Home & Garden
DIY art and craft projects you can do with the grandkids

When the grandkids come over it’s a great idea to have a few projects up your sleeve to do with them.
Here are some ideas that are suitable for school age kids that will keep them occupied for a few hours at least!
Spray painted jars
Grab some old glass jars and wrap some rubber bands or string around them. Spray with spray paint and allow to dry. Remove the bands or string and use the decorated jars as vases or candleholders.
Image credit: Pinterest
Make your own blackboard
Kids will get a kick out of making their very own blackboard. Grab an old serving tray and a small tin of blackboard paint. The Masters Home Improvement site suggests that you can also use the paint on a play-room door or even on a kitchen cabinet.
Image credit: Pinterest
Decorated mugs
Design your very own mugs with a gold Sharpie pen. Take a plain mug, decorate with a Sharpie pen (we love the gold Sharpie, available from office supplies stores) and then bake in the oven at 180°C for 30 minutes to set. Allow the mugs to cool in the oven.
New York City mocked for only just discovering wheelie bins
Image credit: Pinterest
Build a birdhouse
A fun project for kids is building a birdhouse. Check out the Masters Home Improvement website for a birdhouse kit that will attract native bird life to your back yard.