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Use it or lose it as historic super cap prepares to expire

<p><em><strong>Jordan Kennedy is a Partner at accounting and advisory firm Pitcher Partners Sydney. </strong></em></p> <p>Australians could be sitting on a golden opportunity to spur their super savings this year — but if they don’t act fast, they will miss out. </p> <p>That’s because in July they will lose the entitlement to claim any unused superannuation tax concessions from 2019-20, known as the concessional cap. </p> <p>The concessional cap is the total annual amount that can be contributed into super by a person’s employer, through salary sacrifice or claimed as a tax deduction, before the person is charged at the ordinary taxable rate. </p> <p>In other words, for most Australians there is a gap between what they or their employer contribute each year and the total amount they could contribute, taking advantage of tax concessions. </p> <p>In 2019-20, that capped amount was $25,000, and unless people were making or receiving contributions above the superannuation guarantee, they would have needed to earn about $260,000 to hit the cap. </p> <p>If they didn’t, there may still be ‘available’ cap that has built up over the last five years and can be used to access the 15% tax rate on earnings — until July 1, when the cap expires. </p> <p>While this sounds technical, reviewing past superannuation contributions and checking to see that caps have been maxed out is one of the easiest ways to achieve a tax deduction. </p> <p>Of course, there are a few aspects to this strategy that bear consideration. </p> <p>The concession cap system is a use it or lose it play. Any gap between contributions and cap will expire after five years, so this is the last chance to retrospectively boost your superannuation using the 2019-20 cap.</p> <p>That said, as this is the first year we have seen the cap expire, it might have slipped the minds of many. </p> <p>Even if you have maxed out the cap for that year, you should take the opportunity to look at more recent years as well to see if you have been carrying forward an available pool of tax concessions. </p> <p>The second thing to note is that the vast majority of Australians will have a tax cap opportunity available. </p> <p>For anyone on an average salary, the cap gap can grow by $10,000 or more each year, unless additional contributions are made through salary sacrifice or as a tax deduction.</p> <p>The concession is also available for those who might have stopped work to have children or who are reducing their workload approaching retirement. </p> <p>Check with your accountant or your super fund — you might have tens of thousands of dollars in tax concessions available for use. </p> <p>Thirdly, consider your timing. </p> <p>If you know you will have tax capacity in coming years, try to time your use for those years where you have a significant tax event, such as realising capital gains. </p> <p>This can reduce your tax liability without disrupting your other plans. </p> <p>In this case, seeking strategic advice is extremely important to determine the optimal outcome for your circumstances. </p> <p>And finally, recognise there are exceptions.</p> <p>People whose superannuation balance is already over $500,000 are excluded from taking advantage of the cap rollover, but could still benefit from advice on how they should balance their tax liabilities while maximising their superannuation. </p> <p>Whatever your circumstance, speaking to a qualified, independent advisor is the first step to ensure you are working within the complex rules that govern super and taking best advantage of the tax concessions available.</p> <p>But if there is an opportunity to reduce your tax liability for limited effort, you would be mad not to explore your options. </p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p>

Retirement Income

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Want your loved ones to inherit your super? Here’s why you can’t afford to skip this one step

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Tobias Barkley</a>, <a href="">La Trobe University</a></em></p> <p>What happens to our super when we die? Most Australians have superannuation accounts but about <a href="">one in five</a> of us die before we can retire and actually enjoy that money.</p> <p>If we do die early our money is paid out as super “death benefits”. They can be substantial. Even people who die young can have $200,000–$300,000 of death benefits through <a href="">super life insurance</a>.</p> <p>Death benefits have recently been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Last week <a href="">the Treasurer Jim Chalmers</a> expressed concern about delays paying out death benefits.</p> <p><a href="">The Law Council</a> is concerned people do not have enough control over how death benefits are distributed. <a href="">Others are devastated</a> about death benefits being paid to alleged violent partners.</p> <h2>How can you decide who gets your unspent super?</h2> <p>Our first thought might be writing it in our will. However, super is not covered by our will as it does not become part of our <a href="">deceased estate</a>.</p> <p>Instead, death benefits are distributed by the trustee of your superannuation fund. Under the law, there are two main mechanisms controlling distribution: <a href=",the%20date%20we%20accept%20it.&amp;text=Lapsing%20binding%20nomination%20%E2%80%93%20This%20nomination,date%20you%20sign%20the%20form.">binding nominations</a> and the trustee’s discretion.</p> <p>Every super member has the option to create a binding nomination. It’s like a will for your super that the super trustee is obliged to follow. It also needs two witnesses to execute it. However, there are actually more ways for a binding nomination to fail than for a will to fail.</p> <p>The law only allows you to nominate certain people: your “<a href="">dependants</a>” or your estate. If you nominate anyone else your entire nomination stops being binding. Plus, unlike wills, there is no way to fix execution errors. Also, many binding nominations expire after three years.</p> <p>If you don’t have a binding nomination, then the trustee can choose who your death benefit goes to. There are two main mechanisms controlling how the trustee chooses who gets your death benefit.</p> <p>First, <a href="">legislation</a> requires the trustee to give the death benefit to your dependants or deceased estate before anyone else. This means that your parents, for example, will only receive something if you have no children, partner or other dependants.</p> <p>Second, decisions made by trustees can be disputed by complaining to the <a href="">Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)</a>. The authority has a rigid approach to who should get death benefits and trustees usually follow this course of action.</p> <p><a href="">Research I’ve done with Xia Li</a> of La Trobe University reveals what AFCA does in practice.</p> <p>Most crucially, people’s wishes expressed in non-binding nominations were essentially ignored. Our research found there was no statistically significant association between being nominated in a non-binding nomination and receiving any of the death benefit. This was true even for recent nominations.</p> <p>Other factors the complaints authority ignores are family violence and financial need. In one case, five daughters provided evidence, including a police report, that their deceased mother was a victim of violence perpetrated by her new partner. <a href="">In keeping with the Federal Court, AFCA gave the alleged perpetrator</a> everything because he alone would have benefited from the deceased’s finances if she had lived.</p> <p>In another case, <a href="">the deceased’s adult son received nothing</a> despite living with disability and “doing it tough”. He had refused financial help so was not financially dependent. AFCA gave everything to the partner.</p> <p>AFCA ignores these factors because of one key issue. It places “<a href="">great weight</a>” on whether beneficiaries are financially dependent on the deceased.</p> <p>This means when choosing between a financial dependent – such as a new partner who shares home expenses with the deceased, and non-financial dependants, such as most adult children – AFCA will almost always give everything to the spouse.</p> <p>Relying on financial dependence can be arbitrary. Unlike in family law, a de facto partner <a href="">does not need to be living with you for two years</a> before becoming entitled. For example, <a href="">in one case AFCA gave a partner of possibly only seven months</a> (and 41 years younger than the deceased) everything and the deceased’s three children aged 27–33 nothing.</p> <p>Also, AFCA treats any regular payment that supports daily living as financial dependence. For example, <a href="">a son paying A$100 a week board to parents means both parents are financially dependent on the son</a>. In another case, payments from the deceased to his brother of $5,000, $7,000 and $5,000 made over a year <a href="">was not financial dependence because they were irregular</a>.</p> <p>The whole process is slow. The average time it takes to resolve a death benefit case that goes to AFCA is nearly <a href="">three years and the longest case I’ve seen took over six</a>.</p> <p>The only thing that you can do that will make a difference is execute a binding nomination; non-binding nominations are worthless.</p> <p>But take care to execute your binding nomination correctly (get legal advice) and leave reminders for yourself to review it every three years.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Tobias Barkley</em></a><em>, Lecturer, <a href="">La Trobe University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>

Money & Banking

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Superannuation is complicated. A guaranteed government income in retirement would be simpler

