Ben Squires

Retirement Life

The 10 retirement activities

The 10 retirement activities

As more and more baby boomers retire in the not-so-distant future, what will they be doing once they reach retirement? Once upon a time, retirement was a time to simply relax and while away the days, but in the 21st century, retirement has changed. Boomers don’t see retirement as the “end of life” but the beginning of the next stage of life, where adventure can be pursued and bucket lists ticked off.

According to a survey by Allstate Financial, these are the top 10 retirement activities baby boomers are planning to pursue once they retire. Does this list stack up to your experience? Or did you find your goals and desires changed once you had retired?

  1. Travel – While boomers enjoy more traditional travel plans like antiquing and bed and breakfasts, many also yearn for camping and adventure.
  2. Family activities – The soon-to-be retired plan to embrace home and hearth wholeheartedly, with plans to incorporate more family time in their regular activities.
  3. Hobbies – Whether it’s painting, cooking or sport, people are looking to enjoy the hobbies they couldn’t fully enjoy while working in retirement.
  4. Gardening – The outdoors is a big draw for boomers with many planning to spend more time tending to their gardens.
  5. Fishing – Fishing still ranks as one of the top activities that people are looking to pursue once they retire.
  6. Playing golf – Soon-to-be retirees want to spend much of their time at the golf course.
  7. Volunteer work – Many plan to use their retirement time usefully by donating their time and skills to volunteer organisations.
  8. Reading – With more leisure time on hand, retirees are looking to spend their days reading and relaxing.
  9. Exercising – Getting fit and active is one of the biggest activities boomers are wanting to embrace once they retire.
  10. Home renovations – With the kids out of the house, many boomers now have the time and money to give their homes the makeover they always wanted.

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