. With depression, the central nervous system develops an imbalance in its circuits and neurotransmitters that makes it difficult to regulate mood, thoughts and behaviors.</p> <h2>‘Treating’ stress</h2> <p>Though stress neuroscience in recent years has given researchers like me <a href="">new ways to measure and understand stress</a>, you may have noticed that in your doctor’s office, the management of stress isn’t typically part of your treatment plan.</p> <p>Most doctors don’t assess the contribution of stress to a patient’s common chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity, partly because stress is complicated to measure and partly because it is difficult to treat. In general, doctors don’t treat what they can’t measure.</p> <p>Stress neuroscience and epidemiology have also taught researchers recently that the chances of developing serious mental and physical illnesses in midlife rise dramatically when people are exposed to trauma or adverse events, especially during <a href="">vulnerable periods such as childhood</a>.</p> <p>Over the past 40 years in the U.S., the alarming rise in <a href="">rates of diabetes</a>, <a href="">obesity</a>, depression, PTSD, <a href="">suicide</a> and addictions points to one contributing factor that these different illnesses share: toxic stress.</p> <p>Toxic stress increases the risk for the onset, progression, complications or early death from these illnesses.</p> <h2>Suffering from toxic stress</h2> <p>Because the definition of toxic stress varies from one person to another, it’s hard to know how many people struggle with it. One starting point is the fact that about 16% of adults report having been exposed to <a href="">four or more adverse events in childhood</a>. This is the threshold for higher risk for illnesses in adulthood.</p> <p>Research dating back to before the COVID-19 pandemic also shows that about 19% of adults in the U.S. have <a href="">four or more chronic illnesses</a>. If you have even one chronic illness, you can imagine how stressful four must be.</p> <p>And about 12% of the U.S. population <a href="">lives in poverty</a>, the epitome of a life in which demands exceed resources every day. For instance, if a person doesn’t know how they will get to work each day, or doesn’t have a way to fix a leaking water pipe or resolve a conflict with their partner, their stress response system can never rest. One or any combination of threats may keep them on high alert or shut them down in a way that prevents them from trying to cope at all.</p> <p>Add to these overlapping groups all those who struggle with harassing relationships, homelessness, captivity, severe loneliness, living in high-crime neighborhoods or working in or around noise or air pollution. It seems conservative to estimate that about 20% of people in the U.S. live with the effects of toxic stress.</p> <figure><iframe src=";start=0" width="440" height="260" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><figcaption><span class="caption">Exercise, meditation and a healthy diet help fight toxic stress.</span></figcaption></figure> <h2>Recognizing and managing stress and its associated conditions</h2> <p>The first step to managing stress is to recognize it and talk to your primary care clinician about it. The clinician may do an assessment involving a <a href="">self-reported measure of stress</a>.</p> <p>The next step is treatment. Research shows that it is possible to retrain a dysregulated stress response system. This approach, <a href="">called “lifestyle medicine</a>,” focuses on improving health outcomes through changing high-risk health behaviors and adopting daily habits that help the stress response system self-regulate.</p> <p>Adopting these lifestyle changes is not quick or easy, but it works.</p> <p>The <a href="">National Diabetes Prevention Program</a>, the <a href="">Ornish “UnDo” heart disease program</a> and the <a href="">U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs PTSD program</a>, for example, all achieve a slowing or reversal of stress-related chronic conditions through weekly support groups and guided daily practice over six to nine months. These programs help teach people how to practice personal regimens of stress management, diet and exercise in ways that build and sustain their new habits.</p> <p>There is now strong evidence that it is possible to treat toxic stress in ways that improve health outcomes for people with stress-related conditions. The next steps include finding ways to expand the recognition of toxic stress and, for those affected, to expand access to these new and effective approaches to treatment.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Lawson R. Wulsin</em></a><em>, Professor of Psychiatry and Family Medicine, <a href="">University of Cincinnati</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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Undernourished, stressed and overworked: cost-of-living pressures are taking a toll on Australians’ health

<p><em><a href="">Nicole Black</a>, <a href="">Monash University</a>; <a href="">Anthony Harris</a>, <a href="">Monash University</a>; <a href="">Danusha Jayawardana</a>, <a href="">Monash University</a>, and <a href="">David Johnston</a>, <a href="">Monash University</a></em></p> <p>For the past few years, it has been impossible to escape the impact of inflation. Meeting our most basic needs – such as food, housing and health care – now costs significantly more, and wage increases <a href="">haven’t kept up</a>.</p> <p>There are signs relief could be on the horizon. Inflation has fallen to its <a href="">lowest levels</a> since January 2022.</p> <p>But Australia now also finds itself in the midst of an <a href="">economic downturn</a>, putting further pressure on households.</p> <p>Rising prices have an obvious negative impact on our financial health. But they can also have a profound effect on our physical and mental wellbeing, which is often overlooked.</p> <p>Australians may continue to feel the health effects of high inflation for quite some time.</p> <h2>It’s costing more to live well</h2> <p>Between March 2021 and March 2023, the price of goods and services <a href="">rose substantially</a>, marking a period of high <a href="">inflation</a>.</p> <p><iframe id="5vFeh" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: none;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <p>Worryingly, the prices of basic needs that are important for staying healthy – nutritious food, health care, housing and utilities – rose between 11% and 36%.</p> <h2>Who is affected the most?</h2> <p>Higher prices on essentials are virtually impossible to dodge, but they impact certain groups of people more than others.</p> <p>Wealthier households have managed their higher expenses by <a href="">cutting back on discretionary spending and dipping into savings</a>.</p> <p>However, lower income households spend <a href=",than%20households%20on%20higher%20incomes.">a much larger portion of their income</a> on housing and other essentials.</p> <p>Without a savings buffer, these households experience severe financial strain and poor health outcomes.</p> <h2>Financial stress affects our health</h2> <p>Our research shows that high inflation has <a href="">a range of effects</a> on people’s health.</p> <p>These effects fall into three main groups: material hardship, psychosocial, and behavioural.</p> <p><strong>1. Material hardship</strong></p> <p>People facing material hardship can’t meet their basic needs because they can’t afford to pay for them.</p> <p>Material hardship can present itself in a variety of ways:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">food insecurity</a> – not getting adequate nutrition</li> <li><a href="">energy poverty</a> – struggling to pay for electricity and gas</li> <li>deferred health care – putting off medical treatment</li> <li>housing insecurity – struggling to find a stable place to live.</li> </ul> <p>Between August 2022 and February 2023, when inflation hit its highest levels in 33 years, over half (53%) of surveyed Australians reported <a href="">struggling to afford</a> their basic needs.</p> <p>Finding ourselves in this situation can have far-reaching implications for our health.</p> <p>For example, food insecurity is linked to <a href="">an increased risk of poor nutrition, obesity and chronic illness</a>, as households facing cost-of-living pressures shift towards cheaper, lower-quality food options.</p> <p>Energy poverty is linked to <a href="">physical and mental health problems</a> as people struggle to keep warm in wintertime, and cool in the summer.</p> <p>Delaying health care <a href="">increases</a> the risk of facing severe health problems, staying in hospital for longer, and being admitted to the emergency department. This isn’t just worse for individuals, it’s also far more costly for our health care system.</p> <p><strong>2. Psychosocial effects</strong></p> <p>Psychosocial effects are the ways in which cost-of-living pressures impact our mind and social relationships.</p> <p>Difficulties in meeting our basic needs are strongly associated with <a href="">increased levels of psychological distress</a>, including symptoms of anxiety and depression.</p> <p>This impact can worsen over time if individuals experience sustained financial stress.</p> <p>By undermining our ability to work well, the psychosocial effects of prolonged financial stress can initiate a “vicious cycle”, leading to reduced productivity and lower earnings.</p> <p>Financial stress can also have a detrimental impact on spousal relationships, which can affect the mental health of other household members such as children.</p> <p><strong>3. Behavioural effects</strong></p> <p>Cost-of-living pressures can also cause a number of changes in the way we behave.</p> <p>For many, these pressures have become a reason to work longer hours and gain additional income.</p> <p>Last year, Australians collectively worked 4.6% longer, an <a href="">extra 86 million hours</a>.</p> <p>But working longer hours <a href="">reduces people’s overall health</a>, especially among parents of young children facing greater time constraints.</p> <p>It also leaves less time for activities that help to keep people healthy, such as getting regular exercise and cooking healthy meals.</p> <h2>How can policymakers respond?</h2> <p>In theory, the Reserve Bank of Australia’s primary tool for combating inflation – raising interest rates – should help. By reducing aggregate spending in the economy, it is designed to put downward pressure on prices.</p> <p>But by bluntly increasing the cost of borrowing, it also puts significant short-term financial pressure on both lower-income mortgage holders and renters.</p> <p>Better acknowledgement of this fact, and of inflation’s broader impact on people’s physical and mental health, would be a great start.</p> <p>When formulating policy responses to high inflation, governments could factor health and wellbeing impacts into their assessment of the trade-offs between alternative policy responses.</p> <p>This could help minimise any policy’s long-term negative health consequences and its impact on the health care system.</p> <p>Policymakers could also focus on making sure affordable and timely access to health care, especially mental health support, is made available to those most vulnerable to cost-of-living pressures.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Nicole Black</a>, Associate Professor of Health Economics, <a href="">Monash University</a>; <a href="">Anthony Harris</a>, Professor of Health Economics, <a href="">Monash University</a>; <a href="">Danusha Jayawardana</a>, Research Fellow in Health Economics, <a href="">Monash University</a>, and <a href="">David Johnston</a>, Professor of Health Economics, <a href="">Monash University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>