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Brendan Coates</a>, <a href="">Grattan Institute</a> and <a href="">Joey Moloney</a>, <a href="">Grattan Institute</a></em></p> <p>Having compulsory super should help create a comfortable and stress-free retirement. But Australia’s super system is too complex for retirees to navigate.</p> <p>This can leave them stressed and lacking the confidence to spend their super savings.</p> <p>Our latest report, <a href="">Simpler super: taking the stress out of retirement</a>, recommends the federal government offer all Australians a lifetime <a href="">annuity</a> - a financial product that pays a guaranteed income for the rest of their lives.</p> <p>This would help retirees stress less, spend more, and enjoy their retirement years.</p> <h2>Stress prompts many to underspend super</h2> <p>For the first time, many Australians are entering retirement with significant super balances: Australians are retiring with an average super balance of more than A$200,000, and couples with about $300,000.</p> <p><a href="">Despite having saved enough to be comfortable</a>, four in five people say planning for retirement is complicated, and 60% don’t think their retirements will be financially stress-free.</p> <p>Few retirees draw down on their retirement savings as intended. In fact, many are actually net savers – their savings continue to grow for decades after they retire.</p> <p><a href="">Our analysis</a> of the <a href="">ABS Survey of Income and Housing</a> shows for those aged 60-64 in 2003-04, average super balances had grown by 37% in real terms by the time they were aged 76-80 in 2019-20.</p> <p>And their average net wealth, which excludes the equity in their home, grew by 14% over the same period.</p> <p>Australia’s <a href="">$4 trillion</a> compulsory superannuation system is turning into a massive inheritance scheme. That’s not how super was supposed to work.</p> <h2>Retirees are given too little guidance</h2> <p>The super system makes most big decisions for working Australians, such as how much to contribute or how it’s invested. But once we retire there is little guidance about how to use our funds.</p> <p>More than four in five retirees are steered into account-based pensions. But partly because they’re anxious not to outlive their savings, this group manages their spending very cautiously.</p> <p>While on average, an Australian woman aged 65 today can expect to live until 88, they also have a one-in-five chance of either dying before age 81 or of making it to 94.</p> <p>Half of those retirees who use an account-based pension draw their super at legislated minimum rates, which if followed, leave 65% of super balances unspent by average life expectancy.</p> <p>This widespread use of account-based pensions makes Australia a global outlier. Retirees in most rich countries are automatically given – or otherwise strongly encouraged to choose – <a href="">an income guaranteed to last their entire lives</a>.</p> <p>Research suggests having an income that is guaranteed to last until death <a href="">can reduce stress</a> and <a href="">boost retirees’ spending</a>.</p> <h2>Government could steer retirees into annuities</h2> <p>Our report argues retirees should be encouraged to use 80% of their super balance above $250,000 to purchase an annuity.</p> <p>The government could embed this pre-set guidance throughout the retirement income system. It could be included in all relevant communications with retirees from super funds, and especially at the point of retirement.</p> <p><a href="">Research shows</a> that retirees tend to choose the option put in front of them.</p> <p>The remaining super balance – $250,000, plus the remaining 20% of any savings above that level – would continue to be drawn down via an account-based pension. Retirees would still have to access their super for large purchases if needed.</p> <p>Using some super to buy an annuity could boost expected retirement incomes by up to 25%, compared to solely drawing on an account-based pension at legislated minimum rates.</p> <p>And it would ensure that the bulk of retirees’ incomes, irrespective of their super balances, would be guaranteed to last the rest of their lives.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="TYMjG" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: 0;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <hr /> <h2>Annuities should be provided by government, not super funds</h2> <p>But steering retirees into annuities offered via super funds is unlikely to work.</p> <p>Super funds <a href="">have resisted</a> previous attempts by government to <a href="">require them to offer annuities to retirees</a>.</p> <p>Many people also struggle to understand and compare annuities. They often find it difficult to switch to a better deal later even if they can spot one.</p> <p>Recent <a href="">experience in the UK</a> showed when required to purchase an annuity, most people simply took what their fund was offering and often got a poor deal.</p> <p>Designing a regulatory regime that overcomes these issues is a huge challenge. The best option, therefore, is for the government to directly offer annuities. It should offer all retirees a simple lifetime annuity as the baseline option.</p> <p>The government could also offer alternatives including investment-linked annuities, where payments are guaranteed for life, but payments could vary based on investment returns.</p> <p>Priced fairly, and managed by an independent agency, a government annuity would encourage there take-up. Retirees would be more confident that they’re getting a good deal.</p> <p>Annuity payments would be made from the pool of capital created by annuity purchases, with these investments managed by the Future Fund.</p> <p>Under reasonable assumptions we project the government annuity provider could be managing assets totalling 2.5% of GDP by 2040.</p> <p>Superannuation offers Australians the promise of a more comfortable and stress-free retirement. Government-offered annuities can help turn that dream into reality.</p> <p><em>Esther Suckling made substantial contributions to the research underpinning this article.</em><!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Brendan Coates</em></a><em>, Program Director, Housing and Economic Security, <a href="">Grattan Institute</a> and <a href="">Joey Moloney</a>, Deputy Program Director, Housing and Economic Security, <a href="">Grattan Institute</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>

Money & Banking

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New report reveals huge amount of super needed to retire

<p>Australians will need nearly $600,000 in their superannuation to retire comfortably, according to a new report. </p> <p>The Association of Superannuation Funds (ASFA) Retirement Standard report found that home-owning singles would need $595,000 to retire at 67 with a “comfortable” lifestyle, while a home-owning couple in relatively good health would need $690,000.</p> <p>This means that home-owning couples would need $73,337 per year while home-owning singles would need  $52,085 for a comfortable lifestyle. </p> <p>Their analysis also found that for a more modest lifestyle, a superannuation balance of $100,000 is needed for both singles or couples. </p> <p>Both budgets assume the retirees own their homes and are relatively healthy. </p> <p>On Wednesday, financial commentator Betsy Westcott told <em>Sunrise</em> that Aussies needed to start thinking about retirement earlier to make the most of their savings. </p> <p>“The longer that you contribute to super and pay attention it to it, the less you have to do to create that really golden retirement because age is your superpower,” Westcott said.</p> <p>“If you’re not paying attention to your super, which, let’s be honest, most of us aren’t, you could be missing out on some really big gains (to the overall balance).”</p> <p>She added that most people retired closer to 65 than 67 and ended up with a lot less superannuation than the benchmark. </p> <p>While the ASFA retirement standard took into account  “everyday spending,” Wescott said it did not factor in expenses like helping children buy a home, or buying into a retirement village.</p> <p>She also stressed that these benchmarks were just a guide saying:  "Personal finance is just that, it is personal.”</p> <p>“Your idea of a golden retirement will look different to your neighbour’s, your cousin’s, your best friend’s."</p> <p><em>Image: Shutterstock</em></p>

Retirement Life

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More Australians are using their superannuation for medical procedures. But that might put their financial health at risk

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Neera Bhatia</a>, <a href="">Deakin University</a></em></p> <p>A record number of Australians are accessing their superannuation early on compassionate grounds, mainly to fund their own medical procedures – or those of a family member.</p> <p>Some 150,000 Australians have used the scheme in the last five years. Nearly 40,000 people <a href="">had applications approved</a> in 2022-23, compared to just under 30,000 in 2018-19 – an increase of 47%.</p> <p>Some people think this flexible use of funds is a good way to ensure people can fund their own medical needs. But more transparency and better oversight is needed.</p> <h2>What are compassionate grounds?</h2> <p>Since July 2018, the Australian Tax Office has administered the early release of superannuation – meaning before <a href="">retirement</a> – under certain circumstances, including compassionate grounds.</p> <p><a href="">Compassionate grounds</a> for you or your dependant (such as child or spouse) are:</p> <ul> <li>medical treatment or transport</li> <li>modifying your home or vehicle to accommodate special needs for a severe disability</li> <li>palliative care for a terminal illness</li> <li>death, funeral or burial expenses</li> <li>preventing foreclosure or forced sale of your home.</li> </ul> <p>The medical treatment must be for a life-threatening illness or injury, or to alleviate acute or chronic pain, or acute or chronic mental illness.</p> <p>The treatment cannot be “readily available” through the public system. Cosmetic procedures are excluded.</p> <p>You also have to prove you cannot afford to pay part or all of the expenses without accessing your super, for example, by spending your savings, selling assets or getting a loan.</p> <p>People who can access other funding for the expense, such as via the <a href="">National Disability Insurance Scheme</a>, are ineligible.</p> <h2>Why are people using this scheme more?</h2> <p>The ATO has not explained what is driving the surge. General cost-of-living pressures may play a role. People may have fewer savings to draw on for medical procedures.</p> <p>But the treatments most commonly being accessed using superannuation – fertility treatments, weight loss surgeries and dental care – point to other systemic issues.</p> <p>There have long been issues with IVF and <a href=",has%20a%20structural%20budget%20problem.">dental care</a> not being readily available or funded in the public health system.</p> <p>Weight loss surgeries (including <a href="">bariatric surgery</a>) can help combat potentially life-threatening conditions such as heart disease. Recent <a href="">research</a> suggests there has been an overall drop in the number of Australians having bariatric surgeries since 2016. But of those, 95% are performed through the private system.</p> <p>While early access to super can provide individuals access to critical treatment, there are issues with how compassionate grounds are defined and regulated.</p> <h2>Lack of clarity</h2> <p>As my co-author and I <a href="">have shown</a>, the vague wording of the <a href="">Superannuation Industry regulations</a> leaves them worryingly open to interpretation.</p> <p>For example, the meaning of “mental disturbance” is not defined.</p> <p>You may not meet the criteria of having an acute or life-threatening illness, or acute or chronic pain. But if you can show a certain condition causes you acute mental disturbance, you may qualify to release your superannuation early.</p> <p>People accessing their superannuation for IVF use this criterion, for example, by arguing they need to access funds to continue treatment and alleviate the acute mental distress caused by ongoing infertility issues.</p> <p>Two registered medical practitioners are each required to submit a report demonstrating the treatment is needed, and one must be a specialist in the field in which the treatment is required. However, the regulations do not specify clearly that the specialist should have relevant qualifications.</p> <p>In the IVF example, this means the specialist opinion can be provided by a fertility doctor rather than a mental health expert – and that person may stand to profit if they later also provide treatment.</p> <h2>A closed-loop system</h2> <p>Conflict of interest is another major issue.</p> <p>There is nothing in the regulations to stop a medical practitioner – such as a dentist – being involved in all steps and then financially benefiting. They could encourage a patient to access superannuation for a treatment, write the specialist report and then also receive payment for the treatment.</p> <p>Some clinics <a href="">promote</a> accessing superannuation as an option to pay for expensive treatments.</p> <p>This raises important questions about the independence of the process, as well as professional ethics.</p> <p>Medical practitioners making recommendations for early release of superannuation should be doing so on genuinely compassionate grounds. But the potential for exploitation remains an ethical concern, when a practitioner can financially benefit from recommending early access to nest egg funds.</p> <p>Transparency around potential <a href="">conflicts of interest</a> are impossible to ensure without proper oversight.</p> <h2>What is needed?</h2> <p><strong>1. Mandatory financial counselling</strong></p> <p>The ATO <a href="">has warned</a> accessing super early is not “free money”, with a spokesperson urging people to get financial advice. But the law should go a step further and make this compulsory. That way people making decisions during an emotionally charged moment can understand any future implications.</p> <p><strong>2. Tightening of the criteria</strong></p> <p>Greater clarity in the legislation – such as defining “mental disturbance” – would help prevent loopholes being exploited.</p> <p><strong>3. Better oversight</strong></p> <p>Less health-care industry involvement would promote greater transparency and independence. An independent body of medical practitioners could assess applications rather than practitioners who could financially benefit if applications are approved. This would help alleviate perceived and actual conflicts of interest.</p> <p>Accessing superannuation early may be the only option for some people to start a family or access other life-changing medical care. But they should be able to make this decision in a fully informed way, safeguarded from exploitation and aware of the implications for their future.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Neera Bhatia</em></a><em>, Associate Professor in Law, <a href="">Deakin University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>

