Shannen Findlay


Once in a lifetime: The cruises you will remember

Once in a lifetime: The cruises you will remember

Whether it’s travelling from Argentina to Antarctica or hopping through the Indian Ocean, these cruises are a once in a lifetime experience and incomparable to anything else.

As demands for cruise lines to offer unique travel destinations continues to grow, companies are looking for ways to make a holiday outside of the box. New adventures, experiences and activity-led touring with voyages that are unlike the standard cruise are being offered up to keen travellers. Here are some of the most memorable cruise journeys you must try once in your lifetime.

The Ross Sea

Described as one of the most beautifully desolate places to visit, Ross Sea is a marine reserve you don’t want to miss. Referred to as The Last Ocean, it lies 320km from the South Pole and what it hosts is a plethora of wildlife in huge numbers – from penguins to orcas, seals and whales – for you to feast your eyes on and explore a world unseen.

Discovered in 1842 by Sir James Clark Ross, it is also where Captain Robert Scott completed his famous expedition between 1901-1904. Many of the huts that were put in place over a hundred years ago are still standing today.

This historic landscape is really an adventure you can’t get anywhere else. If you appreciate history, exploring unchartered territories and landscapes unknown – then this cruise journey might just be the one for you.

South America

Are you interested in an in-depth exploration of South America – one that allows you to completely immerse yourself into the intoxicating culture of countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Barbados. Perhaps you want to sit in the authentic sun-kissed beaches of Bonaire and Curacao while experiencing what a real paradise feels like.

Lush flora landscapes are at every turn with tour-guide explorations of each city, destination and country you visit.


Russia is a cruise destination worth exploring for the mystery and allure that surrounds the iron clad country. Filled with fine galleries, museums, and incredible history with even more fascinating culture, lies a land you might not have thought of when planning a cruise. However, it might just be the jewel trip you have been waiting for.

Travel through the iconic places of Russia, from St Petersburg to the palace of Peterhof, while divulging in the country’s favourite drink, vodka. Due to Russia’s sheer size, travellers can expect an adventure with unending highlights on offer.

Are you keen to try out any of these cruises in your lifetime? Let us know in the comments below.

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