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12 expert ways to manage stress at airports

<p><strong><em>Betsy Goldberg writes for <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Virtuoso Luxury Traveller</span></a>, the blog of a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">global luxury travel network</span></a>, and she enjoys nothing more than taking a holiday.</em></strong></p> <p>Airports should be happy places. They’re the beginning of a journey, either to a new place, a vacation, business meetings, time with family and friends, or back home.</p> <p>If you’ve spent even a brief amount of time inside an airport, though, you know that’s not the case. They can be stressful places with people running to and fro trying to make flights. All while dealing with their day-to-day life via their phone. No surprise that a psychologist has even developed an air travel stress scale.</p> <p>Air travel stress gets to virtually all of us. But it doesn’t have to. How can you reduce the drama?</p> <p><strong>1. Put things in context</strong></p> <p>A lot of reducing air travel stress comes simply from having a good mindset.</p> <p>The most important thing is to start with the right attitude, says Rishi Piparaiya, author of Aisle Be Damned: “We’re talking about an extremely complicated industry, where millions of people fly in the skies in metal tubes at the speed of sound. Sure, something may go wrong, but our ancestors would spend a lifetime to make the journey we make in half a day.”</p> <p>Here’s another take from Brent Bowen, dean of the College of Aviation at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He noted that in 2013 the overall performance of U.S. airlines hit its highest point in 24 years.</p> <p>“The number of customer complaints has gone down,” he says. “Mishandled baggage has gone down and on-time performance has improved. So technically, based solely on the data, (the flight experience) has improved over the last 25 years substantially.”</p> <p><strong>2. When to fly</strong></p> <p>Leisure travellers tend to fly on weekends. Business travellers are crowding airports Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Therefore, book your flights for the quieter days of Tuesday and Wednesday when you can.</p> <p>Book an early-morning flight if possible to avoid more air travel stress. Airlines are less likely to have delays first thing in the day.</p> <p><strong>3. Use a packing list</strong></p> <p>This prevents “Oh no!” moments at the airport. If you’re not even at security yet and you already think you’re missing something and don’t have the time to go get it, the rest of the airport experience probably won’t be great.</p> <p>Avoid that kind of air travel stress before you get to the airport by starting with a packing list. Also, learn how to effectively pack a bag.</p> <p><strong>4. Check in promptly</strong></p> <p>Airlines let you check in online 24 hours before your flight. Do that to avoid lineups at the airport. Another bonus: it may help prevent you from being bumped off an oversold flight.</p> <p><strong>5. Carry on what you can</strong></p> <p>The advantages: less to potentially lose in your checked luggage. No baggage fees. And a faster exit from the airport when you arrive.</p> <p>Always carry on essentials like keys, medications, valuables and anything critical for business meetings. You don’t want to arrive in the Caribbean and be waiting days for everything you need to actually enjoy the Caribbean.</p> <p>So remember that air travel is actually much more effective than almost any human mode of transport in history. And in the past few decades, the experience has technically only improved. Take a deep breath when that air travel stress hits you.</p> <p><strong>6. The early bird approach</strong></p> <p>People fall into very distinct camps on this. Earlier tends to be better (especially around peak travel times like holidays). If you know security lines might be longer, why gamble and add more air travel stress?</p> <p><strong>7. The full charge</strong></p> <p>Phone batteries are getting better as technology continues to develop. And more airports are offering outlets and charging stations. But always get to the airport on a full charge. If you encounter a hiccup, you’ll need your device as a resource.</p> <p><strong>8. What to wear</strong></p> <p>Layers will help you navigate varying temperatures inside the airport and on the plane. Wear comfortable clothes you can move in, in case of a last-minute dash to a connecting flight. Wrinkle-free clothing is great, both for the journey to your destination as well as your trip itself.</p> <p>As far as footwear goes, wear something easy to slide on/off to get through security faster. In larger airports, you’re likely in for a big walk to and from your gate, so comfort is a must as well.</p> <p><strong>9. Entertainment</strong></p> <p>Unless you’ve booked an entire row on the plane, your seatmates are a random act of chance. They could be great – and not bother you. Or they could be challenging in many ways.</p> <p>So load up on distractions. Those include magazines, books, e-books, movies, TV shows and work you need to complete. They’ll also help in case of delays while you’re still in the terminal.</p> <p><strong>10. Your fellow passengers</strong></p> <p>Airports are amazing places for people-watching. If you stop at an airport bar or restaurant, you can usually strike up a conversation easily. You might be sitting next to someone from halfway around the world. You don’t get that chance every day, so take advantage of it.</p> <p>Want a conversation starter? Talk about the fastest way to board passengers. You’ll make some new friends and relieve your mutual air travel stress.</p> <p><strong>11. Airport lounges</strong></p> <p>Another place to meet new people: an airport lounge. You’ll await your flight in a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. And you’ll enjoy peace and quiet, comfortable seating, food, drinks and reading materials.</p> <p>First-class and business-class travellers and elite frequent flyers have access to their airline’s lounge. Also, certain credit card holders enjoy complimentary access. For everyone else, there’s a day pass. A pass at an independent lounge will run you about $30 to $50.</p> <p><strong>12. Advisors as air travel stress relief</strong></p> <p>There are dozens of reasons why working with a professional travel advisor is a good idea. See here for real-life stories from actual travellers. One of those: an advisor can reduce air travel stress. Your advisor will work with you on itineraries, the best flight times, and any adjustments. If something crops up at the airport, you have a trusted resource one call away.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>

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Do stress and depression increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease? Here’s why there might be a link

<p><em><a href="">Yen Ying Lim</a>, <a href="">Monash University</a> and <a href="">Ivana Chan</a>, <a href="">Monash University</a></em></p> <p>Dementia affects more than <a href="">55 million people</a> around the world. A number of factors can increase a person’s risk of developing dementia, <a href="">including</a> high blood pressure, poor sleep, and physical inactivity. Meanwhile, keeping cognitively, physically, and socially active, and limiting alcohol consumption, can <a href="">reduce the risk</a>.</p> <p>Recently, a <a href="">large Swedish study</a> observed that chronic stress and depression were linked to a higher risk of developing <a href="">Alzheimer’s disease</a>, the most common form of dementia. The researchers found people with a history of both chronic stress and depression had an even greater risk of the disease.</p> <p>Globally, around <a href="">280 million people</a> have depression, while roughly <a href="">300 million people</a> experience anxiety. With so many people facing mental health challenges at some stage in their lives, what can we make of this apparent link?</p> <h2>What the study did and found</h2> <p>This study examined the health-care records of more than 1.3 million people in Sweden aged between 18 and 65. Researchers looked at people diagnosed with chronic stress (technically chronic stress-induced exhaustion disorder), depression, or both, between 2012 and 2013. They compared them with people not diagnosed with chronic stress or depression in the same period.</p> <p>Participants were then followed between 2014 and 2022 to determine whether they received a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment or dementia, in particular Alzheimer’s disease. <a href="">Mild cognitive impairment</a> is often seen as the precursor to dementia, although not everyone who has mild cognitive impairment will progress to dementia.</p> <p>During the study period, people with a history of either chronic stress or depression were around twice as likely to be diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s disease. Notably, people with both chronic stress and depression were up to four times more likely to be diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s disease.</p> <h2>Important considerations</h2> <p>In interpreting the results of this study, there are some key things to consider. First, the diagnosis of <a href="">chronic stress-induced exhaustion disorder</a> is unique to the Swedish medical system. It is characterised by at least six months of intensive stress without adequate recovery. Symptoms include exhaustion, sleep disturbance and concentration difficulties, with a considerable reduction in ability to function. Mild stress may not have the same effect on dementia risk.</p> <p>Second, the number of people diagnosed with dementia in this study (the absolute risk) was very low. Of the 1.3 million people studied, 4,346 were diagnosed with chronic stress, 40,101 with depression, and 1,898 with both. Of these, the number who went on to develop Alzheimer’s disease was 14 (0.32%), 148 (0.37%) and 9 (0.47%) respectively.</p> <p>These small numbers may be due to a relatively young age profile. When the study began in 2012–2013, the average age of participants was around 40. This means the average age in 2022 was around 50. Dementia is typically diagnosed in <a href="">people aged over 65</a> and diagnosis <a href="">in younger ages</a> may be less reliable.</p> <p>Finally, it’s possible that in some cases stress and depressive symptoms may reflect an awareness of an already declining memory ability, rather than these symptoms constituting a risk factor in themselves.</p> <p>This last consideration speaks to a broader point: the study is observational. This means it can’t tell us one thing caused the other – only that there is an association.</p> <h2>What does other evidence say?</h2> <p><a href="">Many studies</a> indicate that significant symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress are related to higher dementia risk. However, the nature of this relationship is unclear. For example, are depressive and anxiety symptoms a risk factor for dementia, or are they consequences of a declining cognition? It’s likely to be a bit of both.</p> <p>High <a href="">depressive and anxiety symptoms</a> are commonly reported in people with mild cognitive impairment. However, studies in middle-aged or younger adults suggest they’re important dementia risk factors too.</p> <p>For example, similar to the Swedish study, other <a href="">studies</a> have suggested people with a history of depression are twice as likely to develop dementia than those without this history. In addition, in middle-aged adults, high anxiety symptoms are associated with <a href="">poorer cognitive function</a> and <a href="">greater dementia risk</a> in later life.</p> <h2>Why the link?</h2> <p>There are several potential pathways through which stress, anxiety and depression could increase the risk of dementia.</p> <p>Animal studies suggest cortisol (a hormone produced when we’re stressed) can increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease by causing the accumulation of key proteins, <a href="">amyloid and tau</a>, in the brain. The accumulation of these proteins can result in increased <a href="">brain inflammation</a>, which affects the brain’s nerves and supporting cells, and can ultimately lead to brain volume loss and memory decline.</p> <p>Another potential pathway is through <a href="">impaired sleep</a>. Sleep disturbances are common in people with chronic stress and depression. Similarly, people with Alzheimer’s disease commonly report sleep disturbances. Even in people with <a href="">early Alzheimer’s disease</a>, disturbed sleep is related to poorer memory performance. Animal studies suggest poor sleep can also enhance accumulation of <a href="">amyloid and tau</a>.</p> <p>We still have a lot to learn about why this link might exist. But evidence-based strategies which target chronic stress, anxiety and depression may also play a role in reducing the risk of dementia.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Yen Ying Lim</em></a><em>, Associate Professor, Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, <a href="">Monash University</a> and <a href="">Ivana Chan</a>, PhD candidate, clinical psychology, <a href="">Monash University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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An El Niño looms over Australia’s stressed electricity system – and we must plan for the worst