Money & Banking

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The biggest faux pas for self-funded retirees

<p>Whether you have been retired for some time or are still looking forward to the time you can step back, chances are there are important considerations you may have overlooked.</p> <p>From planning and pensions to family and housing, these are the biggest self-funded retirement mistakes I come across, and some insights into how to avoid repeating them:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Lack of a plan</strong></li> </ol> <p>Not having a retirement plan is perhaps the most basic faux pas, but often the most costly.</p> <p>A detailed plan should cover things like:</p> <ul> <li>When you AND your partner will retire </li> <li>Where you will live (you may want to downsize, relocate, seek assisted living)</li> <li>Anticipated living costs (living situation, health, lifestyle)</li> <li>How you will spend your time (hobbies, travel, volunteering, time with family)</li> <li>Strategies to maximise investments and superannuation</li> <li>Tax minimisation strategies</li> </ul> <p>Remember: failing to plan = planning to fail.</p> <ol start="2"> <li><strong>Poor planning</strong></li> </ol> <p>Having a plan is the starting point, but it won’t get you far if it’s incomplete, not updated as circumstances change, or omits critical factors.</p> <p>For couples, not considering age differences is a big mistake. One partner retiring before the other can have big shifts on financial and tax dynamics and even the relationship itself. Then there is end-of-life care, particularly if the younger partner is still working.</p> <p>Not building in a safety buffer is another no-no. Too many retirees have been caught out by the high inflation of recent years, having calculated their anticipated income needs on much lower living costs.</p> <p>Balance short-term and long-term goals: being overly conservative early on can limit your financial situation down the track.</p> <p>And no plan is complete without contingencies for worst case scenarios – insurances, protections, back-up options.</p> <ol start="3"> <li><strong>Insecure housing </strong></li> </ol> <p>Government data has long shown major differences in quality of life for retirees who own their home versus those who don’t. </p> <p>Homelessness or insecure housing, the mercy of the rental market, and inability to customise your home as you age or if you need specialised support with disability or health issues are some of the challenges renters face.</p> <p>Furthermore, public estimates of how much the average Australian needs to retire typically assume home ownership – meaning rent is not part of that calculation. That’s a huge living cost you may not have factored into your retirement planning. </p> <ol start="4"> <li><strong>Unclaimed pensions</strong></li> </ol> <p>Contrary to popular belief, self-funded retirement and claiming a pension are not mutually exclusive. </p> <p>You may be eligible for a part-pension, calculated pro-rata according to the value of your assets and other income. Claiming a part-pension, no matter how small it may be, reduces how much income you need to draw down from super – making it last longer. </p> <p>Don’t fall into another common trap when applying – overestimating your assets. It’s easy to assume your non-monetary assets are worth more than what they really are, reducing how much pension you receive or negating your eligibility altogether.</p> <ol start="5"> <li><strong>Depleted Bank of Mum and Dad</strong></li> </ol> <p>With home ownership increasingly out of reach for younger adults, the Bank of Mum and Dad is often sought to bridge the gap. How you do so will impact your own situation.</p> <p>Giving more than you can afford can leave you overstretched. Missed loan repayments could see you fall behind on your own bills. Not putting agreements in writing can lead to disputes down the track. Having a loan guarantee called in could see you homeless.</p> <p>Be wise about decisions you make here and don’t let heartstrings cloud your judgement.</p> <ol start="6"> <li><strong>Suffering in silence</strong></li> </ol> <p>Elder abuse is a sad but significant problem. Given they have money in the bank, self-funded retirees are often the most vulnerable.</p> <p>Its effects can be far-reaching, impacting your mental and physical health, financial wellbeing, social interactions, and quality of life.</p> <p>Be aware of <a href="">the signs that something isn’t right</a>. If you recognise it happening to you – or someone you know – speak up and seek help. </p> <ol start="7"> <li><strong>Forgoing professional advice</strong></li> </ol> <p>How much of the above details did you already know? Chances are, not all of them. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.</p> <p>Money is a complicated business and you simply don’t know what you don’t know, which is why seeking independent, tailored advice from a professional is so important. </p> <p>A good financial advisor can help you identify new opportunities and manage risks you may not have considered, limit expenses and also work with your accountant to minimise your tax.</p> <p><strong><em>Helen Baker is a licensed Australian financial adviser and author of On Your Own Two Feet: The Essential Guide to Financial Independence for all Women. Helen is among the 1% of financial planners who hold a master’s degree in the field. Proceeds from book sales are donated to charities supporting disadvantaged women and children. Find out more at <a href=""></a></em></strong></p> <p><strong><em> Disclaimer: The information in this article is of a general nature only and does not constitute personal financial or product advice. Any opinions or views expressed are those of the authors and do not represent those of people, institutions or organisations the owner may be associated with in a professional or personal capacity unless explicitly stated. Helen Baker is an authorised representative of BPW Partners Pty Ltd AFSL 548754.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></strong></p>

Retirement Income

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Retirement tips for Australians without a full superannuation safety net

<p>Most people who commenced paid work before the 1992 launch of compulsory employer contributions won’t have enjoyed money going into their retirement fund for the full duration of their working lives.</p> <p>Others have spent most or all of their adult lives as caregivers – stay-home parents, carers for elderly parents or relatives living with disability. Unquestionably valuable work, yet sadly unpaid – meaning no superannuation.</p> <p>Then there other factors impacting retirement savings – the gender pay gap, periods of unpaid leave, unemployment, working abroad, being a low income earner and more.</p> <p>So don’t think you are alone if you don’t have enough in superannuation for a comfortable retirement. </p> <p>Consider the following options to fall back on instead of, or as well as, your super:</p> <p><strong>Age pension</strong></p> <p>This is the most obvious alternative. What fewer realise, though, is that you may still be eligible for a part-pension, even if your assets exceed the eligibility threshold for the full amount.</p> <p>Claiming a part-pension will stretch what super you do have further. Plus, the related concession card entitles you to a range of discounts, reducing your living costs.</p> <p>Don’t overestimate the value of your assets under the pension means test – potentially denying yourself a legitimate source of income.</p> <p><strong>Semi-retirement</strong></p> <p>Consider transitioning to part-time work instead of retiring outright, allowing you to reduce your workload while still generating both income and employer contributions into your super.</p> <p>This could include self-employment – many retirees begin building a business out of their hobby or do paid consulting work within their industry (often a much higher hourly rate than as a permanent employee).</p> <p><strong>Your home</strong></p> <p>If you own your home, chances are you are sitting on a pile of equity. </p> <p>Yes, you would need to sell and move in order to unlock those funds. But it’s tax-free money. And it can be as much of a lifestyle opportunity as a financial one: downsize to a home with less maintenance needs; relocate nearer to grandkids; enjoy a seachange or treechange. </p> <p>Downsizer provisions also allow you to contribute a chunk of the proceeds into your superannuation over-and-above voluntary contribution caps.</p> <p><strong>Investments</strong></p> <p>Certain investments can deliver a lucrative passive income stream, which you can use in lieu of – or alongside – income from super. Think investment property rents, share dividends, even renting out your car/caravan/boat when you’re not using it.</p> <p>Or you could sell investments you own and use the proceeds to top up your super, which is typically more tax effective than holding as cash.</p> <p><strong>Family business/trust</strong></p> <p>If you have a family business or family trust, you may be able to draw down a regular income from it if structured correctly.</p> <p>Doing so over time from operating profits/investment returns, rather than as a lump sum, means a trust can continue as normal without being forced to sell assets or be wound up, while a business can continue trading under family ownership without the remaining directors having to find the cash to buy out your share (though this may be another option to explore with them).</p> <p><strong>Living costs</strong></p> <p>Your living costs are quite different in full-time retirement compared to full-time work. </p> <p>Goodbye to many commuting, clothing, personal grooming, professional development, registration/certification, lunches and coffees, and work-from-home expenses.</p> <p>Hello to greater energy bills (more time at home and no more remote working tax deductions), travel and lifestyle spending.</p> <p>Don’t overlook the power of updating your household spending and investments plan to reflect this new reality, cancel work-related outgoings and cut unnecessary spending.</p> <p><strong>Timing</strong></p> <p>Perhaps the most far-reaching, yet most commonly overlooked, aspect around retirement is timing. For instance:</p> <ul> <li>the later in the financial year you retire, the more employment income you have accrued – potentially pushing you into a higher tax bracket and ballooning your tax bill.</li> <li>the proceeds from investments differ depending on when in the market cycle you sell them.</li> <li>retiring early may reduce employment bonuses, leave payouts, share option entitlements etc.</li> <li>both spouses/partners retiring simultaneously may reduce overall employment earnings, while conversely unlocking greater opportunities to do things together (like travel, shared hobbies, visiting family).</li> </ul> <p>A qualified financial adviser can help you work through your various options and alternatives, allowing you the peace of mind to enjoy your golden years comfortably – whether that is with or without superannuation.</p> <p><em><strong>Helen Baker is a licensed Australian financial adviser and author of On Your Own Two Feet: The Essential Guide to Financial Independence for all Women. Helen is among the 1% of financial planners who hold a master’s degree in the field. Proceeds from book sales are donated to charities supporting disadvantaged women and children. Find out more at <a href=""></a></strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>Disclaimer: The information in this article is of a general nature only and does not constitute personal financial or product advice. Any opinions or views expressed are those of the authors and do not represent those of people, institutions or organisations the owner may be associated with in a professional or personal capacity unless explicitly stated. Helen Baker is an authorised representative of BPW Partners Pty Ltd AFSL 548754.</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>Image credits: Shutterstock </strong></em></p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p>

