Alex O'Brien

International Travel

10 USA destinations with spectacular scenery

10 USA destinations with spectacular scenery

While the Statue of Liberty, Washington Monument, Grand Canyon and Golden Gate Bridge are all definite must-visits, the US offers so many strange, interesting attractions that unfortunately don’t find their way onto many traveller’s itineraries.

We’ve put together a list of 10 USA destinations offering spectacular scenery. If you have an extra day here or there and you’re in the neighbourhood, consider these ideas.

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The pictures correspond with the list below.

10. Mendenhall Glacier Caves, Alaska

This 20 kilometre glacier is home to some of the world’s most spectacular ice caves, and if you’re ever in Alaska you own it to yourself to follow the West Glacier trail.

9. Antelope Canyon, Arizona

Rocks in this captivating part of the world have an interesting “flowing” shape due to the rainwater, especially during monsoons, running into the basin and forging the canyon.

8. Oneonta Gorge, Oregon

This exposed gorge is home to a wide variety of spectacular ferns, mosses, hepatics and lichen which are unique to this region, one of the true dramatic chasms in the US.

7. Skagit Valley Tulip Fields, Washington

These fields will evoke memories of the Netherlands to anyone who has ever been, and hundreds of thousands of visitors descend upon Washington to witness this site.

6. Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness, Colorado

With an entire area that spans over 181,000 acres, this spectacular part of the US is a beautiful showcase of everything that is beautiful about the Elk Mountains.

5. Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida

Surrounded by clear waters and an abundance of sea life, this idyllic island is only accessibly by boat or sea plane and looks like something out of a James Bond movie.

4.  Zion National Park, Utah

Quite a popular destination for nature enthusiasts, this 146,000-acre park features the spectacular Zion Canyon, a site that words can’t quite do justice for.

3. Watkins Glen State Park, New York

This beautiful region doesn’t get quite as much attention as the more popular Niagara Falls, but will make you feel as though you’re in a scene from Lord of the Rings.

2. Yosemite Valley, California

A hotspot for tourists and photographers, with a range of scenic trails for hikers, Yosemite Valley is a gorgeous glacial valley covered in pine trees and surrounded with rocky summits.

1. Grand Prismatic Spring, Wyoming

The largest hot spring in the US and the third largest in the world, this spectacular pool is up there with the Morning Glory Pool and Old Faithful as the most spectacular site in the states.

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