

Deb Knight opens up about miscarriage heartbreak: “A cloud of sadness”

Deb Knight opens up about miscarriage heartbreak: “A cloud of sadness”

Deb Knight knows pain and heartache all too well, she has admitted in an interview with 9Honey.

The Channel 9 star, who currently is a 2GB host has revealed after two miscarriages and 11 cycles of IVF, that the pain is like a “cloud of sadness”.

Image: Instagram

"It was like a cloud of sadness was hanging over me at the time because it is that emotional rollercoaster, that cliché very much rings true with IVF," Deb said.

"I would turn up to work and put on the brave face of presenting the news, which is what I was doing at the time.

“And I look back at myself then and I don't relate to who that person was because I was just very sad."

Deb and her partner Lindsay Dunbar thankfully got their happy ending, when they welcomed their son Darcy who is 11, and Elsa who is 9, through IVF.

Image: Instagram

However that would not be the only baby joy for Deb, who naturally fell pregnant at the age of 42 with her baby girl Audrey – nearly six years after she had Elsa.

"It completely caught us unawares and changed everything," Deb admitted.

"But the body is just a wonder and sometimes stuff happens and it happened to us.

Audrey came along and we can't imagine not having her in our lives."

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