Retirement Income

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"Dignified retirement": Aussies set for $21k cash boost

<p>The average Australian is set to receive a $21,000 cash boost following a change to superannuation contributions. </p> <p>From July the superannuation guarantee increased from 11 to 11.5 per cent, meaning that the compulsory superannuation payments made by employers have risen. </p> <p>This means that an average worker earning around $72,000 would pocket an extra $21,000 at retirement as a result of the permanent increase, according to an analysis by the Treasury Department. </p> <p>“Wages growth and tax cuts are putting cash in people’s pockets now, and our increase to the super guarantee will put cash in people’s pockets for the future,” Treasurer Jim Chalmers said.</p> <p>“This will make a meaningful difference for millions of Australians who deserve a dignified retirement.</p> <p>“The superannuation guarantee has increased three times under our government.”</p> <p>The government has been progressively increasing the super guarantee rate until it hits 12 per cent, which will come into effect from July 2025. </p> <p>The concessional super contributions cap - the amount that you can invest into your super each year without copping extra tax and includes employer payments - also increased on July 1, up from $27,500 to $30,000 per year.</p> <p>In addition to this, the after-tax super or non-concessional super contributions cap has also been increased from $110,000 to $120,000.</p> <p><em>Image: Shutterstock</em></p>

Retirement Income

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Australian superannuation changes and your retirement savings

<p>Superannuation has been a working retirement model plan for years, and the government makes constant changes to ensure these approaches remain feasible in today’s society. The Australian government announced changes to superannuation in February 2023, and since then, there have been new considerations for employers to deliberate over regarding super account plans for employees. Here is a look at the most recent alterations and what they mean for your super account and retirement plans. </p> <h2>Understanding Superannuation</h2> <p>Superannuation, or “super,” is money put aside in an account throughout an employee’s work experience. The sole purpose is for these individuals to have something to live on when they retire. </p> <p>For most people, it involves their employers taking from their salary and putting aside the dictated sum in a super account. These contributions are paid outside your wages or salary and are based on existing laws on how much recruiters must pay. There are also age and earning limits involved. For instance, you may not be eligible for a super account if you’re under 18 and work less than 30 hours weekly. Eligible individuals have to work over 30 hours weekly and have an earning cap of $450 or more (before tax) to be paid super. </p> <p>These funds are typically invested in assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, and others that can help yield interest over time. You can also manage your investments through the forex market using an advanced <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Australian trading platform</a>. </p> <h2>Recent Superannuation Changes in Australia</h2> <p><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720" /></p> <p> </p> <p>Following the introduction of the Superannuation Bill in 2016, a series of changes have been made to the annotation laws. </p> <p>On November 9, 2016, the Australian government introduced the bill, which was meant to help preserve the objectives of superannuation in the legislation. From the onset, this model aimed to provide income in retirement to replace or supplement the age-pending laws. The objective of this scheme has remained the same, and changes made over the years have been towards improving efficacy rather than impeding its relevance. </p> <p>The most recent of these reforms took place in 2013, and below is a summary of what these changes entail and how they affect retirees.</p> <h2>Superannuation on Paid Parental Leave</h2> <p>One of the first alterations was the announcement that superannuation would be payable to the Commonwealth’s Parental Leave Scheme to close the gender super gap. This means that superannuation will be paid on Government-funded Paid Parental Leave (PPL) for parents who give birth or adopt children on or after July 1, 2025. </p> <p>It’s easy to understand why this measure was introduced. When implemented, it is expected to benefit over 18,000 parents annually. Also, it will bring more balance to the ratio of payables between women and men. </p> <h2>Increase in Super Guarantee</h2> <p>The May 2024 Federal Budget also revealed the legislated increase of the Sper Guarantee to 12% will remain the same. From July 1, 2024, the fee will increase to 11.5%, after which an additional 0.5% will be added on July 1, 2025. </p> <p>Employees can look forward to this increase as some extra long-term payment to their retirement funds. Although it might seem like a slight increase, the addition over the long-term working period accumulates too much and could make a significant difference, especially with compound interest. </p> <h2>Super Payment at the Time of Salary and Wages</h2> <p><img src="" alt="" /></p> <p>This particular change was proposed but is yet to be legislated. It states that from July 1, 2026, employers will be required to pay their workers suer at the same time they pay salary and other wages. </p> <p>This change aims to better track these payments and mitigate issues, such as non-payments or discrepancies. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) also revealed that monitoring compliance from employers to their employees will be easy. </p> <p>Furthermore, there are reasons to believe this will bring better yields on the end of the receivers since fees paid faster will compound better ad yields and higher interests. </p> <h2>Additional Changes to Be Legislated</h2> <p>From July 1, 2025, a 30% concessional tax rate will be implemented for future earnings for balances over $3 million rather than the usual 15%. </p> <p>This alteration will impact over 80,000 people between 2025 and 2026. Lastly, the existing 2-year freeze on deeming rates at 2.25% has been shifted forward until June 30, 2025. </p> <p>This translates to retirees <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">continuing to benefit</a> from the present rate of 0.25% until the new allocated time. This measure can help alleviate the cost of living and is currently benefiting over 876,000 income support recipients and 450,000 aged pensioners. </p> <h2>Maximising Your Retirement Savings With Super</h2> <p>Super savings were introduced to allow employees to save a percentage of their earnings towards retirement so they have something to live on in their non-working years. The recent changes will surely improve things, and all you have to do is be sure that your employee is paying your super and doing so at the expected time. You can use the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">“estimate my super”</a> tool offered by the government to estimate how much your employee should pay. </p> <p><em>All images: Supplied.</em></p> <p><em>In collaboration with OANDA.</em></p>

Money & Banking

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How do I plan for my retirement? Step one – start right away

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Bomikazi Zeka</a>, <a href="">University of Canberra</a></em></p> <p>Planning for retirement is important because it will help you build the nest egg you’ll need to financially sustain your retirement years.</p> <p>Past <a href="">studies</a> have shown that those who plan for their retirement are more likely to be better off at retirement compared to those don’t.</p> <p>The sooner the planning process gets underway, the better. This gives your money more time to grow by generating investment returns. And the income from your first job is your first opportunity to save for retirement. As the saying goes: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”</p> <p>As people <a href="">can expect to live longer</a>, they must save more for retirement so that they don’t outlive their savings. This is particularly true given that the pensions landscape worldwide has undergone some major changes.</p> <p>In the past, governments and employers provided retirement income for individuals through government social security benefits and employment-based retirement funds. Because of increasing life expectancies, pension plans that guaranteed a retirement benefit to employees are now rare. Employees are now responsible for making contributions towards their own pensions as well as choosing the investments offered by the pension fund.</p> <p>Since employers are no longer responsible for funding their employees’ retirement and governments lack resources to provide a universal state pension, each person is ultimately responsible for ensuring they have enough retirement savings. So it’s very important to know the basics of the retirement planning process.</p> <p>As a researcher, I’m interested in how people use financial products to overcome economic challenges and build wealth. One of the things I investigate is whether planning for retirement leads to better retirement outcomes. For instance, my <a href=";origin=journalDetail&amp;_rtd=e30%3D">research</a> has found that individuals whose financial affairs are in order are more likely to maintain their standard of living at retirement.</p> <p>Given that everyone’s financial situation is unique, it’s always a good idea to speak to a financial planner for tailored financial advice.</p> <p>If you haven’t given retirement planning much thought or don’t know where to start, here are four points to help get the ball rolling.</p> <h2>What are my retirement goals?</h2> <p>Retirement goals make you think about what you want to achieve by the time you retire and what you need to do to achieve it. Some people may have a goal in mind about when they want to retire, or how much wealth they’d like to have by the time they retire. And since wealth has different meanings for different people, others may think about maintaining or improving their standard of living at retirement.</p> <p>Once you’ve thought about your retirement goals, the <a href="">“smart” goals</a> framework is a useful guide. It outlines that goals should be: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.</p> <p>When goals are clear, within reach, achievable, realistic and time-sensitive, they become a blueprint to help you turn them into a reality.</p> <h2>How do I start saving for retirement?</h2> <p>For those who have a job that comes with retirement fund membership, a workplace pension is used to provide for retirement. But there are also other options available to help you save.</p> <p>For instance, retirement annuity funds are voluntary retirement savings. Personal assets such as <a href="">unit trusts</a> or <a href="">tax-free investments</a> can also be used as a savings tool. Unit trusts are generally better suited for people willing to take on risk because their value is tied to the movements of financial markets. In other words, they can generate positive returns but they can also lose value. The drawback of tax-free investments in South Africa is that they have a lifetime contribution limit. You can’t use them to save more than R500,000 (US$27,400).</p> <p>Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages and what works best for one person may not be best for another. But there are several ways to save for retirement depending on your financial situation and retirement goals. Getting professional advice will help you determine what’s best for you.</p> <h2>Will my retirement savings be enough?</h2> <p>Once you’ve set your retirement goals and have a retirement savings plan in place, you can calculate whether you are saving enough to achieve your retirement goals.</p> <p>For example, if your retirement goal is: “I want to retire at the age of 65 years with an income equivalent to R35,000 (US$1,900) per month” then you can use a <a href="">retirement calculator</a> to track your progress and determine whether you need to make adjustments to meet your goals.</p> <p>You might have to increase the monthly amount you’re putting away for retirement or reconsider your retirement age. The retirement calculators are also a useful tool for regular check-ins on your progress should your financial situation change – for example, if you change employers and earn a different salary.</p> <h2>What other issues should I consider?</h2> <p>It’s also important to think about your lifestyle and priorities.</p> <p>For instance:</p> <ul> <li> <p>do you aim to retire with your mortgage settled?</p> </li> <li> <p>are there debts you plan to clear before you retire or children who need financial support at retirement?</p> </li> <li> <p>would you like to renovate your home?</p> </li> <li> <p>would you like to buy a new car when you reach retirement age?</p> </li> </ul> <p>Another important consideration is healthcare costs. Many people assume that they will be able to work indefinitely and overlook the fact that healthcare costs may increase with age.</p> <h2>Starting early matters</h2> <p>Many people plan to work after retirement age, while others don’t plan to retire at all. It may be that they can’t afford to. They may have accessed their retirement benefits too soon, made inconsistent retirement fund contributions, or had to pay high administrative costs that eroded the final value of a retirement payout.</p> <p>So best be prepared. Retirement may seem like a distant event to plan and save for, especially when there are more pressing financial needs. It’s important to think about the financial decisions you make now that may cost you in the future. If you start to plan for your retirement now, your future self will thank you for it.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. 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Retirement Income