<p><a href="">Dylan McConnell</a>, <em><a href="">UNSW Sydney</a></em> and <a href="">Iain MacGill</a>, <em><a href="">UNSW Sydney</a></em></p> <p>The Bureau of Meteorology this week declared a 70% chance of an <a href="">El Niño</a> developing this year. It’s bad timing for the electricity sector, and means Australians may face supply disruptions and volatile prices.</p> <p><a href="">El Niño events</a> are <a href="">associated with</a> increased temperatures and heatwaves. These conditions drive demand for electricity, especially in summer.</p> <p>These same conditions can also mean some generators don’t produce at full capacity. And unfortunately, the likely El Niño comes as the electricity sector grapples with other significant headwinds.</p> <p>Australia’s electricity grid may be fine this summer. But given what’s on the horizon, it would be prudent to plan for the worst.</p> <h2>How does hot weather affect energy supplies?</h2> <p>Increased air conditioning use in summer can cause <a href="">demand to peak</a>, particularly during heatwaves, as the below graph shows.</p> <figure class="align-center "><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" sizes="(min-width: 1466px) 754px, (max-width: 599px) 100vw, (min-width: 600px) 600px, 237px" srcset=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=208&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 600w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=208&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1200w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=208&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 1800w,;q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=262&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 754w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=262&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1508w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=262&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 2262w" alt="Scatterplot of New South Wales demand and temperature, example based on 2017 calendar year" /><figcaption><span class="caption">Scatterplot of New South Wales demand and temperature, example based on 2017 calendar year.</span> <span class="attribution"><span class="source">AEMO</span></span></figcaption></figure> <p>At the same time, electricity generators – including coal, gas, <a href="">solar and wind</a> – can become less efficient in hot temperatures, and so provide less energy to the system. And the hotter transmission lines get, the less electrical current they can safely carry. This lowers their capacity to transport energy.</p> <p>When the electricity grid is under stress, this can lead to “load shedding” or blackouts – when power companies deliberately switch off the power supply to groups of customers to prevent the overall system from becoming dangerously unstable.</p> <p>This happened in Victoria in early 2019, when more than <a href="">200,000 customers</a> lost power during a period of extreme heat.</p> <p>El Niño events are also associated with reduced rainfall. Among other effects on the electricity grid, this can reduce output from hydroelectricity generators (which produce electricity by pumping water through turbines). This <a href="">occurred</a> in Tasmania in 2016, and contributed to an energy crisis in that state.</p> <h2>Other headwinds are blowing</h2> <p>Aside from facing a likely El Niño, the electricity sector faces other headaches.</p> <p>Earlier this year, the Australian Energy Market Operator <a href="">warned</a> electricity demand “may exceed supply” at times over the next decade due to factors such as weather conditions or generator outages.</p> <p>The market operator pointed to delays to the Snowy 2.0 hydro project and the gas-fired <a href="">Kurri Kurri Power Station</a>, both in New South Wales.</p> <p>The Kurri Kurri project has been delayed for a year. It was scheduled to begin operating in December this year – in time for the first summer since the Liddell coal-fired power station closed.</p> <p>The Australian Energy Market Operator said the electricity system was expected to meet the “reliability standard” in all regions for the next five years. The <a href=",to%20be%20met%20each%20year.">standard requires</a> at least 99.998% of forecast demand be met each year. Unmet demand can lead to interrupted supply, or blackouts.</p> <p>But the operator also said delays to the Kurri Kurri project posed risks to reliability in NSW this summer.</p> <p>Adding to the pressures on the system, Queensland’s Callide C coal-fired power station is still not back to capacity more than two years after an explosion at the site. The station’s owners last week <a href="">announced</a> the plant would not be fully operational until mid-2024.</p> <p>Combine all this with a likely El Niño, and the electricity sector may be facing a challenging summer.</p> <h2>El Niño years are not normal</h2> <p>In August, the Australian Energy Market Operator is due to publish a new <a href="">assessment</a> of the grid’s expected reliability over the next decade. It may well show reliability standards will be achieved.</p> <p>On first blush, that sounds like good news. However, the way the assessment is derived may mask the real risk during El Niño periods.</p> <p>The assessment combines a number of scenarios, which are based on different <a href="">forecasts</a> of electricity demand. The scenarios based on average weather conditions are given the most weight.</p> <p>But if an El Niño arrives, this summer will not be average. We’re likely to experience very hot and dry conditions. This may lead to higher demands on the energy system, and a greater likelihood of blackouts.</p> <p>This won’t be properly reflected in the assessment. So the grid may be deemed reliable even though electricity supplies are under immense pressure.</p> <figure class="align-center "><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" sizes="(min-width: 1466px) 754px, (max-width: 599px) 100vw, (min-width: 600px) 600px, 237px" srcset=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=450&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 600w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=450&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1200w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=450&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 1800w,;q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=566&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 754w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=566&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1508w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=566&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 2262w" alt="repair person climbs power pole" /><figcaption><span class="caption">The grid may be deemed reliable even though it’s under pressure.</span> <span class="attribution"><span class="source">Shutterstock</span></span></figcaption></figure> <h2>What can be done?</h2> <p>You might find all this news worrying. But there are measures and technologies in place to help reduce the risks.</p> <p><a href="">A mechanism</a> exists that allows the market operator to secure emergency energy reserves. It could mean, for example, calling on a large industrial plant to pause operations to reduce its electricity use, or starting up a standby diesel generator. The operator can start procuring this months ahead of time, and will no doubt be monitoring the situation closely.</p> <p>In the medium term, the uptake of so-called “consumer energy resources” such as rooftop solar farms and small-scale battery storage shows promise. These technologies are located at homes and businesses. They can reduce demand on the grid at peak times and can potentially be built faster than big projects.</p> <p>Longer term, we need to build more “stuff”. This includes renewable energy and other “dispatchable” resources – which can provide energy when it’s needed – as well as more transmission infrastructure.</p> <p>Several federal funding measures – the <a href="">Capacity Investment Scheme</a> and <a href="">Rewiring the Nation</a> – might help realise these projects.</p> <p>The reality is that ageing coal plants are closing – and while they remain open, they’re contributing to reliability challenges in the energy system. Unchecked climate change will also add considerable strain, through natural disasters and more extreme weather.</p> <p>Unfortunately, investment in renewable and other low-emission technology has been <a href="">slower than necessary</a>. This has slowed Australia’s emissions reduction efforts and cast questions over the reliability of our energy supplies as an El Niño looms.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href="">Dylan McConnell</a>, Senior Research Associate, Renewable Energy &amp; Energy Systems Analyst, <em><a href="">UNSW Sydney</a></em> and <a href="">Iain MacGill</a>, Joint director, Collaboration on Energy and Environmental Markets, and Professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, <em><a href="">UNSW Sydney</a></em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> <p><em>Images: Getty</em></p>


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‘We lose ourselves’: carers talk about the lonely, stressful work of looking after loved ones

