Home & Garden
12 cleaning tricks for hard-to-clean areas around the home

There are some areas of the home that can be really tough to keep clean. So instead of getting yourself into a lather, try these tips to offer maximum results for little effort.
To get your white sheets and clothes looking their best, mix together a half cup of laundry detergent, a half cup of dishwasher detergent and a quarter cup of borax (this is a cleaning product available from hardware shops and some supermarkets) with a bucket or sink full of very hot water. Soak your whites in the water for three hours, and then throw them straight into the washing machine and place on a hot cycle.
How often do you wash this item that you use every night? Most people just throw them away when they start to smell, but in fact you can clean them quite simply. Use the same mixture as for the whites above, but soak the pillows completely in water first.
Washing machine
Often we never think about needing to clean appliances that do so much cleaning. But this whitegood can get quite mucky, leading to poor performance. First, run a long hot cycle using white vinegar instead of washing liquid. Then scrub the inside with a sponge.
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Fill a glass jug or bowl with two cups of hot water with a squeeze of lemon. Microwave this on full power for five minutes, allowing the water to steam clean the inside. Just wipe clean afterwards.
Oven door
Instead of spending money on harsh chemicals, just make your own cleaning paste. Mix together bicarb soda with enough water to make a paste, and then smear that over the inside of your oven door. Allow it to work its magic for five minutes before wiping the paste off with a damp cloth.
If you’ve got pots that are burnt or stained it can be hard to remove. Try this instead. Boil the same amount of water and white vinegar in the pot, and then add a sprinkling of bicarb soda and allow it to fizz. When the fizzing stops, you can wash your pot as normal.
Stainless steel
Avoid the dreaded fingerprint marks on your appliances by following up your regular cleaning with an application of car wax. It will give you a smudge resistance shine.
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Clean your mouldy shower by spraying the area with vinegar and then applying a sprinkling of bicarb soda. Leave for five minutes before scrubbing with an old toothbrush to remove the mould.
Dropped something? Pop a squirt of liquid laundry detergent on a wet cloth and then rub the cloth together to form some suds. Rub the cloth onto the carpet stain and it should come off.
To remove the glue residue on glass jars, sometimes soaking or dishwashing doesn’t help. Try mixing together a teaspoon of bicarb soda and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply this to the sticky label and then leave for several minutes. Wipe off with a damp cloth and the glue should be gone.
Even if cleaned well, the black will eventually fade. Bring it back to life by wiping the clean board with a sponge soaked in Coca Cola. Keep rinsing the sponge and soaking again before wiping the board until it looks black again.
For cleaning real silver items, line a bowl with aluminium foil, shiny side up. Pour in a tablespoon of bicarb soda and one teaspoon of salt. Now add enough water to cover your silver, then add your pieces to the bowl. Leave for a few minutes until they are cleaned to your satisfaction. Remove with tongs and then buff with a soft cloth.
Please note this is only suitable for real silver – the chemical reaction could leave marks if the piece isn't silver.
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