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Why millions of Aussies are falling behind on superannuation savings

<p>Millions of Aussies are falling behind on their superannuation savings, with nearly one in two Australians on track for a grim retirement. </p> <p>According to research from superannuation and investments company Vanguard, this huge number of Australians have no idea how much they are playing in fees to their super funds, which can greatly impact how much you have in savings when your retirement day comes. </p> <p>“We are coming up against a stubborn statistic in our retirement research again this year — almost one in two Australians still don’t know what they pay in super fees,” Vanguard Investments Australia managing director Daniel Shrimski said.</p> <p>Also adding to the confusion of how much is needed for comfortable gold year is different companies sharing conflicting numbers on what figures to strive for in your superannuation.</p> <p>Superannuation consultancy company Australian Retirement Trust’s latest research shows the average superannuation balance for someone age 35 to 44 is $92,700, however this should be closer to $156,000 to be on track for a “comfortable retirement”.</p> <p>The average worker aged 55 to 64 has $285,900 in super but a 60-year-old needs close to $453,000 in retirement savings, ART said.</p> <p>“In the past 12 months, only one in five of us has checked our super balance,” Australian Retirement Trust executive general manager Anne Fuchs said, adding 70 per cent of Australians feel they don’t have enough money to retire on.</p> <p>“We talk to members all the time who have reached the end of their working life full of regret, wishing they had done something earlier. Australia has a monster problem whereby not enough of us are engaging with our super."</p> <p>“The earlier you start paying attention and understanding how your money is invested ... then you’ll really be able to finish work and put your feet up.”</p> <p>Financial consultancy Link Wealth director and financial adviser Joshua Lee told <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>7News</em></a> that one of the most important tips for Australians is to take notice and understand their superannuation payments and what they pay in fees.</p> <p>“Take notice of what your account is doing,” he said.</p> <p>“Look at your statement when it comes in every year so you can understand what fees are being deducted from your account because that will have an impact on how much money you have come retirement.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>

Retirement Life

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After a lifetime studying superannuation, here are 5 things I wish I knew earlier

<p><em><a href="">Susan Thorp</a>, <a href="">University of Sydney</a></em></p> <p>Amassing the wealth needed to support retirement by regular saving is a monumental test of personal planning and discipline. Fortunately for most Australian workers, the superannuation system can help.</p> <p>Superannuation uses the carrot of tax incentives, and the sticks of compulsion and limited access, to make us save for retirement.</p> <p>There are benefits to paying timely attention to your super early in your working life to get the most from this publicly mandated form of financial self-discipline.</p> <p>I’ve been researching and thinking about superannuation for most of my career. Here’s what I wish I knew at the beginning of my working life.</p> <h2>1. Check you’re actually getting paid super</h2> <p>First, make sure you are getting your dues.</p> <p>If you are working, your employer must contribute <a href="">11% of your earnings</a> into your superannuation account. By July 2025 the rate will increase to 12%.</p> <p>This mandatory payment (the “<a href="">superannuation guarantee</a>”) may look like yet another tax but it is an important part of your earnings (would you take an 11% pay cut?).</p> <p>It is worth checking on, and worth <a href="">reporting</a> if it is not being paid.</p> <p>The Australian Tax Office <a href="">estimates</a> there is a gap between the superannuation employers should pay and what they do pay of around 5% (or $A3.3 billion) every year.</p> <p>Failing to pay is <a href="">more common</a> among the accommodation, food service and construction industries, as well as small businesses.</p> <p>Don’t take your payslip at face value; cross-check your super account balance and the annual statement from your fund.</p> <h2>2. Have just one super account</h2> <p>Don’t make personal donations to the finance sector by having more than one superannuation account.</p> <p>Two super accounts mean you are donating unnecessary administration fees, possibly redundant insurance premiums and suffering two times the confusion to manage your accounts.</p> <p>The superannuation sector does not need your charity. If you have more than one super account, please consolidate them into just one today. You can do that <a href="">relatively easily</a>.</p> <h2>3. Be patient, and appreciate the power of compound interest</h2> <p>If you’re young now, retirement may feel a very distant problem not worth worrying about until later. But in a few decades you’re probably going to appreciate the way superannuation works.</p> <p>As a person closing in on retirement, I admit I had no idea in my 20s how much my future, and the futures of those close to me, would depend on my superannuation savings.</p> <p>Now I get it! <a href="">Research</a> <a href="">shows</a> the strict rules preventing us from withdrawing superannuation earlier are definitely costly to some people in preventing them from spending on things they really need. For many, however, it stops them spending on things that, in retrospect, they would rate as less important.</p> <p>But each dollar we contribute in our 30s is worth around three times the dollars we contribute in our 50s. This is because of the advantages of time and <a href="">compound interest</a> (which is where you earn interest not just on the money initially invested, but on the interest as well; it’s where you earn “interest on your interest”).</p> <p>For some, adding extra “voluntary” savings can build up retirement savings as a buffer against the periods of unemployment, disability or carer’s leave that most of us experience at some stage.</p> <h2>4. Count your blessings</h2> <p>If you are building superannuation savings, try to remember you’re among the lucky ones.</p> <p>The benefits of super aren’t available to those who can’t work much (or at all). They face a more precarious reliance on public safety nets, like the Age Pension.</p> <p>So aim to maintain your earning capacity, and pay particular attention to staying employable if you take breaks from work.</p> <p>What’s more, superannuation savings are invested by (usually) skilled professionals at rates of return hard for individual investors to achieve outside the system.</p> <p>Many larger superannuation funds offer members types of investments – such as infrastructure projects and commodities – that retail investors can’t access.</p> <p>The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) also <a href="">checks</a> on large funds’ investment strategies and performance.</p> <h2>5. Tough decisions lie ahead</h2> <p>The really hard work is ahead of you. The saving or “accumulation” phase of superannuation is mainly automatic for most workers. Even a series of non-decisions (defaults) will usually achieve a satisfactory outcome. A little intelligent activity will do even better.</p> <p>However, at retirement we face the challenge of making that accumulated wealth cover our needs and wants over an uncertain number of remaining years. We also face variable returns on investments, a likely need for aged care and, in many cases, declining cognitive capacity.</p> <p>It’s helpful to frame your early thinking about superannuation as a means to support these critical decades of consumption in later life.</p> <p>At any age, when we review our financial management and think about what we wish we had known in the past, we should be realistic. Careful and conscientious people still make mistakes, procrastinate and suffer from bad luck. So if your super isn’t where you had hoped it would be by now, don’t beat yourself up about it. <!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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Retirement Income

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It’s not just about accumulating super. Australians need to learn how to spend their retirement savings

