Alex O'Brien


Using Airbnb helped me publish a children’s book

Using Airbnb helped me publish a children’s book

Becoming an Airbnb host has allowed Ivan to worry less about making money, and more about investing in his passions.

Some 12 years ago, Ivan’s sister Cheska wrote a children’s book called Four is a Little, Four is a Lot. Inspired by a conversation with her young son after a particularly rough day on which he had four vaccinations.

The book goes on to explore the instances in life where four of something is a little (like when you can only choose four lollies) and when four is a lot (when you turn four years old).

Ivan asked his sister when it was coming out, but the young mother didn’t have time to pursue such a timely venture. Since that moment, Ivan kept it in mind as a project that he could bring to life, and help his sister self-publish.

Today, multiple, beautifully illustrated characters lead the reader on their journey through these diverse circumstances when four might be a little, or four might be a lot. Ivan thanks Airbnb for the experience.

“Hosting on Airbnb definitely allowed me to dedicate a lot more time towards publishing the book than I would have been able to do otherwise.”

In addition to having published and distributed the book, Ivan shares it directly with all their guests, including the principal of a pre-school who came to stay and left having purchased 20 copies for her staff to integrate into their curriculum. 

Ivan plans to start offering hardcover order for the book for parents who want to take It home to their children as a keepsake. Ivan and his sister are not too fussed about the money though.

The biggest reward to Ivan has been giving his sister the gift of seeing her vision realized and released into the world – and loved.

Scroll through the gallery above to see the beautiful illustrations of the book.

Is there a passion you would like more time to devote to? Let us know in the comments below.

Whether you want to make money by renting your place or to find affordable accommodation options and stretch your travel budget further, head over to Airbnb now and have a look around.

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