Melody Teh

Home & Garden

12 things you should do before tossing your clothes in the wash

12 things you should do before tossing your clothes in the wash

Keep your clothes in top condition for longer with our simple pre-washing tips.

Read the labels

If you’ve had enough of shrinking or faded clothes, it’s time to stop assuming that everything can just be tossed in the same wash cycle. Many garments are dry-clean only, especially if they are made of wool, cashmere or silk. Placing them in the machine with your shirts and shorts is a sure-fire way to see them get ripped or ruined.

Sort it out

When our clothes are washed they release some of their dye into the water. This is especially true of things like jeans, which are often designed to fade. So unless you sort your washing into lights and darks, your lights are sure to become dull and coloured from other items of clothing.

Use the correct detergent

Did you know that although liquid detergents and powders are both suitable for all washable fabrics – you are better of using liquid on spots and stains, and powder for ground in dirt on clothing.

Treat stains promptly

You will need to act fast if you want to salvage your stained clothing. If it’s a liquid stain, blot it with a cloth from the outside in. If it’s a solid, scoop it up with a knife or spoon. Dab stains with cold water to begin the stain removal process.

Remove fiddly bits

To avoid rips and pulled threads, always remove belts, zip up zippers, close Velcro and snap fasteners. You’re best not to button up your clothing though as this can lead to stress on the button hole.

Empty your pockets

Avoid the dreaded tissue through your load of washing by always emptying the pockets on clothing. Pull the pockets out so that they get a wash, undo any folded up socks, unroll cuffs on your trousers – this all gives your clothes their best chance at a good clean.

Tie up strings

To prevent your load getting into a tangle, tie up any strings or sashes before washing.

Separate your delicate items

Any delicates such as bras, lace underwear, or tights should be washed in a delicates wash bag so that they don’t get tangled.

Turn your clothes inside out

If you want to decrease pilling on your clothing, try washing your jumpers and t-shirts inside out. Dark clothing that is likely to fade (such as black jeans) should also be washed inside out.

Open any button-down collars

Open the buttons on the collars of shirts as this reduces the wear along the creases.

Tend to any holes

If your clothes have any holes, big or small, they need to be fixed before washing to avoid further damage.

Presoak anything heavily soiled

Use your laundry tub or a large bucket to presoak anything very dirty, such as muddy trousers. The soaking will begin the stain removal process, and the washing machine will finish it (hopefully).

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