<p><em><a href="">Fleur Sharafizad</a>, <a href="">Edith Cowan University</a>; <a href="">Esme Franken</a>, <a href="">Edith Cowan University</a>, and <a href="">Uma Jogulu</a>, <a href="">Edith Cowan University</a></em></p> <p>An informal personal carer is someone who looks after a family member, neighbour or friend in need of care due to disability, illness or age.</p> <p>In Australia, there are approximately 2.8 million informal personal carers, including 906,000 who are primary carers. Projections suggest the national demand for carers will <a href="">rise 23% by 2030</a>.</p> <p>Around one in ten Australians are informal carers: <a href="">most of these unpaid</a>. This group of people support one of society’s most foundational needs and our economy would struggle without them.</p> <p>Yet, little is understood about their experiences. <a href="">Our recent research</a> reveals how this group of carers lack necessary support for their own wellbeing.</p> <h2>Our research</h2> <p>We interviewed 36 informal personal primary carers living across Western Australia and Queensland. Respondents were aged between 34 and 69 years, and had all been the primary carer for a child, parent, partner, or in-law, for between two and 21 years. Data was collected in two waves: one in 2020 and the other in 2021. Respondents were recruited with the help of an Australian carers’ organisation.</p> <h2>‘I’d rather it be someone else’s problem’</h2> <p>Many of the carers we spoke to said they were not caring by choice, but by necessity. They said they feel both unseen and undervalued. A husband who had been caring for his wife who suffers from Alzheimer’s said: "I would rather work. I really don’t like being a carer. I’d rather it be someone else’s problem. Being a carer, you just get forgotten."</p> <p>Carers generally provide care around-the-clock, yet their compensations (such as <a href="">carer payments</a>) are far from equivalent to full-time pay. The carer payment, for example, equates to only <a href="">28% of weekly ordinary time earnings</a> in Australia, and carers can expect to lose <a href=",every%20year%20they%20are%20in%20that%20caring%20role.">approximately $17,700 in superannuation</a> every year they provide care.</p> <p>Few of <a href="">Carers Australia’s pre-budget submission items</a> to benefit carers were adopted in the most recent federal budget. Instead, the budget contained items which may indirectly benefit carers through <a href="">increased support for the cared-for</a>. But these measures do not explicitly recognise and support carers’ wellbeing.</p> <p>Similarly, the recent draft of the <a href="">National Strategy for the Care and Support Economy</a> recognises the contribution informal carers make to Australia’s economy but focuses on paid care and support.</p> <p>Our interviewees spoke about the personal costs of their work, and the stress and loneliness they experience. They shared feelings of being taken for granted as if their role was not work, let alone difficult work.</p> <p>One mum caring for her disabled son shared: "I just want people to see that, [a] carer doesn’t have any leave, paid leave, or recognition. People just think that’s your loved one, that’s your job. But I do want people to understand that I did not choose to be a carer as my career, but I will do it because it is important."</p> <p>This played into a feeling of people losing their sense of self, because caring work was so demanding and time consuming. A mother who had been caring for her daughter for 17 years after she had been involved in an accident said, "People don’t realise how much we put our life on hold to support the people that need that emotional and mental and physical and spiritual support. We put ourselves in the back shed while we’re supporting them, so we lose ourselves."</p> <h2>A mental toll</h2> <p>Many spoke of how they once had individual goals and ambitions, which they now considered unachievable. All of our interviewees had quit jobs and halted careers to take on personal care full-time. One mother caring for her ill child said: "I think if I had a crystal ball, I don’t know that I would perhaps have become a parent, I think I would have just stuck to my corporate life and had a cat and be done with it."</p> <p>The mental health toll experienced by carers in our study was clear throughout all interviews. A mother looking after her child with mental health challenges expressed: "Every carer has mental health impacts from being a carer. They won’t say it’s depression or anxiety, but it’s mental health because when the hierarchy of needs is not being met for you, you can’t provide them for somebody else."</p> <p>As one interviewee explained, the demanding nature of the work had left them exhausted and as though they “can’t do it”. Our interviewees spoke of “falling apart” under the strain of constantly caring for high-needs people in their households.</p> <p>One mother who cared for her children who were both on the autism spectrum recalled: "How many times, if I don’t go to the bathroom and have a shower to cool down myself, I could kill the kids and myself easily. That’s how bad. We are not ever in the category to get help."</p> <h2>Feeling abandoned</h2> <p>Because so much of their work happens in pre-existing relationships and behind closed doors, carers talked about not just feeling unseen but abandoned. A common theme across all interviews was how carers felt abandoned by institutions, health professionals and, in many cases, friends and family members.</p> <p>One husband who had cared for his wife for close to 20 years said: "The government doesn’t even care about the carers […] we’re not really getting anything and then they’re trying to take the crumbs off us."</p> <p>Carers do not have psychological, institutional or social support for themselves as individuals, separate from their role. But these support pillars are necessary so the entire responsibility of care does not fall solely on informal carers.</p> <p><a href="">Carer-inclusive activities</a> could be a good start. But policy should also be responsive to the unique and unmet needs of carers. These relate to the lack of personal and professional development, feelings of abandonment and social isolation.</p> <p>With an ageing population, a pandemic, and an emerging crisis over the quality of care for older Australians and people with disabilities, the role of informal carers has become increasingly important.</p> <p>The truth is that most of us will likely, at some point, undertake care work or be the person being cared for. Better formalised support for carers will ultimately improve the care for the most vulnerable among us and society as a whole.</p> <p><em>If this article has raised issues for you, or if you’re concerned about someone you know, call <a href="">Lifeline</a> on 13 11 14. <a href="">Carers Australia</a> also offers advice and support.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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More info: --></em></p> <p><em><a href="">Fleur Sharafizad</a>, Lecturer in Management, <a href="">Edith Cowan University</a>; <a href="">Esme Franken</a>, Lecturer in Management, <a href="">Edith Cowan University</a>, and <a href="">Uma Jogulu</a>, Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Law, <a href="">Edith Cowan University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>


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8 best places to go on holiday that zap stress (even after you get home), according to experts

<p><strong>Health benefits of holidaying </strong></p> <p>aking regular holidays offers a wealth of physical and mental health benefits – in fact, research says getting enough holiday time may help you live longer.</p> <p>Psychologist Dr Carla Manly, author of <em>Joy from Fear</em>, says just the process of planning a holiday brings an immediate sense of wellbeing. “Having something wonderful to anticipate gives the mind and spirit a surge of happiness,” Dr Manly says. “Particularly when issues such as burnout cause additional stress and anxiety, having upcoming travel adventures to look forward to can make all the difference in mental health and overall wellbeing.”</p> <p>But when your heart is set on seriously escaping the demands of work and life, research suggests there are a handful of best places to go on holiday that will rejuvenate you the most. Science, local lore, and a bit of esoteric legend suggest some destinations go the extra mile when it comes to soothing our bodies, relieving stress, and delivering a holiday experience that really does the job.</p> <p>Where are the world’s greatest places to go on holiday to relieve stress? Here are eight destinations that are said to maximally inspire awe and renewal (and that may inspire you to start searching for flights immediately).</p> <p><strong>Okinawa, Japan</strong></p> <p>Shinrin-yoku, which has become known as “forest bathing,” is a form of ecotherapy developed in the 1980s by Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. The idea of forest bathing is that spending time in nature awakens the senses to promote physical and mental health benefits. A wealth of research supports these claims.</p> <p>A review of studies published in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine found that forest bathing improves heart health, endocrine system function, metabolism, immunity, and inflammation levels, as well as psychological and emotional health.</p> <p>There are dozens of certified Shinrin-yoku forests throughout Japan (and really, you can practise forest bathing in any natural surroundings). But what makes Okinawa special is that it’s one of the world’s five Blue Zones, the geographical areas where data consistently show the residents live the longest lives. Researchers have found common traits among people living in Blue Zones, such as prioritising stress relief, engaging in regular movement, following a balanced diet, and having strong social bonds.</p> <p>Yanburu is a particularly popular spot for forest-bathing stress away. Located in the north of Okinawa, Yanburu is a subtropical rainforest with incredible biodiversity.</p> <p><strong>Grindavik, Iceland</strong></p> <p>With its towering waterfalls, vast glaciers, and dramatic landscapes, Iceland has been one of the world’s most up-and-coming travel destinations of this century. In fact, a March 2023 analysis of Google search volume named it the most popular destination for solo female travellers in 2023. But before you make a beeline for the capital city, Reykjavik, consider stopping in the less-travelled town of Grindavik.</p> <p>Grindavik is a sleepy former fishing village just 20 minutes from the airport and offers easy access to many of Iceland’s top sites. Most notably, it’s home to the Blue Lagoon, a natural geothermal spa with a unique composition of minerals and algae not found anywhere else on Earth. Research in 2022 in the peer-reviewed medical journal, Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, stated that the Blue Lagoon’s waters are known to improve skin health for some of the most stubborn psoriasis cases.</p> <p>The Blue Lagoon’s consistency also allows you to float weightlessly. Peer-reviewed findings in the Natural Medicine Journal in 2021 concluded that flotation therapy stimulates a “robust relaxation response,” supporting stress reduction, energy levels, and general wellbeing. The review’s authors stated that their research “revealed benefits of floating, specifically regarding participants experiencing muscular pain, depression, anxiety, stress, and sleep disorders.”</p> <p><strong>Helsinki, Finland</strong></p> <p>According to Gallup’s March 2023 world happiness report, Finland has claimed the top spot since 2017 – and Travel &amp; Leisure Asia has named Finland’s capital, Helsinki, among the globe’s “least stressed” cities. Researchers suggest that this sense of wellbeing among Finns comes down to the culture’s gravitation towards nature and a slow living lifestyle – an experience wellness-seekers must see for themselves.</p> <p>Around 75% of Finland is covered by forests, and there are almost 200,000 lakes. Research has shown the country’s high accessibility to varied, multi-sensory natural environments leads to a range of wellbeing benefits.</p> <p>For instance, a 2023 study led by researchers from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare even found that Helsinki’s abundant green and blue spaces reduced people’s use of medications for depression and anxiety, blood pressure, and asthma.</p> <p><strong>Bali, Indonesia</strong></p> <p>An island of sandy coastline, jungles, volcanoes, and waterfalls, Bali is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet, with ecotherapy opportunities around every corner. A 2022 psychiatry and public health study found that tropical holidays in particular support mental health. Some believe that it’s no coincidence that Bali leaves visitors with a particularly high sense of wellbeing.</p> <p>The theory of Ley lines asserts that major historic and sacred landmarks – such as Stonehenge, the Pyramids, and ancient burial grounds – are connected by an “energy grid.” Bali falls at the intersection of two lines on this conceptual map, which believers say creates a powerful healing energy. Science has found no evidence to support the theory of Ley lines, but an analysis of research published in Humanities suggests that the concept itself – whether true or not – gives rise to valuable opportunities to connect with our surroundings physically and spiritually.</p> <p><strong>Las Catalinas, Costa Rica</strong></p> <p>A 2013 study found that people are at their happiest near the ocean – and numerous studies since have supported the link between “blue views” and wellbeing.</p> <p>While any coastline seems like an invitation to de-stress, the small oceanside town of Las Catalinas shores up wellness in unique ways. Las Catalinas is entirely car-free – you get around on foot or by bike – which encourages a slower pace of life, more time in nature, and a stronger sense of local community.</p> <p>Las Catalinas is also a great jumping-off point to explore the Nicoya Peninsula, another of the world’s five Blue Zones (where residents are twice as likely than Americans to live to age 100!).</p> <p><strong>Sedona, Arizona</strong></p> <p>With its sandstone cliffs, year-round blue skies, and unique red-green landscapes, Sedona is a revered destination for anyone looking to get back to nature. It’s also one of only 36 certified Dark Sky communities in the world, offering magical Milky Way stargazing opportunities. Research has shown that light pollution is associated with increases in stress, mood disorders, and physical health issues – while dark skies promote relaxation and ultra-healthy sleep.</p> <p>Sedona, like Bali, lies at the intersection of Ley lines, which contributes in part to the town’s deep spiritual history. Native American tribes considered the area sacred, amplified by a serene, healing energy that can intensify your connection with nature and promote greater self-awareness.</p> <p>Today, people continue to believe there are four “energy vortex” locations with energy so strong it twists the desert flora. While juniper trees, like those in Arizona, are known to get kinks in their trunk, Sedona’s harmony-seeking pilgrims will say not to knock the area’s peaceful vibe until you experience it.</p> <p><strong>Exuma, Bahamas</strong></p> <p>Exuma is a collection of more than 360 islands known for having some of the clearest, sapphire-blue ocean water in the world. You could spend days island-hopping, swapping out stress for blue views – or jump right in for even greater wellbeing. Psychiatry research in 2022 showed that the weightlessness and pressure we experience in the water have a calming effect on the mind.</p> <p>In fact, humans have what’s called a mammalian dive reflex, a physiological response that occurs when our face is submerged in water. This reflex slows our heart rate and soothes our nervous system, with studies showing that activating it is effective in relieving feelings of stress, anxiety, and panic. (Plus, Exuma is home to the famous Pig Beach – and a little time with animals goes a long way in reducing stress, according to studies.)</p> <p><strong>Southern Ibiza, Spain</strong></p> <p>Dancing the night away in Ibiza’s legendary music scene can certainly zap your daily stresses in a special way…but if you’re looking for tranquillity, turn to the south.</p> <p>On the Southwest coast of Ibiza, rising from the sea you’ll find the mythical limestone rock called Es Vedrà, which legend says is the tip of the lost city of Atlantis. Es Vedrà is thought to be one of the most magnetic spots on Earth. This is said to confuse compasses and even birds, but some believe the location creates an energetic, healing atmosphere.</p> <p>To the Southeast lies Las Salinas, a UNESCO World Heritage site with unique biodiversity. This salt lagoon makes for particularly floaty, salty seawater believed to promote skin health, circulation, and stress relief. The area is also home to the cotton candy pink Lake Torrevieja (and its flocks of pink flamingos). Lake Torrevieja is a mineral-rich body of water thought to have healing powers.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Reader's Digest</a>. </em></p>