<p><em><a href="">Marc Olynyk</a>, <a href="">Deakin University</a></em></p> <p>Australia’s superannuation and retirement income system is complex and difficult to navigate.</p> <p>Retirees need to make decisions on numerous issues where they have less than full information and understanding, both financial and non-financial. They also require access to retirement products to help them manage and balance income needs against longevity risk.</p> <p>Recognising these issues, the government released a <a href="">discussion paper</a> this month seeking views on three key issues:</p> <ol> <li> <p>helping super fund members navigate the retirement income system</p> </li> <li> <p>supporting superannuation funds to deliver better services</p> </li> <li> <p>making retirement income products more accessible.</p> </li> </ol> <p>Australia has one of the largest and most sophisticated pension systems in the world. Valued at more than <a href="">A$3.5 trillion</a> as at September 2023, and is the <a href="">5th largest pension scheme</a> in terms of asset size.</p> <p>It is also the <a href="">5th most highly rated retirement income system</a> internationally behind the Netherlands, Iceland, Denmark and Israel.</p> <h2>What is wrong with the super system?</h2> <p>But while the super system ranks highly in terms of integrity and sustainability, the numbers are not as flattering when it comes to “adequacy”.</p> <p>Adequacy is the level of income available to retirees depending on their different circumstances. According to a recent <a href="">study</a>, Australia is ranked 20th out of 47 worldwide on the adequacy index.</p> <p><a href="">Reform</a> in the <em>pre-retirement</em> phase of Australia’s retirement income scheme is ongoing and designed to support accumulating wealth for retirement.</p> <p>These ongoing reforms have been designed to make superannuation easier to understand and to reduce much of the decision making required. They’ve been needed because of an apparent lack of skills, interest and financial literacy among Australians.</p> <p>While the message that we need to save to be comfortable in retirement is getting through, the lack of information about how to manage these savings once we retire means many retirees are left to navigate the complex system as best they can.</p> <p>Given the complexity and volatility of Australia’s financial system, it’s hardly surprising many of the decisions made by retirees don’t produce the best financial results. For example, more than <a href="">84%</a> of retirement savings are held in account-based pensions which, if not properly managed, can run out. This is despite government and community awareness that outliving your savings is a real possibility.</p> <p>About 50% of retirees currently withdraw at the minimum pension rate, which means many people experience a lower standard of living than what would normally be expected with the super they have accumulated. This can result in wealth not being used and instead being passed on to the next generation.</p> <h2>Help is needed now because the retiree sector is booming</h2> <p>Over the next decade there is going to be a big increase in the number of people retiring and transitioning from the accumulation phase of their super to the pension phase. It’s estimated <a href="">2.5 million</a> Australians will move to the retirement phase in this period.</p> <p>Following the 2014 <a href="">Financial System Inquiry</a>, the government introduced the <a href="">Retirement Income Covenant</a> in 2022 to force super fund trustees to develop a strategy that would provide better retirement outcomes for their members.</p> <p>The strategy is based on retirees maximising their expected retirement income, managing expected risks to their retirement income and having flexible access to super funds during their retirement.</p> <p>A 2022-23 review conducted by <a href="">Australian Prudential Regulation Authority and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission</a> found while trustees were providing more help to retirees, overall there was a lack of progress and urgency among trustees to improve retirement outcomes.</p> <h2>How the system could be improved</h2> <p>Several proposals have been put forward to improve the experiences and decision-making of retirees. These have included:</p> <ul> <li> <p>improved support from and education by superannuation fund trustees</p> </li> <li> <p>changing how people view their super savings from an accumulation of wealth to a system that enables drawdown of retirement savings over time to fund expenses.</p> </li> <li> <p>providing an automatic rollover of retirement savings into an income-stream instead of allowing a lump sum withdrawal on retirement</p> </li> <li> <p>expanding existing income products (that are starting to be offered by several financial institutions) which combine providing investment choice with a pension for life</p> </li> <li> <p>setting up a MyRetire product that would run parallel to <a href="">MySuper</a> and provide a simple and cost-effective retirement income system for less engaged members. MySuper only applies to the accumulation phase. Once a member starts an income stream in retirement, their MySuper account ceases</p> </li> <li> <p>improving access to financial planning advice which is shown to play a significant role in preparing Australians for retirement.</p> </li> </ul> <p>The government, superannuation industry and the community all have a greater role to play in improving the financial outcomes and experiences of retirees.</p> <p>With Australia’s ageing population, the need to better support retirees to achieve a dignified retirement is becoming more urgent.</p> <p>All Australians expect and deserve a financially secure retirement.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Marc Olynyk</em></a><em>, Director of Financial Planning, Deakin Business School, <a href="">Deakin University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>

Retirement Income

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Not all beer and pokies: what Australians did with their super when COVID struck

<p><em><a href="">Nathan Wang-Ly</a>, <a href="">UNSW Sydney</a> and <a href="">Ben Newell</a>, <a href="">UNSW Sydney</a></em></p> <p>What happens when people withdraw their retirement savings early?</p> <p>We’ve just found out.</p> <p>During the first year of COVID Australians who faced a 20% decline in their working hours (or turnover for sole traders) or were made unemployed or were on benefits were permitted to take out up to <a href="">A$10,000</a> of their super between April and June 2020, and a further $10,000 between July and December.</p> <p>Five million took up the offer. They withdrew <a href="">$36 billion</a>.</p> <p>Most of those surveyed by the Institute of Family Studies said they used the money to cover <a href="">immediate expenses</a>. But definitions of “immediate” can vary.</p> <p>Real time transaction card data appeared to show early withdrawers boosted their spending by an average of <a href="">$3,000</a> in the fortnight after they got the money.</p> <p><a href="">One interpretation</a> said they spent the money on “beer, wine, pokies, and takeaway food, rather than mortgages, bills, car debts, and clothes”.</p> <p>In order to get a more complete picture, we obtained access to millions of anonymised transaction records of customers of Australia’s largest bank, the <a href="">Commonwealth Bank</a>.</p> <p>The data included 1.54 million deposits likely to have been money withdrawn through the scheme including 1.04 million we are fairly confident did.</p> <h2>Who dipped into super?</h2> <p>The data provided by the bank allows us to compare circumstances of withdrawers and non-withdrawers including their age, time with the bank, and banking behaviour before COVID.</p> <p>We find withdrawers tended to be younger and in poorer financial circumstances than non-withdrawers before the pandemic. Six in ten of the withdrawers were under the age of 35, a finding consistent with data reported by the <a href="">Australian Taxation Office</a>.</p> <p>Withdrawers tended to earn less than non-withdrawers, even non-withdrawers of the same age. Only 17% of withdrawers for whom we could identify an income earned more than $60,000 compared with 26% of non-withdrawers. And withdrawers had lower median bank balances ($618 versus $986).</p> <p>For those with credit cards and home loans, withdrawers were about twice as likely to be behind on repayments as non-withdrawers (9.7% versus 5.8% for credit cards, and 8.2% versus 3.4% for home loans).</p> <p>These characteristics suggest that, despite concerns of the scheme being exploited due to the application process <a href="">not requiring any documentation</a>, most of those using the scheme genuinely needed the money.</p> <h2>Where did the money go?</h2> <p>Compared to non-withdrawers, those who withdrew increased their spending (on both essential and discretionary items), paid back high-interest debts, boosted their savings, and became less likely to miss debt payments.</p> <p>Withdrawers spent an average of $331 more per month on debit cards in the three months after withdrawal, and $126 per month in the following three months.</p> <p>They spent an extra $117 per month on credit cards during the first three months, which shrank to an extra $13 per month in the following three months.</p> <p>The average withdrawer spent 7% more per month on groceries than the average age and income matched non-withdrawer, 12% more on utilities such as gas and electricity, 16% more on discretionary shopping, and 20% more on “entertainment,” a Commonwealth Bank category that includes gambling.</p> <h2>Less debt, less falling behind</h2> <p>In the three months that followed withdrawing, withdrawers also averaged $437 less credit card debt and $431 less personal loan debt than age and income matched non-withdrawers, differences that shrank to $301 and $351 in the following three months.</p> <p>They also became less likely to fall behind on credit card and personal loan payments, a difference that vanished after three months.</p> <p>Our interpretation is that the scheme achieved its intended purpose: it provided many Australians in need with a financial lifeline and helped buoy them during uncertain and turbulent times.</p> <h2>Lessons learned</h2> <p>At the same time, our <a href="">findings</a> identify areas of concern. The fact that most withdrawals were for the permitted maximum of $10,000 highlights the need to carefully consider the withdrawal limit.</p> <p>While these sums might simply reflect the true amount of money individuals needed to sustain themselves, it might be that many withdrawers were unsure of how much to <a href="">withdraw</a> – not knowing how long the pandemic would continue.</p> <p>Another consideration is how to best support withdrawers after they have taken out the money. More than half were under the age of 35, and might find themselves with a good deal less super than they would have in retirement.</p> <p>The government has already introduced <a href="">tax concessions</a> for withdrawers who contribute funds back into their retirement savings accounts. Super funds might also be able to help, by sending targeted messages to those who have withdrawn.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Nathan Wang-Ly</em></a><em>, PhD Student, School of Psychology, <a href="">UNSW Sydney</a> and <a href="">Ben Newell</a>, Professor of Cognitive Psychology, <a href="">UNSW Sydney</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>

Money & Banking

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Women and low-income earners miss out in a superannuation system most Australians think is unfair

<p><em><a href="">Antonia Settle</a>, <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a></em></p> <p>Most Australians think the superannuation system is unfair, with only one in three agreeing the retirement savings scheme is fair for most Australians, according to a survey conducted for the University of Melbourne.</p> <p>In fact, only about half of those <a href="">surveyed</a> agreed superannuation works well for them.</p> <p>These results contradict a conventional view based on earlier studies and held by academics and many in the personal finance sector, that Australians give little thought to superannuation.</p> <p>A 2013 survey found Australians have <a href="">poor knowledge</a> of how the superannuation system works, while another study in 2022 highlighted <a href="">low financial literacy</a> in general.</p> <p>Australians also showed <a href="">little interest in superannuation</a>, according to a 2020 Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet survey, with few Australians showing interest in reading their superannuation statements, choosing their fund or making voluntary contributions.</p> <p>With Australian households seen as uninformed and uninterested, their opinions tend to be left out of the public debate. We hear much about the gender pension gap, for example, but little about what women actually think about superannuation.</p> <p>Similarly, the distribution of tax advantage in superannuation is hotly debated by economists but survey data tends to refrain from asking households what they think about equity in the superannuation system.</p> <p>The University of Melbourne survey of 1,003 Australians was undertaken by Roy Morgan Research in April.</p> <p>Its results show women and low-income households are widely seen as disadvantaged in the superannuation system.</p> <p>In fact, only one in five Australians see the superannuation system as well suited to the needs of women and of low-income households, while 70% believe super favours wealthy households.</p> <p><iframe id="5VX3K" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: none;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <p>This suggests although Australians may show little interest in the management of their super accounts and may report they find the system confusing or even <a href="">boring</a>, they are surprisingly aware of how superannuation is distributed.</p> <h2>Women, singles and low-income earners miss out</h2> <p>The federal government’s 2020 <a href="">Retirement Income Review</a> documents these gaps. Renters, women, uncoupled households and those on low-incomes fare poorly in the retirement income system.</p> <p>With little super to supplement the public pension, these groups are vastly over-represented in elderly poverty statistics, which are among the <a href="">highest in the OECD</a>.</p> <p>Mirroring the gaps in the superannuation system reported by the review, the University of Melbourne survey shows that it is outright homeowners and those who are married who believe the superannuation system works well.</p> <p>Concerns the system works poorly for women and low-income households are strongest among women and low-income households. Only one in three renters believe the superannuation system meets their needs.</p> <p><iframe id="N9GO6" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: none;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <p>This suggests individuals’ concerns about fairness in the superannuation system are driven by their own experiences of disadvantage, regardless of financial literacy.</p> <p>This is consistent with my own <a href="">research</a> into household attitudes to superannuation, which showed some resentment among women who were well aware their male partners had substantially higher superannuation balances than them.</p> <p>This all matters for policymakers.</p> <h2>Why public perceptions are important</h2> <p>In the short term, these results suggest public support for making super fairer is likely to be stronger than previously thought. Recent government changes to tax concessions on large balances, for example, could have gone much further without losing support from the 70% of households that think the system favours the wealthy.</p> <p>But it matters for the longer term too.</p> <p>Public perceptions of fairness, effectiveness and efficiency are crucial to policy sustainability. This is well established in the academic literature from <a href="">B Ebbinghaus</a>, 2021 and <a href="">H Chung et al.</a>, and accepted by the Retirement Income Review.</p> <p>The review assessed the public’s confidence in the system to both “deliver an adequate retirement income for them(selves) and (to) generate adequate outcomes across society”.</p> <p>As the review makes clear, the system must avoid a loss of public confidence from perceptions of unfairness.</p> <p>Yet perceptions of unfairness are exactly what the University of Melbourne results suggest. This would have been clearer to policymakers if they asked earlier.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Antonia Settle</a>, Academic (McKenzie Postdoctoral Research Fellow), <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>

