
Family & Pets

9 heart-warming quotes about siblings

9 heart-warming quotes about siblings

You love to hate them, but most people couldn’t imagine life without their brothers and sisters by their side. To celebrate the special bond, here are nine quotes that perfectly illustrate this powerful relationship between siblings.

1. “To the outside world, we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time.” – Clara Ortega

2. “Your parents leave you too soon and your kids and spouse come along late, but your siblings know you when you are in your most inchoate form.” – Jeffrey Kluger

3. “You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.” – Desmond Tutu

4. “There's no other love like the love for a brother. There's no other love like the love from a brother.” – Terri Guillemets

5. “Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring, quite often the hard way.” – Pamela Dugdale

6. “Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.” – Vietnamese Proverb

7. We know one another's faults, virtues, catastrophes, mortifications, triumphs, rivalries, desires, and how long we can each hang by our hands to a bar. We have been banded together under pack codes and tribal laws.” – Rose Macaulay

8. "I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at.” – Maya Angelou

9. "Sibling relationships - and 80 percent of Americans have at least one - outlast marriages, survive the death of parents, resurface after quarrels that would sink any friendship. They flourish in a thousand incarnations of closeness and distance, warmth, loyalty and distrust." - Erica E. Goode

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