A rare glimpse inside the real Titanic

When the Titanic sunk in 1912, not only did hundreds of passengers die but it also destroyed any evidence on life onboard the historic ship.
However, one passenger, Francis Browne, was the only person whose photographs survived the tragic shipwreck.
Browne was an Irish Jesuit priest who sailed on the Titanic from Southampton, England, to Cobh, Ireland.
Browne would have stayed onboard the Titanic for the remainder of the journey, after receiving a ticket from wealthy family he met, but was called back to his station immediately from his clerical superior.
Brown obeyed the orders and left the ship, bringing with him the only photos of the Titanic at sea that survived the disaster.
The photos of his time aboard the Titanic are now in the Irish Picture Library.
Scroll through the gallery above to see the historic photographs.
Image credit: The Bridgeman Art Library