Melody Teh


8 tips for Airbnb hosting success

8 tips for Airbnb hosting success

The idea of home-sharing has undoubtedly become mainstream and with good reason, renting out your spare room or holiday house to make some extra income has become easier than ever thanks to Airbnb. If you’re looking to meet new people and earn some money on the side, there’s never been a better time to become an Airbnb host. Over-60s were recently named the fastest-growing and best-reviewed group of hosts on Airbnb. To make sure your hosting venture goes off without a hitch, here are a few quick tips to heed to ensure your experience is as smooth as it is profitable.

1. Describe your property accurately. Never lie or embellish the truth.

2. Provide plenty of photos of your place.

3.  Update your information on your property regularly. This will help keep your place near the top of the Airbnb listing.

4. Consider offering a cheap rate when you first start hosting. This will help attracts guests.

5. Always ensure your property is clean. Poor cleanliness ratings are the first things to turn people off a place.

6. Sort out customer queries promptly. Begin the conversation before the guests arrive for their stay.

7. Get insurance. Airbnb provides cover for loss or damage, but hosts should also have their own insurance.

8. Leave detailed instruction for how appliances, like TV, kitchen appliances, electronics, work.

Whether you want to make money by renting your place or to find affordable accommodation options and stretch your travel budget further, head over to Airbnb now and have a look around.

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