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Two iconic locations officially given dual Indigenous titles

<p>In a significant move to recognise and honour the rich cultural heritage of the Indigenous peoples of Australia, two iconic locations in northern NSW will now be officially known by their Indigenous names. This decision comes after impassioned calls from the community to acknowledge the profound significance these sites hold in Indigenous culture and history.</p> <p>Walgan, translating to "shoulder" in the Bundjalung language, has been designated as the dual name for Cape Byron, marking it as the Australian mainland's most easterly point. Cape Byron, situated in the picturesque town of Byron Bay, has long been a hotspot for tourists seeking stunning coastal views. However, beyond its natural beauty, this area holds deep cultural significance for the Arakwal and other Bundjalung people. It has served as a sacred site for important gatherings and traditional ceremonial practices, anchoring it firmly in the cultural tapestry of the region.</p> <p>Similarly, Nguthungulli, referred to as the "Father of the World", will now share its name with Julian Rocks, a renowned diving destination located 2.5km off Cape Byron. This underwater marvel, steeped in Aboriginal lore and legend, is intricately tied to the dreaming stories of the Arakwal and other Bundjalung communities.</p> <p>By bestowing these dual names, authorities aim to not only pay homage to the Indigenous heritage of the land but also to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of its significance among all Australians.</p> <p>The decision to officially recognise these dual names was approved by the NSW Geographical Names Board, following a submission from the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Additionally, in a nod to preserving local Indigenous language and culture, a reserve in the suburb of Bangalow will be formally named Piccabeen Park. The term "Piccabeen" originates from the Bundjalung language, referring to the bangalow palm and the traditional baskets crafted from its fronds.</p> <p>Jihad Dib, the Customer Service Minister, emphasised the NSW government's commitment to safeguarding and promoting Indigenous language and culture through place naming. "All Australians share a relationship to the land and the names we give to places convey their significance, sense of history and identity," he said "Dual-naming acknowledges the significance of Aboriginal culture and represents a meaningful step towards the process of unity in NSW."</p> <p>Echoing these sentiments, David Harris, the Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty Minister, underscored the enduring connections that the Arakwal and other Bundjalung peoples have maintained with these sites since time immemorial. "It is only right to honour that history and that connection through names that bring story and language to life for all Australians to enjoy," he said.</p> <p><em>Image: Getty</em></p>


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Three easy tips to improve brain health