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The truth about the effects of stress on the mind and body

<p>Worried. Anxious. Disheartened. Busy. If any of these are familiar to you, it’s likely you are also familiar with stress. By now it’s no secret that stress does more harm than good. Work/retirement, family life, finances, personal and societal pressures... there are a million reasons why we all get frazzled, and they all can take a toll.</p> <p>In an effort to better understand how this unease can affect our mind and body, Popular Science magazine took a closer look at the science behind worrying in this month’s issue. Here we’ve rounded up the key learnings and statistics about how stress can shape our lives – and what to do about it.</p> <p><strong>Stress runs deep</strong></p> <p>Unfortunately the emotions associated with stress don’t just affect us on the outside. Stress can actually influence us on a <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">cellular level and even mess with our biological systems</a></strong></span>. Amy Cuddy, a Harvard University social psychologist, explains it like this: “Our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change outcomes."</p> <p>Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">can negatively affect our cardiovascular system, cells, metabolic system, nervous system and digestive system</a></strong></span>. Chronic worry may also increase our risk for heart attack, contribute to irritable bowl syndrome or could lead to changes in the brain.</p> <p><strong>It’s a matter of the mind, too</strong></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>According to Popular Science magazine</strong></span>, </a>30 percent of US adults say stress affects their physical health and 33 percent say it has an impact on their mental health. To lighten the heavy mental load, aim to have a good laugh – and often! Research shows a little giggle <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">releases endorphins from the brain and can improve your mood</a></strong></span>.</p> <p><strong>It can be sleep saboteur</strong></p> <p>Coritsol tends to follow its own natural rhythm, spiking in the morning and then again overnight. This can be a particularly problematic for those who have stress-related mental health disorders. According to the National Institutes of Health, people with depression have abnormally high levels of cortisol in the body, which may negatively impact body cycles – including sleep, Popular Science magazine reported.</p> <p><strong>Don’t worry, you’re not alone</strong></p> <p>A <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">study conducted by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University</a></strong></span> found that our stress levels have steadily increased over the years – but the good news is, our worry tends to decrease with age. Financial concerns are also a major influence on how stressed we feel.</p> <p><strong>Tips for managing stress</strong></p> <p>These statistics may sound gloomy, but there is a bright side: Managing these emotions is entirely in our control. In fact, easing your stress may be as simple as tweaking your perspective. Columbia University researchers found that those who sat in expansive positions with their arms and legs spread out for two minutes saw lower levels of the stress hormone than those in more tighter poses, <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">according to Popular Science</a></strong></span>.</p> <p>You may also want to ensure you add some regular exercise, meditation and socialising to your schedule. Research shows that these activities can also help ease tension.</p> <p>Acute stress is one thing, but chronic worrying could be a sign of bigger health issues, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed you should speak to your doctor.</p> <p><strong>Related links: </strong></p> <p><em><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="../health/wellbeing/2015/03/qualities-of-happy-people/">The 4 qualities of happy people</a></span> </strong></em></p> <p><em><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="../health/wellbeing/2014/12/what-to-do-when-you-feel-stuck/">How to reboot when you’re feeling stuck</a></span></strong></em></p> <p><em><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="../health/wellbeing/2014/10/yoga-–-the-perfect-exercise-for-over-60s/">Yoga – the perfect exercise for over-60s</a></span></strong></em></p> <p><em>Image credit: Shutterstock</em></p>


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I’m a psychotherapist – here are the 5 keys to letting my stress go

<p><strong>Going to therapy?</strong></p> <p>Lately, the growing answer to that question is an emphatic Yes. Thanks to the increased interest in psychotherapy – especially in light of the stress the pandemic caused – some authorities suggest the coming years are likely to see a shortage of therapists…which is perhaps one of the few disadvantages of this trend.</p> <p>As more individuals recognise the need to manage stress, process trauma, and talk through challenges we face in work and our professional lives, many therapists are finding it likewise necessary to ratchet up the ways we take care of ourselves. When your job is to make space for others to process through struggle and heal – and complete the work that’s necessary to effectively manage your practice (and fulfil your role as a parent who works, in the case of myself and many others) – it is essential to take steps to stay feeling spiritually light and come back replenished to work every day.</p> <p>Every April during Stress Awareness Month, I take a conscious inventory of my own self-care strategies, keeping in mind that I can’t be at my best for others unless I’m taking care of myself first. Here are my best practices for getting into a good space, even when the day feels heavy.</p> <p><strong>Engage in meaningful work</strong></p> <p>The time we spend working often takes us away from other things that bring us joy. The truth is, it wears on all of us to think that we may be spending more time in connection with our co-workers than even our families. As often as you can remember to do so, recognise: Yes – your personal sacrifices provide you with what you need to survive – but also, consider how your work translates to the difference you make in the world.</p> <p>Burnout is a key problem facing our workforce today, but you’re less likely to experience burnout if you enjoy, and feel connected to, the work you do. Often at my job, I feel so connected to and proud of the work we do improving access to mental health care that it doesn’t seem like work at all!</p> <p>However, I am careful to make sure I disconnect at the end of the day so I can be present with my family when I’m not at work.</p> <p><strong>Spend time with family and friends</strong></p> <p>It’s important to spend time with those who are important to you. As we emerge from the pandemic (when we were often disconnected from friends, family, and other loved ones), it’s important to reconnect. Even if you can’t physically be present with each other, a key to managing stress is to set aside time each week to video conference with friends and family.</p> <p><strong>Get fresh air</strong></p> <p>I’ve always found that getting outside and doing something enjoyable helps me fill my cup. Whether it’s taking the dog for a walk, walking my son in his push-along sports car, or sitting in a rocking chair and taking in the sights and sounds…a little time outdoors is so good for the soul.</p> <p><strong>Keep a gratitude journal </strong></p> <p>We all know there is plenty of negativity in the world around us. I find it particularly helpful to focus on the positives by keeping a gratitude journal. This requires me to sift through the noise, zoom out from the daily minutiae, and focus on what I’m grateful for each day. Being intentional to think about what I’m grateful for improves my overall outlook and centres me.</p> <p>From time to time, it’s also nice to flip through the journal and reflect on all of the things that I have to be grateful for on a tough day.</p> <p><strong>Go to therapy</strong></p> <p>I wouldn’t be a good psychologist if I didn’t practise what I preach. Regardless of what is happening in your life, it is wonderful to have a non-partial, confidential sounding board. While my therapist has helped me through the toughest times in my life, she has also helped me focus on and celebrate the best times of my life. Therapy is really such a gift to give yourself.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Reader's Digest</a>. </em></p>