Retirement Income

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How to double your money just by shopping during Super-September

<p>Did you know you can effortlessly boost your retirement savings simply by shopping – no strings attached? It might sound too good to be true, but thanks to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Super-Rewards</a>, a leading cashback provider, this is now a reality. And what's more the process is free, with no ongoing costs, and is incredibly simple.</p> <p>Super-Rewards, a widely recognised program in the industry, operates much like typical cashback programs – but with one key difference: instead of receiving cash in your pocket immediately, your earnings are <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">directed into your superannuation fund</a> for later use. </p> <p>The best part? There are no fees or hidden costs; it's essentially free money when you shop at one of Super-Rewards' 500 <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">online partner stores</a> or 1,000 <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">physical stores</a> across the country – including big names like Apple, Catch, eBay, EnergyAustralia, Virgin Australia, The Good Guys, Petbarn, Big W, Appliances Online, BWS, Adore Beauty and more.</p> <p>Spanning categories like food and drink, health, automotive, clothing, beauty and more, you are literally being paid towards your retirement just for doing the shopping you were going to do anyway.</p> <p>The beauty of Super-Rewards <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">lies in its versatility</a>; you can link your cashback to any super account with ease. All you need to do is shop through the Super-Rewards app, website, or in-store, using their browser extension.</p> <p>"Boosting your super contributions has never been more crucial, especially in light of recent ASFA research showing an increase in retirement living costs," says Pascale Helyar-Moray, CEO of Super-Rewards.</p> <p>Super-Rewards presents a simple and effective solution for accumulating wealth in your super through everyday spending.</p> <p>"Whether you're male or female, employed or not, earning super has never been this straightforward," adds Helyar-Moray. "Super-Rewards is a 'set and forget' strategy for wealth-building, accessible to all Australians. It's incredibly user-friendly."</p> <p>And now Super-Rewards has launched <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">"Super-September"</a>, during which users can earn a $10 bonus in their Super-Rewards account once they accumulate $10 in cashback between September 1st and October 31st. This offer is open to all Super-Rewards users, and cashback from all Super-Rewards retailers, both online and in-store, is eligible.</p> <p>Helyar-Moray explains, "We want to reward users with $10 for making responsible super contributions through Super-Rewards. While immediate cashback might be tempting, we understand that money spent today can't grow. Our mission is to foster responsible and sustainable wealth creation; we're excited to reward prudent super behaviour by contributing to our users' superannuation accounts."</p> <p>“This is about being smart in how you spend your money. You’re already buying groceries with MILKRUN, purchasing pet food at Petbarn, acquiring appliances at The Good Guys. It’s a no-brainer; you’re undertaking these activities anyway so you may as well be rewarded into your super for doing so, and let the power of compound interest help create a more financially secure retirement for you. It’s super – easy.”</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Super-Rewards</a> app is available for download on both the App Store and Google Play.</p> <p><em>This is a sponsored article produced in partnership with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Super-Rewards</a>.</em></p> <p><em>Image: Getty</em></p>

Retirement Income

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Are bigger super funds better? Actually no, despite what the industry is doing

<p><a href="">G<em>eoff Warren</em></a><em>, <a href="">Australian National University</a></em></p> <p>Australia’s superannuation funds are getting bigger – and fewer. There were <a href="">close to 400</a> funds in 2010. With mergers, it’s now <a href="">closer to 120</a>. By 2025, according to industry executives surveyed last year, there will be <a href="">fewer than 50</a>.</p> <p>The portfolios of the two biggest super funds, AustralianSuper and Australian Retirement Trust, are bigger than even the federal government’s Future Fund Management Agency, which oversees the A$194 billion <a href="">Future Fund</a> and several other funds worth a total $242 billion.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="0wOBb" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: none;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <hr /> <p>Underpinning this consolidation is the idea that larger scale is beneficial for superannuation fund members. But that’s not necessarily true. A bigger fund is no guarantee of better returns.</p> <p>I’ve examined the issue of fund scale with Scott Lawrence, an investment manager with 35 year’s industry experience. Together we’ve written <a href="">a report</a> for the Conexus Institute, an independent research centre focused on superannuation issues.</p> <p>Our conclusion: funds, large and small alike, succeed or fail depending on how well they formulate and execute their strategies.</p> <h2>Managing assets in-house</h2> <p>The first potential benefit of bigger size is that funds can manage assets using their own dedicated investment professionals, rather than outsourcing everything to external investment managers to invest on their behalf.</p> <p>For example, UniSuper (the higher education industry fund) manages <a href="">70% of assets in-house</a>. AustralianSuper, with more than double UniSuper’s assets, manages <a href="">53% of assets</a> in-house.</p> <p>This can be cheaper than paying fees as a percentage of assets to these external providers. It offers more control as the super fund can decide the assets in which they invest, rather than leaving the decision to someone else.</p> <p>But fund members will only benefit if the internal team makes investment decisions that are as good as the service they are replacing. For this reason, there is no reliable correlation between performance and degree of in-house management.</p> <h2>Investing in big-ticket items</h2> <p>The second potential benefit is it becomes more possible to become successful direct investors in “big ticket” assets such as infrastructure and property, instead of just focusing on shares and other assets traded on stock exchanges.</p> <p>For example, AustralianSuper owns <a href="">20.5% of WestConnex</a>, Australia’s biggest infracture project, having contributed $4.2 billion to the consortium that is building the mostly underground toll-road system linking western Sydney motorways.</p> <p>Opportunities like this are easier to access by large funds, and can help to diversify their portfolios.</p> <p>But such direct investment is costlier than buying shares and bonds. This limits the potential for fee reductions.</p> <p>For members to benefit, these investments must deliver attractive returns. This requires a fund developing capability in what are specialised markets. Size alone won’t deliver on its own.</p> <h2>Economies of scale and scope</h2> <p>The third potential benefit is that size brings economies of scale and scope.</p> <p>Scale can reduce fees, by spreading the fund’s fixed costs over a larger member base.</p> <p>Our review of the research literature confirms there are solid reasons to expect administration costs to reduce with size, as well as in-house management reducing investment costs.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="26cxr" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: none;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <hr /> <p>Economies of scope involve an organisation being able to improve or increase services, say by investing in better systems and more staff.</p> <p>But investing in better systems also brings potential pitfalls. Big visionary projects tend to run over time and over budget, and sometimes fail.</p> <p>An example is the disastrous attempts of five industry funds (AustralianSuper, Cbus Super, HESTA, Hostplus and MTAA Super) to develop a shared administration platform, called Superpartners. It was meant to cost $70 million, but development costs blew out to $250 million before <a href="">they gave up</a>.</p> <h2>Size brings its own challenges</h2> <p>Large funds also face some unique challenges. Because they have more money to invest, they have more work to do in finding sufficient attractive assets to buy.</p> <p>The risk is they need to accept some assets offering low returns to do so. They can also outgrow some market segments, such as owning shares in smaller companies.</p> <p>Large organisations are typically more complex, more bureaucratic and less flexible. They can find it difficult to coordinate staff to work towards a common purpose. These elements may create dysfunction if not managed.</p> <p>This may explain why, despite the potential increased scope of their offerings, surveys suggest large funds tend to deliver <a href="">less personalised service</a>.</p> <p>So the idea “bigger is better” is not necessarily true. Large size is not an automatic win. Whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and challenges ultimately depends on fund trustees and management doing their jobs well so that members benefit.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Geoff Warren</a>, Associate Professor, College of Business and Economics, <a href="">Australian National University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>

Retirement Income

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Government will require bosses to pay workers their super on payday

