Michelle Reed

Retirement Life

Video explores which age is best time to be alive

Video explores which age is best time to be alive

A video by the Jubilee Project features people of all ages answering the question, “If you could be any age, what age would you be?” 

Most participants, both children and adults alike, expressed a desire to be younger or older. Children dreamed of sweet 16 birthday parties and being able to drive or “work on a computer”. A man in his late 20s spoke of wanting to go back to being a two-year-old, so he could do things differently and “start it all again”.

However, by the end, it’s clear that all of the answers are trumped by one very wise 67-year-old woman’s response.

“Embrace everything that you can about your life as it is today,” the woman says in the video. 

“I was in a hurry to get through life. Consequently, many of those years are a blur,” she said.” We don’t want to go through life having regrets. My regrets were a result of not being in the moment.”

Watch the video to hear her incredible view on life.

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