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How financial stress can affect your mental health and 5 things that can help

<p>Financial stress is affecting us in many different ways. Some people are struggling to pay bills, feed the family, or maintain a place to live. Others are meeting their basic needs but are dipping into their savings for extras.</p> <p>Financial stress <a href="">is increasing</a> and, understandably, is causing some distress. In recent months, Lifeline has seen a <a href="">rise</a> in the number of calls about financial difficulties.</p> <p>But understanding and finding ways to reduce our financial stress – and its emotional impact on us – can help make this challenging time a bit easier.</p> <h2>What is financial stress?</h2> <p>If you’re finding it difficult to meet your current expenses or are worried about your current or future finances, you’re under <a href="">financial stress</a>. Like other types of stress, financial stress has two components: </p> <ul> <li> <p><strong>objective</strong> financial difficulty, where you don’t have enough funds to cover necessary expenses or debts</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>subjective</strong> perceptions about your current or future finances, leading to worry and distress.</p> </li> </ul> <p>These two are related. But someone can have trouble meeting their expenses, view this as acceptable, and not be overly worried. Alternatively, someone may be reasonably financially secure but still feel quite stressed about their finances.</p> <h2>Why are we feeling it?</h2> <p>There is a <a href="">broad range</a> of factors that can influence your current level of financial stress. These include contextual and personal ones.</p> <p>Contextual factors are societal-level influences on the current financial landscape. These include rates of economic growth, market performance, governmental and political policy, and distribution of wealth. These factors may vary across cultures and countries.</p> <p>Personal factors contributing to stress are unique to each person. For example, demographic characteristics such as age, gender, education and ethnic group may influence someone’s access to financial resources. </p> <p>Other personal factors that can affect financial stress are financial literacy and practices, personality traits that influence behaviour and perceptions, and major life events with financial implications (such as marriage, having a child, or retiring).</p> <h2>The health impacts can be severe</h2> <p>High levels of financial stress can <a href="">impact</a> people’s wellbeing, raising levels of psychological distress, anxiety and depression. </p> <p><a href="">A review</a> found clear evidence for a link between financial stress and depression, and that the risk for depression was greatest for people on low incomes. </p> <p>A <a href="">large survey</a> of adults in the United States also found that greater financial worries were associated with more psychological distress. This was especially the case for people who were unmarried, unemployed, had lower income levels and who were renters.</p> <p>So people who are more vulnerable financially – in an objective sense – are also most likely to experience negative psychological effects from financial stress. </p> <p>However, the perception of your financial situation matters here too. In <a href="">one study</a> of older adults, including Australians, it was not just someone’s financial situation that was linked to their wellbeing, but also how satisfied people were with their wealth.</p> <p>Severe financial stressors, such as being forced to sell your home if unable to meet mortgage payments, can affect <a href=";originRegion=us-east-1&amp;originCreation=20230315042306">both</a>psychological and physical health.</p> <h2>What can I do about it?</h2> <p>While we can’t change the broader financial landscape or some aspects of our financial situation, there are some simple ways to help reduce financial stress and its impacts.</p> <p><strong>1. Take small steps</strong></p> <p>Try to identify elements of your finances you can improve and act on some of them, even if they are small steps. This may include creating and following a budget, cutting some extra costs, applying for available financial assistance, getting quotes for more affordable utilities or insurance, or contemplating a career change. Even little changes can improve your financial state over time. Taking action in a difficult situation can improve wellbeing by giving you a greater sense of agency.</p> <p><strong>2. Check your take on the situation</strong></p> <p>Examine your perspective. Are you often seeing the negative aspects of your situation but ignoring the positive ones? Are you worrying a lot about very unlikely catastrophes far off in the future? It’s worth checking whether your perceptions about your financial situation are accurate and balanced.</p> <p><strong>3. Don’t be too hard on yourself</strong></p> <p>Your financial state does not reflect your value as a person, and <a href="">over-identifying</a> with your financial status can lead to further stress. Financial difficulties are the result of many factors, only some of which are under your control. Reminding yourself that your finances do not define you as a person can reduce feelings of sadness, shame or guilt.</p> <p><strong>4. Take care of yourself</strong></p> <p>It’s draining dealing with ongoing financial stress. So focus on self-care and coping strategies that have helped you with past stressors. This may mean taking some time out to relax, deep breathing or meditation, <a href="">talking with others</a> and doing some things for fun. Giving yourself permission to take this time can improve your mood, perspective and wellbeing.</p> <p><strong>5. Ask for help</strong></p> <p>If you are struggling financially or psychologically, seek help. This may take the form of financial advice or assistance to reduce financial difficulties. If you notice yourself feeling persistently down, anxious, or hopeless, reach out to friends or family and get help from a mental health professional.</p> <p><strong><em>If this article has raised issues for you, or if you’re concerned about someone you know, call Lifeline on 13 11 14.</em></strong></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Conversation</a>. </em></p>

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Lie detection tests have worked the same way for 3,000 years – and they’re still hopelessly inaccurate

<p>Popular culture is fascinated with the ability to detect liars. Lie detector tests are a staple of police dramas, and TV shows such as Poker Face feature “human polygraphs” who detect deception by picking up tell-tale signs in people’s behaviour.</p> <p>Records of attempts to detect lies, whether by technical means or by skilled observers, go back at least 3,000 years. Forensic science lie detection techniques have become <a href="">increasingly popular</a> since the invention of the polygraph early in the 20th century, with the latest methods involving advanced brain imaging.</p> <p>Proponents of lie detection technology sometimes <a href="">make grandiose claims</a>, such as a <a href="">recent paper</a> that said “with the help of forensic science and its new techniques, crimes can be easily solved”.</p> <p>Despite these claims, an infallible lie detection method has yet to be found. In fact, most lie detection methods don’t detect lies at all – instead, they register the physiological or behaviour signs of stress or fear.</p> <h2>From dry rice to red-hot irons</h2> <p>The <a href="">earliest recorded lie detection method</a> was used in China, around 1000 BC. It involved suspects placing rice in their mouths then spitting it out: wet rice indicated innocence, while dry rice meant guilty.</p> <p>In India, around 900 BC, <a href=";context=jclc">one method</a> used to detect poisoners was observations of shaking. In ancient Greece a rapid pulse rate was taken to indicate deceit.</p> <p>The Middle Ages saw barbaric forms of lie detection used in Europe, such as the red-hot iron method which involved suspected criminals placing their tongue, often multiple times, on a red-hot iron. Here, a burnt tongue indicated guilt.</p> <h2>What the polygraph measures</h2> <p>Historical lie detection methods were based in superstition or religion. However, in the early 20th century a purportedly scientific, objective, lie detection machine was invented: the polygraph.</p> <p>The <a href="">polygraph measures</a> a person’s respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, and skin conductance (sweating) during questioning.</p> <p>Usually a “control question” about a crime is asked, such as “Did you do it?” The person’s response to the control question is then compared to responses to neutral or less provocative questions. Heightened reactions to direct crime questions are taken to indicate guilt on the test.</p> <h2>The overconfidence of law enforcers</h2> <p>Some law enforcement experts claim they don’t even need a polygraph. They can detect lies simply by observing the behaviour of a suspect during questioning.</p> <p>Worldwide research shows that law enforcers are often <a href="">confident they can detect lying</a>. Many assume a suspect’s nonverbal behaviour reveals deceit.</p> <p>A <a href="">2011 study with Queensland police</a> revealed many officers were confident they could detect lying. Most favoured a focus on nonverbal behaviour even over available evidence.</p> <p>However, <a href="">research shows</a> that law enforcers, despite their confidence, are often not very good at detecting lying.</p> <p>Law enforcement officers are not alone in thinking they can spot a liar. <a href="">Global studies</a> have found that people around the world believe lying is accompanied by specific nonverbal behaviours such as gaze aversion and nervousness.</p> <h2>What’s really being tested</h2> <p>Many historical and current lie detection methods seem underpinned by the plausible idea that liars will be nervous and display observable physical reactions.</p> <p>These might be shaking (such as in the ancient Indian test for poisoners, and the nonverbal behaviour method used by some investigators), a dry mouth (the rice-chewing test and the hot-iron method), increased pulse rate (the ancient Greek method and the modern polygraph), or overall heightened physiological reactions (the polygraph).</p> <p>However, there are two major problems with using behaviour based on fear or stress to detect lying.</p> <p>The first problem: how does one distinguish fearful innocents from fearful guilty people? It is likely that an innocent person accused of a crime will be fearful or anxious, while a guilty suspect may not be.</p> <p>This is borne out with the polygraph’s <a href="">high false-positive rate</a>, meaning innocent people are deemed guilty. Similarly, some police have assumed that <a href="">innocent, nervous suspects were guilty</a> based on inaccurate interpretations of behavioural observations.</p> <p>The second major problem with lie detection methods based on nervous behaviour is there is <a href="">no evidence</a> that specific nonverbal behaviours reliably accompany deception.</p> <h2>Miscarriages of justice</h2> <p>Despite what we know about the inaccuracy of polygraph tests, they haven’t gone away.</p> <p>In the US, they are still used in some police interrogations and <a href="">high-security job interviews</a>. In the UK, lie detector tests are used for <a href="">some sex offenders on probation</a>. And in China, the use of polygraphs in law enforcement may <a href="">even be increasing</a>.</p> <p>Australia has been less enthusiastic in adopting lie-detection machines. In New South Wales, the use of lie-detector findings was barred from court in 1983, and an attempt to present polygraph evidence to a court in Western Australia in 2003 <a href="">also failed</a>.</p> <p>Many historical and current lie detection methods emulate each other and are based on the same assumptions. Often the <a href="">only difference</a> is the which part of the body or physical reaction they focus on.</p> <p>Using fallible lie detection methods <a href="">contributes to wrongful convictions</a> and miscarriages of justice.</p> <p>Therefore, it is important that criminal-justice practitioners are educated about fallacious lie detection methods, and any new technique grounded in fear or stress-based reactions should be rejected.</p> <p>Despite outward appearances of technological advancement, over many millennia little has changed. Fearful innocents remain vulnerable to wrongful assumptions of guilt, which is good news for the fearless guilty.</p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Conversation</a>.</em></p> <p><em>Images: Getty</em></p>


