Rizna Mutmainah

International Travel

Readers respond: What was the first country you ever travelled to?

Readers respond: What was the first country you ever travelled to?

Everyone remembers the butterflies and excitement of travelling to another country for the first time.

For many, the first trip overseas is unforgettable, because you are exploring another part of the world that is different from home.

We’ve asked our readers about the first country they ever travelled to and the responses are diverse. Here’s what they said.

Anita Thornton - Nigeria, in 1956, I was seven. Dad worked there and we joined him. So many wonderful memories.

MarilyneJames Kelly - Went to the U.S. to Disneyland when I was 16.

Ruth Jean Jennings - New Zealand ......and keep going back despite having travelled to heaps of other places!!!

Susan Moldrich - Sri Lanka. I loved it so much I've been back nearly every year.

Audrey Jones - To New Zealand from England. Mum. Dad and us 6 kids came by boat on 9th July 1954. Travelled back and around the world many times.

Hilary Mole - By car and ferry, France, Switzerland and Italy 1960. By plane, Holland in 1965.

Frances Nelson - Portuguese Timor. We drove Sydney to Darwin where we caught a small TAA plane to Dili. The only other tourist we met was a chap from Mozambique. Wonderful experience.

Mindy Brown - Okinawa via Japan. My husband was stationed there in late 1960's

Diane WillmoreHunsbedt - England when I was 7 my mom was a war bride and went to see her family

Jenny Champness - Uganda from Australia with my sisters and parents for my dads new job.

Amanda Onder - Italy, first of three trips there as a child.

Pamela Tow - Papua New Guinea, where I worked in Goroka for a year.

Beryl Hamblin - France

Image: Getty Images

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