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New details on Movie World head injuries

<p dir="ltr">Onlookers who witnessed a young boy suffer head injuries after falling off a Movie World amusement park ride have come forward to suggest that he was not seated properly.</p> <p dir="ltr">The 12-year-old was riding the Looney Tunes Carousel at Movie World on Tuesday when he fell and hit his head.</p> <p dir="ltr">It was thought that the boy fell due to the ride malfunctioning, but it now appears it could be because he was not seated properly.</p> <p dir="ltr">“He had most of his hair ripped off from the back to the front,” Alan Neuss told <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">7NEWS</a>.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Was the boy meant to be on the ride? Was he too tall for it? Was he adequately supervised by the attendant? These are the questions that are unknown.”</p> <p dir="ltr">Queensland Ambulance Service senior operations supervisor William Houghton said the boy was lucky to be alive.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Reports from the scene said it was a significant laceration to the head,” he said.</p> <p dir="ltr">“The reports from the crew were that the scene was very calm...everyone seemed very helpful.</p> <p dir="ltr">"Obviously people can die from head injuries, he’s extremely lucky,” he said.</p> <p dir="ltr">“The first-aid was very important...they rendered good first-aid to the patient and stemmed the bleeding.</p> <p dir="ltr">“When we arrived, he was in good care. Apparently, he was conscious, alert and in good spirits.”</p> <p dir="ltr">Village Roadshow Theme Parks confirmed the boy was treated by Movie World’s on-site nurse.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Our thoughts are with the guest and his family, and we wish him a speedy recovery,” it said in a statement.</p> <p dir="ltr">“We pride ourselves on our standards of care and quality, and an investigation is being conducted as a matter of priority into the exact cause of the incident.”</p> <p dir="ltr">The theme park remains closed as investigations continue.</p>

Travel Trouble

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All the tunes used to repel NZ anti-vaccine mandate protesters

<p dir="ltr">As a protest against vaccine mandates enters its sixth day outside New Zealand’s Parliament House, Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard adopted a rather unconventional way to send protesters packing.</p><p dir="ltr">With the rain and wind brought on by Cyclone Dovi not appearing to deter protesters, Mallard first attempted to shoo them away by turning on the sprinklers.</p><p><span id="docs-internal-guid-f82cf814-7fff-e818-6559-7d38f879e1c9">When that didn’t work either, he <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">began blasting</a> widely disliked tunes instead at full volume, along with repeated pro-vaccination messages.</span></p><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p dir="ltr" lang="en">Last night the lovely govt played on loop Macarena, vax messaging, &amp; Trevor Mallard warning protesters that erecting structures on parliament lawns was unlawful. All night long. Despite this audio torture &amp; the howling gale, the protest continues. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Parliament</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#convoy2022NZ</a> <a href=""></a></p>— @victoria_dlV (@victoria_dlV) <a href="">February 13, 2022</a></blockquote><p><span id="docs-internal-guid-b77720af-7fff-0fcb-4eeb-15ff52cf4603">To start with, Mallard’s playlist featured a selection of <em>Copacabana </em>singer Barry Manilow’s songs, <em>Macarena </em>by Los Del Rio, and the children’s tunes including <em>Baby Shark</em> and <em>Let it Go</em> from Disney film <em>Frozen</em>.</span></p><p> </p><p><span id="docs-internal-guid-612e419e-7fff-31e0-24fb-a66484f0e4cf">As news of the Speaker’s playlist spread online, singer James Blunt even weighed in, taking to Twitter to suggest that the NZ government include his music if Manilow’s proved ineffective.</span></p><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p dir="ltr" lang="en">Give me a shout if this doesn’t work. <a href="">@NZPolice</a> <a href=""></a></p>— James Blunt (@JamesBlunt) <a href="">February 12, 2022</a></blockquote><p><span id="docs-internal-guid-ba2a5a6f-7fff-4d23-91b7-5f187d5ada53">Mallard saw Blunt’s “very kind offer” and quickly added the Brit’s smash hit, <em>You’re Beautiful</em>, to the playlist.</span></p><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p dir="ltr" lang="en"><a href="">@JamesBlunt</a> we will take up your very kind offer. My only doubt is whether it is fair to our <a href="">@nzpolice</a> officers but I think they will be able to cope. <a href=""></a></p>— Trevor Mallard (@SpeakerTrevor) <a href="">February 12, 2022</a></blockquote><p></p><p><span id="docs-internal-guid-9d371e47-7fff-83cd-8801-ca7e94339b79">Other entries on Mallard’s playlist included a humorous rendition of Celine Dion’s <em>My Heart Will Go On</em>, featuring musician Matt Mulholland playing a recorder quite poorly, as well as Randa’s <em>Vaccinate the Nation</em>.</span></p><p></p><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p dir="ltr" lang="en">This is another suggestion………Crybabies Caravan With Full Band <a href=""></a> via <a href="">@YouTube</a></p>— Trevor Mallard (@SpeakerTrevor) <a href="">February 12, 2022</a></blockquote><p><span id="docs-internal-guid-1cbcfc2f-7fff-a4cd-ec9b-49137fb64bc8"></span></p><p dir="ltr">Social media users have also been sending in recommendations for what has been described as Mallard’s “counter protest”, while others have compiled playlists of annoying tunes guaranteed to irritate.</p><p dir="ltr"><em>Image: Getty Images</em></p>


