Tips for choosing an optometrist

If your vision is starting to get a tad blurry, or you’re in the market for a new pair of glasses, these are the points to consider before choosing an optometrist. Remember that if the optometrist you initially choose doesn’t meet expectations, don’t be afraid to try someone else. Eye health is important, especially as you age, so make the effort to find an optometrist you get along with and trust.
1. Experience
An optometrist with a long history may be better at diagnosing problems simply because they’ve seen more patients, and consequently more eye conditions. This is not always the case but often it’s best to err on the side of experience.
2. Credentials
Don’t hesitate to check your optometrist credentials. These days you can find details online like on the optometrist’s website or you can ask the optometrist in question.
3. Specialty
If you have a particular condition such as glaucoma or macular degeneration, make sure your optometrist has experience treating the eye condition. It’s worth asking if your optometrist specialises with specific diseases or treating age-related conditions.
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4. Knowledge
In your consultation, the optometrist should be offering you detailed information about all aspects of your vision, eye conditions and spectacles. You should leave the exam feeling like you thoroughly understand your eyesight.
5. Rapport
When you go for your first appointment think carefully about the exam experience. Did you feel comfortable? Did your optometrist take the time to listen to your questions and respond to them in a thorough and clear fashion? All these factors are important as if you don’t like your optometrist you’ll be less likely to go for check-ups.
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