Ben Squires


How to find a hobby you love

How to find a hobby you love

Having hobbies is a great boredom buster, and they can also lead to new friendships or even new business opportunities.

If you’re interested in taking up a new hobby but are not sure where to start, we can help.

1. Ask your inner child whether there were hobbies that you enjoyed when you were young that you could get back into? Whether it’s baking, knitting, bike riding or painting – any of these could be great options for the grown-up you to try again. 

2. If nothing is coming to mind in terms of what you might enjoy, just have a look around. Visit a sports store, the library, a sewing store, or an arts supply store and just see if anything reaches out to you. 

3. There’s nothing wrong with trying a few things on for size. You don’t need to go out and buy a brand new fishing rod and all the equipment when you could just hire a rod for a day and see what you think. Try your hand at a few ideas and see which take your fancy.

 4. Find a friend to start a new hobby with. Sharing the experience with someone else can often make the activity even more enjoyable. 

5. Make the hobby fit with your lifestyle. If you are home a lot, collecting something like records or art could be a good option. But if you spend a lot of time travelling, a hobby like Sudoku that fits in your bag might be a better option.

6. Consider “borrowing” a hobby from a friend. Ask your relatives or neighbours what they are into and see if it strikes a chord with you. Maybe you could borrow a digital camera for the weekend and see if you might be interested in photography.

7. Make the hobby a social one by joining a group. It could be a wine tasters club or a flower-arranging course. Meeting a group of like-minded people will be great for expanding your social circle too.

Image: Getty

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