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Should this classic Christmas song be banned? Radio stations pull the plug on yuletide tune

<p>It’s one of the most popular Christmas songs of all time, but<span> </span><em>Baby, It’s Cold Outside</em><span> </span>has come under fire as feminists are demanding for the song to be banned from radio stations claiming the lyrics promote date rape.</p> <p>Stations in the US and UK have already begun taking it off air as campaigners have slammed the song as inappropriate, and now radio channels in Australia are being pressured into following the same path.</p> <p>But despite the outrage, many feminists have rejected to take part in the protest as they say those disagreeing with the song need to lighten up.</p> <p>Originally written in 1944, the Academy Award-winning song has been reproduced by singers such as Michael Bublé and Dean Martin.</p> <p>The song tells the story of a man who is attempting to get a woman to stay with him and was first featured in the 1949 film<span> </span><em>Neptune’s Daughter</em>starring Esther Williams and Ricardo Montalban.</p> <p>A line that is causing offence is: “Say what’s in this drink? No cabs to be had out there,” with those who disagree with the song's message claiming the line implies drink spiking.</p> <p>Another line that has caused a stir is: “I ought to say no, no, no – Mind if I move in closer?”, which has come under fire for promoting non-consensual sex.</p> <p>Appearing on UK breakfast show<span> </span><em>Good Morning Britain</em>, feminist Daisy Buchanan raised the issue by saying: “This is a song about trying to get away from a man and being assaulted. She’s trying to say no.”</p> <p>But host Piers Morgan wasn’t having any of it, as he refuted the claim by saying: “Radical feminists like you want to suck the joy out of everything and make this look like sexual assault. She gave consent, she stayed. Do you not read the lyrics? She’s flirting with him.”</p> <p>Speaking to <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank"><em>The Daily Telegraph</em></a>, Anna Kerr, from Sydney’s Feminist Legal Clinic, says the lyrics of the acclaimed song are “definitely creepy".</p> <p>“There is even a line that seems to subtly reference the female being drugged by the male,” she said. “Songs that normalise and even celebrate predatory sexual behaviour by men are never OK.”</p> <p>Agreeing with those sentiments is Jazzlyn Breen, from the University of Sydney Women’s Collective.</p> <p>“In this day and age, especially in the light of #MeToo movement, I find it really unnerving that people would enjoy listening to content which insinuates the use of date rape drugs,” she told <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank"><em>The Daily Telegraph</em></a>.</p> <p>But controversial author and sex therapist Bettina Arndt considers the entire controversy to be ridiculous.</p> <p>“This … ludicrous campaign against a funny, traditional Christmas song is the reason people are turning off feminism,” she said.</p> <p>“It’s a sweet, light hearted portrayal of a man trying to seduce a woman – nothing more. Why are we taking any notice of this tiny group of narrow-minded, man-hating nut cases who see this as date rape? Ordinary people still enjoy this type of light hearted banter and flirtation and need to stand up against the puritanical feminists.”</p> <p>People took to Twitter to share their own opinions of the song, with one user saying: “The song Baby It’s Cold Outside is about rape … I’m disturbed.”</p> <p>But another disagreed, saying: “Christmas songs being offensive and banning them, is bloody ridiculous.”</p> <p><a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank"><em>The Daily Telegraph</em></a> contacted various radio stations with iHeartRadio saying they will continue to play the song. Triple J, Nova and 2DayFM all declined to comment.</p> <p>Do you think<span> </span><em>Baby It’s Cold Outside</em><span> </span>insinuates date rape? Decide for yourself below:</p> <p><strong><em>Baby, It’s Cold Outside</em><span> </span>song lyrics</strong></p> <p>I really can’t stay (Baby it’s cold outside)</p> <p>I gotta go away (Baby it’s cold outside)</p> <p>This evening has been (Been hoping that you’d dropped in)</p> <p>So very nice (I’ll hold your hands they’re just like ice)</p> <p>My mother will start to worry (Beautiful what’s your hurry?)</p> <p>My father will be pacing the floor (Listen to the fireplace roar)</p> <p>So really I’d better scurry (Beautiful please don’t hurry)</p> <p>Well maybe just a half a drink more (I’ll put some records on while I pour)</p> <p>The neighbours might think (Baby it’s bad out there)</p> <p>Say what’s in this drink? (No cabs to be had out there)</p> <p>I wish I knew how (Your eyes are like starlight now)</p> <p>To break this spell (I’ll take your hat, your hair looks swell) (Why thank you)</p> <p>I ought to say no, no, no sir (Mind if move in closer?)</p> <p>At least I’m gonna say that I tried (What’s the sense of hurtin’ my pride?)</p> <p>I really can’t stay (Baby don’t hold out)</p> <p>Baby it’s cold outside</p> <p>Ah, you’re very pushy you know?</p> <p>I like to think of it as opportunistic</p> <p>I simply must go (Baby it’s cold outside)</p> <p>The answer is no (But baby it’s cold outside)</p> <p>The welcome has been (How lucky that you dropped in)</p> <p>So nice and warm (Look out the window at that storm)</p> <p>My sister will be suspicious (Gosh your lips look delicious!)</p> <p>My brother will be there at the door (Waves upon a tropical shore)</p> <p>My maiden aunt’s mind is vicious (Gosh your lips are delicious!)</p> <p>Well maybe just a cigarette more (Never such a blizzard before) (And I don’t even smoke)</p> <p>I’ve got to get home (Baby you’ll freeze out there)</p> <p>Say lend me a coat? (It’s up to your knees out there!)</p> <p>You’ve really been grand (I feel when I touch your hand)</p> <p>But don’t you see? (How can you do this thing to me?)</p> <p>There’s bound to be talk tomorrow (Think of my life long sorrow!)</p> <p>At least there will be plenty implied (If you caught pneumonia and died!)</p> <p>I really can’t stay (Get over that old out)</p> <p>Baby it’s cold</p> <p>Baby it’s cold outside</p> <p>Okay fine, just another drink then</p> <p>That took a lot of convincing!</p>


