

“You look amazing:” Peter Helliar praised for quarantine weightloss

“You look amazing:” Peter Helliar praised for quarantine weightloss

Beloved TV host Peter Helliar has been praised for his incredible weight loss during quarantine which has left him slimmer and trimmer. 

The Project co-host became visibly bashful when his fellow panelists and friend Carrie Bickmore gushed on 
his trimmed-down physique. 

Helliar attributes it all to having more time to exercise in isolation.

The Aussie TV star also previously revealed he’d been cutting back on the midweek beers of late.

“We actually made the panel bigger to make us all look smaller,” he quipped, in reference to U.S. tailoring businesses undergoing a massive boom during quarantine as more people are getting their clothes taken out due to iso-snacking. 

However Carrie couldn’t let the throwaway comment slide without drawing attention to Pete’s slimmer figure. 

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“Not you! someone is needing to add holes to their belt,” she said. 

“You should feel proud!” as Pete shuffled awkwardly in his seat.

“But I had a fair bit to work on,” he joked. 

“You’ve got more time (to eat or exercise in isolation) and I have chosen to do a bit more exercise.”

“You look amazing, and fit, Pete,” Carrie said. 

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Helliar opened up about his weight loss journey first back in May, when he told The Sydney Morning Herald that he had hit his sub-100kg goal.

“I’m under 100 kilos for the first time in years,” he told the publication.

“I made a choice at the end of last year to get into shape and I’m not drinking during the week and I’m exercising every day.” 

The father-of-three admitted he’d been self-conscious about his shape in the past.

“I was always the kid wearing T-shirts while swimming,” he said.

However he did go on to say that breaking in under the 100kg mark “felt really good” and was encouraging him to continue.

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