Claudia Byatt


How a smartphone app may help boost memory recall

How a smartphone app may help boost memory recall

A new study from researchers at the University of Toronto has introduced a smartphone app that can reinforce memories of life events. 

The app, Hippocampus, is designed to benefit people with memory impairment by imitating the function of the Hippocampus as it helps consolidate memories, working by recording life events and replaying them to lock them in as memories. 

Our ability to remember life events declines with age, particularly with those with diseases like Alzheimer’s. 

According to the study, some people were able to successfully reinforce their memories through the app.

Research found that people who used it for two weeks experienced a 56% increase in their ability to recall the details of events recorded with HippoCamera. People who used it for 70 consecutive days saw an 84% increase.

No one wants to forget their life experiences, and according to the study lead author Dr Chris Martin, a cognitive neuroscientist at Florida State University, “You can better recall a specific moment from your recent past, you will have a stronger mental bridge between your present and past self.”

So, start brain training and download Hippocampus to improve memory and recall.

Image credit: Getty

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