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Beagle plays the piano and howls to tune

<p>Buddy Mercury is an internet sensation after his owners recorded his attempts at playing the piano.</p> <p>Owners of the beagle, Glen Wolfe and Laurie Lanteri-Wolfe, recorded the video on Facebook live after Buddy started howling along in the process of paying the piano.</p> <p>The dog reaches the piano by standing on his hind legs and howls after he hits a key on the piano.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><iframe src=";show_text=1&amp;width=560" width="560" height="644" style="border: none; overflow: hidden;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe></p> <p><span style="text-align: center;">“Buddy Mercury! He LOVES playing and singing,” Lanteri-Wolfe wrote on Facebook.</span></p> <p>The video has already reached 14 million views as users are stunned at this dog feeling the melody. </p> <p><strong>Related links: </strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="">Crocodile bites selfie seeker at Thai national park</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="">Nose to nose with a polar bear in Alaska</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="">Seeing a platypus in the wild is the thrill of a lifetime</a></strong></em></span></p>


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Singing show tunes helps fight off dementia, says study

<p>Singing show tunes improves the brain function of people with Alzheimer's, a US study has shown.</p> <p>In a four-month-long study, researchers working with elderly residents at a care home found that people who belted out their favourite songs showed a marked improvement compared to those who just listened. The most improvement was among people with moderate to severe dementia.</p> <p>Among the songs sung during 50-minute sessions were classic hits from T<em>he Wizard of Oz, Oklahoma!</em> and <em>The Sound of Music.</em></p> <p>Jane Flinn, one of the scientists in the study who works at George Mason University, said the study finds that singing is beneficial.</p> <p>“Even when people are in the fairly advanced stages of dementia, when it is so advanced they are in a secure ward, singing sessions were still helpful,” she said.</p> <p>“The message is: don't give up on these people. You need to be doing things that engage them, and singing is cheap, easy and engaging.”</p> <p><strong>Related links: </strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/news/news/2015/06/unhealthy-eating-habits-normal-finds-survey/">Unhealthy eating habits “the new normal”, Shape of Victoria survey finds</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/news/news/2015/06/about-australian-property-market/">Australian homes are getting larger and 7 other surprising insights into the property market</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/news/news/2015/06/aldi-introduces-fresh-food/">Aldi enters fresh food battle</a></strong></em></span></p>


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