<p><em><a href="">Michelle Grattan</a>, <a href="">University of Canberra</a></em></p> <p>A government change requiring superannuation to be paid on payday could mean a young employee will be several thousand dollars better off by retirement.</p> <p>The reform – which will not come in until July 1 2026 – will benefit the retirement incomes of millions of Australians, according to Treasurer Jim Chalmers and Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones.</p> <p>They give the example of a 25-year-old median income earner presently receiving their super quarterly and their wages each fortnight, who could be about $6000 (or 1.5%) better off when they retire.</p> <p>The ministers argue there will be benefits to bosses, as well as to the workers, in the change. “More frequent super payments will make employers’ payroll management smoother with fewer liabilities building up on their books.”</p> <p>They say payday super will mean employees can keep track of the payments more easily and it will be more difficult for disreputable employers to exploit them.</p> <p>“While most employers do the right thing, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) estimates $3.4 billion worth of super went unpaid in 2019-20.”</p> <p>The ATO will get extra resourcing to help it detect unpaid super payments earlier. Treasury and the ATO will consult stakeholders on the changes later this year.</p> <p>The ministers say the July 1 2026 start will give employers, superannuation funds, payroll providers and other parts of the superannuation system enough time to get ready for the change.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Michelle Grattan</a>, Professorial Fellow, <a href="">University of Canberra</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>

Retirement Income

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Super has become a taxpayer-funded inheritance scheme for the rich. Here’s how to fix it – and save billions

<p>Australia’s A$3.3 trillion superannuation system is supposed to boost people’s retirement incomes. The government says as much in its <a href="">proposed leglislated objective</a> for superannuation. The system is supported by billions of dollars of tax breaks each year, ostensibly to that end. </p> <p>But there’s just one problem – increasingly, much of what is saved is never spent.</p> <p>Our new report, <a href="">Super savings: Practical policies for fairer superannuation and a stronger budget</a>, points out that without an overhaul, super tax breaks are set to do little more than boost the inheritances of Australians with well-off parents. </p> <p>Super contributions and super earnings are both taxed more lightly than other income. These tax breaks cost the budget about $45 billion (2% of Australia’s gross domestic product, or GDP) each year.</p> <p>Treasury predicts that figure will hit 3% of GDP by 2060, and that the cost of super tax breaks will overtake the cost of the age pension by as soon as 2036.</p> <p>Super tax breaks are also unfair: about two-thirds go to the top 20% of earners. </p> <p>This means the tax breaks provide the biggest boost to the super accounts of high earners, who will almost all have a comfortable retirement regardless, and who tend to save the same regardless of the tax rate imposed. </p> <p>The wealthiest 10% of Australians get a bigger boost to their retirement savings from super tax breaks than poorer Australians get from the age pension.</p> <p>But much of what is saved for retirement never actually gets spent in retirement. </p> <p>Earlier research by <a href="">Grattan Institute</a> and the <a href="">2020 Retirement Income Review</a> found that, for a variety of reasons, spending falls substantially during retirement. Retirees often end up leaving much of their nest egg untouched, bequeathing it to their children.</p> <p>This means billions of dollars in super tax breaks simply end up boosting the inheritances received by the children of well-off parents. It makes super a taxpayer-funded inheritance scheme. </p> <p>This problem is set to get worse. With the rate of compulsory superannuation legislated to rise from 10.5% of wages to 12% by 2025, future generations of retirees are set to retire with even larger nest eggs that they will never spend. </p> <p>Treasury projects that by 2059, one in every three dollars paid out of the super system will be a bequest, up from one in every five today.</p> <p>Big inheritances boost the jackpot from the birth lottery. They help richer children get richer. Among the Australians who received an inheritance over the past decade, the wealthiest fifth received on average <a href="">three times</a> as much as the poorest fifth.</p> <p>To help reverse this, the government needs to rein in the super tax breaks.</p> <h2>How to make super fairer</h2> <p>The government’s policy, <a href="">announced in February</a>, of taxing the earnings on balances bigger than $3 million at 30%, instead of 15%, will help. </p> <p>But the threshold ought to be lowered to $2 million. Balances between $2 million and $3 million are very unlikely to be spent in retirement, so winding back tax breaks on earnings on balances bigger than $2 million would further wind back taxpayer-funded bequests. </p> <p>And there’s more. Currently, many wealthier Australians receive a larger tax break per dollar contributed to super than many low income earners. </p> <p>Yet low earners have more to be compensated for. Putting money into their super cuts their age pension in retirement, and they live shorter lives, meaning less time to enjoy their super in retirement.</p> <p>The pre-tax contributions of people earning more than $220,000 a year should be taxed at 35%, instead of the 30% charged to those earning more than $250,000 currently. That would still offer a 10% tax break on super contributions for high earners (given the top marginal rate of 45%) and at least a 15% break on the contributions of low and middle earners. </p> <p>And the annual pre-tax contributions cap should be lowered from $27,500 to $20,000. Contributions above this level tend to be made by people close to retirement with already-high balances.</p> <h2>Tax earnings in retirement the same as while working</h2> <p>On the earnings side, the tax-free earnings enjoyed by retirees on their first $1.7 million ($1.9 million from 1 July this year) of their super should go.</p> <p>Superannuation earnings in retirement should be taxed at 15%, the same as superannuation earnings before retirement. This would save the budget at least $5.3 billion a year, and much more in future, and make taxing super more simple.</p> <p>More than 70% of this revenue would come from the top 20% of retirees. The top 10% would pay an extra $7,000 to $7,500 a year on average, whereas the poorest half would no more than $200 more each.</p> <p>Both sides of politics say they agree that super shouldn’t be a taxpayer-funded inheritance scheme. But there’s a long way to go before that vision is reality.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Conversation</a>. </em></p>

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Should I put more money into my super? What are the benefits and can I take it out before retirement if I need it?

<p>Superannuation is never far from the headlines lately, with the government recently calling for <a href="">views</a> from the public on what the objective of super should be. </p> <p>The basic idea behind super is you set aside a portion of your pay over your working life, so you can build up a nest egg to see you through your retirement years. </p> <p>But what if you’re worried you might not have enough super by the time you retire? Yes, you could top up your super now and watch the nest egg grow through the magic of <a href="">compound returns</a>– but what are the downsides?</p> <p>If you’re considering putting more money into your super, and want to know more about how the whole system works, here are the basics.</p> <h2>What are the rules about putting more money into my super?</h2> <p>First, make sure you know where your superannuation actually is and how much you’ve got so far. This <a href="">page</a> from the Australian Tax Office explains how to search for any lost super.</p> <p>The next thing to know is there are <a href="">limits</a> to how much you can contribute into superannuation. </p> <p>There are two types of super contributions you can make.</p> <p>The first category is called “<a href="">concessional contributions</a>”. These are taxed at 15%, which may be lower than the tax you’d otherwise have to pay on that money. So making these super top-ups can not only grow your nest egg, but save you tax.</p> <p>The amount of concessional contributions you can make is A$27,500 per annum. That figure includes all the super your employer puts in your super account and any extra contributions you make under a salary sacrifice scheme or where you are claiming an income tax deduction.</p> <p>The second category, known as “non-concessional contributions”, means money you pay into your super withoutclaiming a tax deduction. This could be, for example, money from savings, an inheritance or a lottery win.</p> <p>There is a limit of $330,000 over three years (or $110,000 per year), for these contributions.</p> <h2>What are the benefits of topping up my super?</h2> <p>Two words: compound returns.</p> <p>Compound returns are where you earn returns not only on the original investment you put in, but also on any returns on that investment. As the government’s <a href="">Moneysmart</a> website puts it, “you get interest on your interest”.</p> <p>Over the years, this means you could earn a lot more than you would if you didn’t top up your super. </p> <p>How much more? Well, it depends on the investment return and fees of your fund.</p> <p>But as an example: thanks to compound returns, putting an extra $100 per month into your super from age 30 could <a href="">mean you retire</a> with an extra $65,000 in your account (here, I’ve assumed investment returns of 7.5%, accumulation inflation of 4% and salary inflation of 4%).</p> <p>And the longer it is there, the more it will grow – so starting top-ups early might pay off. </p> <p>This is particularly important for <a href="">women</a>, whose super balances may look a bit feeble if they take parental leave or cut their hours while raising a family.</p> <p>Then there’s the tax benefits of super top-ups. If you would normally pay a net tax rate higher than 15% on investments such as shares, your money will grow more quickly inside superannuation than shares.</p> <p>You may also be eligible for government co-contributions that add to your balance if you make a non-concessional contribution during the year and your income is less than $57,016.</p> <h2>So what’s the downside? Can I access my superannuation before retirement?</h2> <p>Basically, no. You must meet a “<a href="">condition of release</a>” before being able to access your superannuation.</p> <p>The most common is retirement, defined as reaching the age of 65 or leaving work after reaching “preservation age” (which is 60 for anyone born after July, 1964).</p> <p>There are some <a href="">special circumstances</a> where you may be able to access your superannuation early.</p> <p>These are very narrow, and include serious financial hardship or necessary medical treatment that cannot be funded any other way. </p> <p>Death or terminal illness also qualify for release.</p> <h2>But what if I need a deposit for a house?</h2> <p>This is a dilemma for non home-owners. After compulsory superannuation guarantee deductions and HECS-HELP, it may be hard to save a deposit.</p> <p>One of the few circumstances where you access your superannuation early is through the <a href="">First Home Super Savers Scheme</a>. </p> <p>If you make voluntary contributions, you may be able to withdraw these contributions for a home deposit. </p> <p>However, this scheme is very tightly regulated. You can read more about the rules for this scheme <a href="">here</a>.</p> <h2>So… should I put more money into my super?</h2> <p>It depends. If you do, make sure you understand you will not be able to access that money until retirement.</p> <p>If you own your home (or intend to rent until retirement) you may want to put more into superannuation while you can afford it, knowing it is contributing to a secure retirement. </p> <p>But if home ownership is your goal, you should think carefully about choosing between superannuation and saving for a home deposit.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Conversation</a>. </em></p>

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