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Dame Joanna Lumley opens up on stress, adventure and ageing gracefully

<p>After a stellar career that has seen her become an award winner, a dame, a comedy legend, and a household name, Joanna Lumley knows a thing or two about balancing priorities. </p> <p>In a candid interview with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>Good Housekeeping</em></a>, the 76-year-old opened up about the stress she handles in her everyday life and the importance of realising you can slow down. </p> <p>After speaking honestly about experiencing a stress-induced breakdown in her 20s due to burnout, she says she approaches life very differently these days. </p> <p>"I will never, ever misread anything so badly again in my life," she says. </p> <p>"Now, if I’m tired, I will make sure to put my head down and go to sleep. If there’s something completely awful happening, I deal with it head-on or I let it go. I don’t do stress any more; I won’t let myself go there."</p> <p>Despite learning how to slow down when it comes to work, there's nothing Joanna loves more than adventure, with her work recently taking her to the Banda Islands, Zanzibar and Madagascar for a new series exploring the centuries-old spice trade.</p> <p>"You can have an adventure at any age," she says. </p> <p>"I’m not saying everyone should go and do a 14-day trek up some very steep mountains. But, if you’re like me and you’re scared of something, be brave. Chances are, you’ll come back and say: 'Well, wasn’t that something?"'</p> <p>When not travelling to explore every corner of the globe, Joanna finds solace in her latest creative venture: a podcast, called Joanna &amp; The Maestro, which she hosts with her conductor husband, Stephen Barlow.</p> <p>The couple chat about their shared love of classical music, which Joanna revealed was born out of one of the pair's evening rituals. </p> <p>"Every night, I have a bath and listen to Classic FM while Stevie is in the bedroom reading. During my bath, I’ll shout out questions about the music, such as: 'How old was Tchaikovsky when he wrote this?'" she says.</p> <p>"Without fail, Stevie, who’s a musical genius, patiently puts his book down and answers me. So the podcast is me in conversation with him, asking all the silly questions that somebody like me has."</p> <p>The pair first met when Joanna was 31 and they've been married for more than 35 years, but Joanna explained that marriage wasn't always on the cards.</p> <p>"The truth is, if I wasn’t married to Stevie, I wouldn’t be married," she says. </p> <p>"I’ve always loved men, but I never thought: 'Oh, I want to settle down.' It simply didn’t cross my mind. But there was something different about him; I was drawn to his whole mindset – and his knowledge of music."</p> <p>While Joanna is always keeping busy with her various work ventures, one of her most incredible achievements remains when she was awarded a damehood from Princess Anne: even if she fumbled over her words while meeting the royal. </p> <p>“I was met by Princess Anne, but sadly I was so overwhelmed with emotion that I could barely speak," she says.</p> <p>"I apologised and she said: 'Don’t worry, you have a lovely brim on your hat.' She kept on talking before I curtseyed and went out into the Picture Gallery. Stevie was there waiting and I just burst into tears."</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>


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How to deal with holiday stress, Danish-style

<p>The holidays often involve jubilant gift exchanges, renewed connections with family and friends, and treasured traditions.</p> <p>But the love and cheer can also <a href="">be accompanied by a host of stressors</a> – chaotic travel, conflicts over COVID-19 preventive measures, difficult dinner conversations with relatives, and worries about affording and finding holiday gifts.</p> <p>This stress <a href="">can worsen</a> your mental and physical health. <a href="">Research even finds</a> that mortality is higher than normal during the holidays.</p> <p>How can you best find a balance during the holidays so that you are fulfilled instead of frazzled?</p> <p>Perhaps you can find balance by taking a few cultural cues from the Danes.</p> <p>Denmark, despite its winters that can be <a href="">cold and gloomy</a>, is full of people <a href="">who consistently rank among the happiest</a> in the world.</p> <p>As a <a href="">native Dane and a psychologist</a>, I’ll often point to Danish words that can cultivate well-being. These words can be used at any time of the year, but I think a couple are particularly useful for navigating the stress of the holidays.</p> <p><strong>Going above and beyond</strong></p> <p>Understanding the Danish word “overskud” can help you find more balance during a period of joy and competing commitments.</p> <p>“<a href="">Overskud</a>” is a noun that roughly means “excess.” In an economic context it means profit, but in everyday speech it’s used to refer to having the energy, willingness or resources to tackle a task or a problem.</p> <p>Having overskud is generally viewed as a good thing – you might go the extra mile at work, plan an elaborate holiday party, find extra thoughtful presents or volunteer at your child’s school.</p> <p>Danes sometimes combine the noun with other nouns so that you might say that you can make an “overskuds-breakfast” – a fancy breakfast of omelettes, bacon, coffee and french toast. Or you might be an overskuds-dad – the dad who decorates cookies with his kids and their friends.</p> <p>Although it might seem a bit like bragging to say one has overskud, Danes react to people describing having overskud with authentic applause and support. After all, who wouldn’t want to have extra energy and bandwidth to tackle life?</p> <p>Some <a href="">Danish therapists</a> maintain that having more overskud can lead you to experience more contentment, calm and presence.</p> <p><strong>Your energy isn’t boundless</strong></p> <p>And yet the holidays can sometimes demand overskud in a number of different areas: Food should be healthy but also fit everyone’s preferences and expectations. Presents should be thoughtful and affordable. Elaborate decorations must come up and go down.</p> <p>How do you balance it all?</p> <p>Any psychologist will tell you that maintaining <a href="">healthy boundaries</a> is associated with better mental health.</p> <p>Importantly, the word overskud is also used to clearly communicate when people cannot tackle an event, task or obligation.</p> <p>Instead of saying “I’m swamped,” a Dane might say they don’t have enough “overskud” to go to a party or meet for a glass of <a href="">gløgg</a>, a mulled Christmas wine. It’s basically a shorthand way to say, in a nonjudgmental way, that something sounds like fun, and you would love to do it, but you simply don’t have the energy.</p> <p>Danes also use a verb that’s related to overskud, which is a noun. They will say that they cannot “overskue” something – organizing a family holiday event, planning a trip or deep-cleaning the house.</p> <p>Often, activities that are meant to be fun and invigorating, like going to a holiday party on a weeknight or buying presents for a fundraiser, still require a fair amount of effort. If your store of energy is empty and you’d rather just stay home in your PJs, you might say “I just cannot overskue doing it.”</p> <p>Essentially, the Danes use the words overskud and overskue to say, “No,” and there’s an unspoken understanding that it’s nothing personal. Saying “no” to some things will give you the time and energy to say “yes” to others, so you can tackle the holidays with vigor and cheer – and be that overskud party planner, cookie decorator or gift giver, should you wish to do so.</p> <p><strong>The importance of ‘pyt’</strong></p> <p>People might want their vision for the holidays to go off without a hitch. But reality often smacks people in the face: rude strangers, long lines, decoration disasters, out-of-stock toys, piles of dirty dishes, screaming children and resentful relatives.</p> <p>You can practice letting go of holiday-related frustrations by simply saying the Danish word “<a href="">pyt</a>,” <a href="">which is pronounced</a> like “pid.”</p> <p>Pyt is similar to saying “oh, well” or “stuff happens” and is used to let go of minor frustrations, hassles or mistakes. Danes might say about their own behavior “pyt, I didn’t do a great job wrapping that present.” Or they might say “pyt” when they sense someone else’s disappointment: “pyt, those cookies do look a bit funny, but they’re still delicious.”</p> <p>Pyt is about accepting that things won’t go exactly as planned, and embracing that fact.</p> <figure class="align-center "><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" sizes="(min-width: 1466px) 754px, (max-width: 599px) 100vw, (min-width: 600px) 600px, 237px" srcset=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=399&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 600w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=399&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1200w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=399&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 1800w,;q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=502&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 754w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=502&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1508w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=502&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 2262w" alt="A Christmas tree bulb in an anvil." /><figcaption><span class="caption">Don’t let the pressure of a perfect Christmas make you crack.</span> <span class="attribution"><a class="source" href="">alacatr/E+ via Getty Images</a></span></figcaption></figure> <p>Having very high personal standards is a <a href="">predictor of</a> poor coping skills and a poor ability to deal with daily stressors. Moreover, <a href="">stress</a> can be mitigated by accepting imperfection as a healthy and normal part of life.</p> <p>Another way to get to pyt is to focus on what really counts. Is this long line at the mall really worth ruining your day? Or is it a minor annoyance that will soon be forgotten?</p> <p>Perhaps you can take a moment while waiting to think about some of the things you’re thankful for or remind yourself that you’re OK. <a href="">Research shows</a> that self-reflection and self-compassion together are particularly effective in reducing stress. Moreover, <a href="">self-compassion</a> can lead to acceptance of both your own and other people’s flaws.</p> <p>One of the benefits of holiday stress – compared to unexpected stress – is that you can anticipate it.</p> <p>You’ve been here before. If you don’t try to do it all and don’t expect everything to go according to plan, you may just end up having your best holiday yet.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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World’s most stressful airports revealed

<p dir="ltr">In a year of cancelled flights, lost luggage and indefinite delays with air travel around the world, it's fair to say a lot of travellers have spent some stressful times in airports. </p> <p dir="ltr">As a result of this year of travel chaos, holiday rental group <a href="">Hawaiian Islands</a> have analysed over 1,500 Google reviews for over 500 airports to name and shame the most stressful airports in the world. </p> <p dir="ltr">Unsurprisingly to most, Sydney Airport did not skate by unscathed, with Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport coming in second on the list of stressful airports in the Asia and Oceania region, only being beaten by Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Vietnam. </p> <p dir="ltr">According to data from FlightAware compiled by <a href="">CNN Travel</a>, 34.2 percent of flights scheduled between May 26 and July 19, 2022, at Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport were delayed – the ninth most of any airport in the world.</p> <p dir="ltr">Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane airports were also all in the top 10.</p> <p dir="ltr">Elsewhere in the world, nine of the 10 most stressful airports overall were in Europe, with four of them in the UK alone.</p> <p dir="ltr">The most stressful airport in the world went to the UK’s Manchester Airport, with over 82 percent of reviews indicating an anxious time. </p> <p dir="ltr">The top two most stressful airports in the US went to East Coast states, with Albany International (New York) topping the list, and Newark Liberty International (New Jersey) coming in a close second place. </p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>

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Being stressed out before you get COVID increases your chances of long COVID. Here’s why

<p>Stress is part and parcel of modern life. When we’re on the verge of a new challenge or a significant event, we can experience stress mixed with excitement and a sense of challenge. This form of “good” stress, or <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">eustress</a>, is important for growth, development, and achievement.</p> <p>However, prolonged stress and overwhelming or traumatic events can negatively impact our health. These forms of “bad” stress – or distress – can make us sick, depressed, anxious and over the long term, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">increase our risk</a> of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, dementia and even <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">cancer</a>.</p> <p>Distress can also affect our ability to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">fully recover</a> from COVID. Ongoing symptoms for a month or more is referred to as long COVID. Those affected can experience fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath, loss of taste and smell, difficulty sleeping, anxiety and/or depression. For some, these symptoms can last for many months or even years, making it impossible to return to pre-COVID life.</p> <p>In a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Harvard University study</a> published last month, people suffering psychological distress in the lead up to their COVID infection had a greater chance of experiencing long COVID. The researchers found those with two types of distress (depression, probable anxiety, perceived stress, worry about COVID, and loneliness) had an almost 50% greater risk of long COVID than other participants.</p> <p>So how might distress impact the body’s ability to fight infection?</p> <p><strong>First, we need to look at inflammation</strong></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Inflammation</a> is the body’s way of responding to an infection or injury.</p> <p>When the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">immune system</a> encounters a virus, for example, it launches an attack to neutralise infected cells and store a memory of that virus so it can respond faster and more effectively the next time.</p> <p>Many things can cause inflammation, including bacteria and viruses, injuries, toxins and chronic stress.</p> <p>The body has many different responses to inflammation, including redness, heat, swelling and pain. Some inflammatory responses can occur silently within the body, without any of these typical symptoms. At other times, inflammation can mobilise energy resources to cause exhaustion and fever.</p> <p>During inflammation, immune cells release substances known as inflammatory mediators. These chemical messengers cause small blood vessels to become wider (dilate), allowing more blood to reach injured or infected tissue to help with the healing process.</p> <p>This process can also irritate nerves and cause pain signals to be sent to the brain.</p> <p><strong>What does distress have to do with inflammation?</strong></p> <p>In the short term, stress <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">causes</a> the release of hormones that suppress inflammation, ensuring the body has enough energy resources available to respond an immediate threat.</p> <p>However, when experienced over an extended period of time, stress itself can cause low grade “silent” inflammation. Chronic distress and related mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, are all associated with elevated levels of inflammatory mediators. In fact, the repeated exposure to mild, unpredictable stress is enough to elicit an inflammatory response.</p> <figure class="align-center "><em><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" sizes="(min-width: 1466px) 754px, (max-width: 599px) 100vw, (min-width: 600px) 600px, 237px" srcset=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=400&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 600w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=400&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1200w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=400&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 1800w,;q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=503&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 754w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=503&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1508w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=503&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 2262w" alt="Fatigued woman rests her head against a wall" /></em><figcaption><em><span class="caption">Repeated exposure to stress can produce an inflammatory response.</span> <span class="attribution"><a class="source" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Stacey Garrielle Koenitz Rozells/Unsplash</a></span></em></figcaption></figure> <p>Pre-clinical (lab-based) <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">studies</a> have shown chronic mild stress can cause depression-like behaviour by promoting inflammation, including activating immune cells in the brain (microglia). When anti-inflammatories were given during the mild stress exposure they prevented depression-like behaviour. However if given after the event, the anti-inflammatories were ineffective.</p> <p>When inflammation is ongoing, such as with extended periods of distress, the immune system changes the way it responds by reprogramming the immune cells. Effectively, it switches to “low surveillance mode”. In this way, it remains active throughout the body, but downgrades its responsiveness to new threats.</p> <p>Because of this, the response may be slower and less effective. Consequently, the process of recovery can take longer. For a virus like COVID, it’s possible that prior exposure to distress may similarly impair the body’s ability to fight the infection and increase the risk of long COVID.</p> <p><strong>How might distress affect recovery from COVID?</strong></p> <p>There is still much to learn about how COVID infection affects the body and how psychological factors can impact clinical outcomes in the short and long term.</p> <p>COVID has far-reaching effects across multiple body systems, affecting the lungs and heart to the greatest degree, and increasing the risk of blood clotting and stroke.</p> <p>Because the virus resides within human cells, an immune system switched to “low surveillance mode” as a result of psychological distress may miss early opportunities to destroy infected tissues. The virus can then gain an advantage over the defence (immune) system.</p> <p>Conversely, distress can suppress the early response, tipping the balance in favour of the invader.</p> <figure class="align-center "><em><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" sizes="(min-width: 1466px) 754px, (max-width: 599px) 100vw, (min-width: 600px) 600px, 237px" srcset=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=411&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 600w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=411&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1200w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=411&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 1800w,;q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=516&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 754w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=516&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1508w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=516&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 2262w" alt="Man sits on a ledge over a busy street" /></em><figcaption><span class="caption"><em>An immune system already switched to low surveillance mode might miss early opportunities to destroy the virus.</em></span><em> <span class="attribution"><a class="source" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Whoislimos/Unsplash</a></span></em></figcaption></figure> <p><strong>So what can we do about it?</strong></p> <p>Vaccines work by helping to train the immune system to find the target sooner, giving the immune system the advantage.</p> <p>Behavioural interventions that improve the ability to cope with stress <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">decrease inflammation</a> and may help to enhance the immune response to COVID.</p> <p>It’s also important to be aware that exposure to COVID <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">increases the risk</a> of depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions. Knowledge of this two-directional link is the first critical step to improving clinical outcomes.</p> <p>A lifestyle medicine approach that helps to reduce levels of distress and address mental health symptoms has important downstream benefits for physical health. This is likely to not only be the result of direct effects on the immune system itself, but also through related <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">improvements in health behaviours</a> such as diet, exercise and/or sleep.</p> <p>Further research is needed to better understand the impact of distress on the immune system, mental health and COVID outcomes, and to highlight ways to intervene to prevent long COVID and support recovery.</p> <p><!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><em>Written by </em><em>Susannah Tye.</em><em> Republished with permission of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Conversation</a>. <img src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /></em></p> <p><em>Image: Getty Images</em></p>


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5 simple steps to effectively manage carer’s stress

<p>Being a carer for a loved one is a full-time job with plenty of demands – which sometime means you have to make sacrifices, however, carers do what they do because they want to be able to show their love and help out in any way they can. The key to good caring is balance. Health and happiness are necessary otherwise if your mood is constantly low and your energy too, you may end be the one in need of a care. Follow these five tips to help you stay on the healthy and happing side of caring for someone.</p> <p><strong>1. Putting YOU first</strong></p> <p>Carers can’t afford to burnout, which is why you need to make yourself the best you can possibly be. This can be achieved by regularly eating nutritious meals and making sure you get adequate sleep in order to function at your best. Daily exercise, be it walking the dog or a dance class, will also help to make sure you stay fit and to enhance your energy levels. Also make sure you get health checks with your doctor on a regular basis.</p> <p><strong>2. Staying social</strong></p> <p>Isolation increases stress so it’s vital to keep active and social with others. Getting together regularly with friends and relatives reminds you that you always have a support network and it’s also a nice way to catch up, chat and vent about issues.</p> <p><strong>3. Community resources</strong></p> <p>Feel comfortable to look and ask for outside help. There are plenty of service providers that can assist you, including home health aides, carer’s breaks and day trips, training and support, home repair services and plenty of community volunteers. </p> <p><strong>4. Break time</strong></p> <p>Resting and having time out is crucial in order to be a happy healthy carer. Find a hobby and maintain it regularly. Visit friends and relatives who will take over caring duties on the weekend or some weeknights. Also, start thinking about the future and consider that there might come a point that you need to look at a nursing home for the person you are caring for.</p> <p><strong>5. Whole self-awareness</strong></p> <p>Remember to stay positive and avoid negativity at all costs. Remember what you are doing and why you are doing it. The benefits of your help and why you were placed on earth. Embrace life and yearn to make a difference to everyone else’s. Talk to relatives, friends and don’t forget to talk to us too.</p> <p><em>Image: Getty</em></p>


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