<h2><strong>1. FEED YOUR BRAIN</strong></h2> <p>There are hundreds of foods and nutrients claimed to support brain health, including chocolate and red wine. As wonderful as that sounds, not all of those claims are backed by science. By contrast, the tried-and-true foods that support the brain are well established:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Green leafy vegetables.</strong> Spinach, kale, broccoli, and other leafy greens provide important nutrients for the brain such as vitamin K, folate, and carotenoids rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene and lutein.</li> <li><strong>Fatty fish.</strong> Wild caught, fatty fish provide an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids, an essential polyunsaturated fat that we must get from our diet. Fish provide omega-3 fats rich in EPA and DHA. One reason these healthy fats are crucial to brain health is because DHA is literally a building block for the brain, eyes, and nervous system. In fact, DHA is such an important fatty acid for the brain that it will take in DHA over other available fats. If you have concerns about consuming fish regularly, a fresh and high-quality fish oil supplement can be a big help.</li> <li><strong>Berries.</strong> Cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries are not only delicious but bright and colourful too. The natural plant pigments that create those brilliant hues are flavonoids that support our circulatory system and our brain.</li> <li><strong>Walnuts.</strong> This wonderful source of healthy fat provides another omega-3 fatty acid: ALA. This essential fatty acid can help support healthy brain function. However, for most people, it can’t replace the need for direct EPA and DHA.</li> </ul> <h2><strong>2. MOVE YOUR BODY</strong></h2> <p>Researchers at the University of British Columbia found that regular aerobic exercise seemed to increase the size of the hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for learning and verbal memory. Interestingly, it was noted that resistance and muscle training did not seem to have the same effect. Their research indicated that the effect was both direct (stimulating circulation and hormone release) as well as indirect (supporting mood, sleep, and healthy stress levels).</p> <p>Benefit to the brain was shown with two one-hour sessions per week, but 30-minute sessions spaced throughout the week is considered equally beneficial. And just what was this magical and important exercise? Brisk walking. Walking is an activity that is often dismissed as not intense enough, but it’s an exercise with tremendous benefits. And since socialisation is also important for our health, try walking with a loved one or group of friends!</p> <h2><strong>3. KEEP YOUR MIND ACTIVE</strong></h2> <p>Researchers seem to be undecided about whether games, such as crossword puzzles, actually improve brain function. But there are some activities they do agree can help maintain brain function:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Learning new skills.</strong> Higher levels of education are associated with better brain function later in life. Experts speculate that learning trains the brain to be mentally active throughout life. Continuing to challenge your brain with mental exercise may stimulate existing and new communications between brain cells, supporting brain function. Finding ways to exercise your brain is easy. Something as simple as taking up a new hobby or volunteering where you have to learn a new skill can be a fun way to enjoy exercising your brain.</li> <li><strong>Using all your senses.</strong> Different senses activate different parts of the brain. So, using as many senses as possible when you learn something new means more parts of your brain will be involved in creating that memory pattern. You may have experienced this at a time when a particular smell suddenly brought back a vivid memory. Don’t just wait until a task requires other senses, use your senses to experience a task in a different way.</li> <li><strong>Believing in yourself.</strong> It turns out, our attitudes about ageing and the brain may help shape brain function as we age. Instead of perpetuating the stereotype of “senior moments” (which may make us less likely to work at maintaining brain function) believe you can help your memory, and then turn that belief into the action of practice.</li> <li><strong>Using planning and memory tools.</strong> I’m going to admit, this is one of my personal favourites. This works for me and I can’t recommend it enough. Don’t make your brain remember everything! Put your glasses or keys in the same place every time. Use calendars and planners to keep track of important events like birthdays or meetings. Make lists and use maps or GPS to get places you don’t regularly go. Your brain does so much for you, taking up a little of the slack can go a long way.</li> <li><strong>Repeating what you want to know.</strong> If remembering something is important (like the name of a new acquaintance), repeat what you want to remember out loud or write it down. This helps to reinforce the connection of memory. And to further reinforce this, do it more than once at different intervals. Don’t just repeat it several times within a short period, like cramming for an exam, but spread the exercise out over hours and even days.</li> </ul> <p>Let the information here inspire you to think about brain health more often, pick a few suggestions from this list to practice regularly. Your brain will thank you.</p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-62754" src="" alt="" width="1280" height="371" /></p> <h3><strong>Featured: Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil</strong></h3> <p>Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil™ is made from 100% wild Arctic cod, with naturally occurring DHA, EPA, vitamin D, and vitamin A. Unlike other “cod liver oils” on the market, no fish body oils or synthetic vitamins or additives are ever used.</p> <p>Nordic Naturals award-winning Arctic Cod Liver Oil™ is made exclusively from wild Arctic cod, and is an ideal choice to support general health and wellbeing. Vertically integrated from catch to finished product, Arctic Cod Liver Oil far surpasses the strict European Pharmacopoeia Standard for fish oil purity and freshness. Simply put it’s some of freshest cod liver oil in the world.</p> <p>Unlike the Cod Liver Oil products many of us were told to take in our youth, Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil™ is so fresh that you can’t even tell it’s from fish!</p> <p><strong>Use the code BRAINFOOD when ordering online and get 10% OFF plus free delivery! Order at <a href=""></a></strong></p> <p><strong>Alternatively you can find a local <a href="">stockist near you here.</a></strong></p> <p>Image: Shutterstock</p> <p><em>This is a sponsored article produced in partnership with <a href="">Nordic Naturals</a>.</em></p>


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Arctic cod liver oil for immune vitality and healthy ageing

<p>Cod liver oil has been used for centuries in Scandinavian societies to help people, young and old, stay healthy throughout the year. Fresh cod liver oil is an excellent source of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Unlike most fish oil products, cod liver oil is unique in that it naturally contains a higher ratio of DHA to EPA, and typically delivers omega-3s in the triglyceride molecular form, the best form for their absorption by the body. Both EPA and DHA play vital roles in aspects of healthy ageing and immune function by influencing muscle and bone mass, mobility, energy, immune responses, and cognitive performance. Ensuring adequate intake of omega-3s with cod liver oil is an easy lifestyle change that can have a positive effect on many aspects of health. Here are some of the most notable omega-3 benefits of cod liver oil (a.k.a. CLO).</p> <p><strong>Omega-3s in CLO can support immune health via the gut </strong></p> <p>Having an overabundance of unhealthy gut bacteria can impair the immune system and accelerate the ageing process. Diet and lifestyle choices—including omega-3 consumption—are key factors for helping to establish a favourable environment for beneficial gut bacteria. Some studies have shown that increased consumption of omega-3s helps promote the growth of “good bacteria” in your gut, while other studies have shown a positive connection between adequate amounts of beneficial gut bacteria and a healthier immune response.</p> <p><strong>Omega-3 intake may influence muscle and bone strength</strong></p> <p>As we age, our immune system produces higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins that may impair muscle and bone health. Omega-3s supplements may support healthier blood levels of these age-associated proteins. Several studies report that people with higher dietary intake of omega-3s tend to have stronger muscles, increased exercise capacity, and denser bones. So, consider a cod liver oil for musculoskeletal health.</p> <p><strong>Omega-3s may help counter the effects of stress </strong></p> <p>Chronic stress increases the hormone cortisol, which can negatively impact immune health, especially if it remains elevated over a period of time. Some research studies have shown that omega-3 supplements may reduce the body’s production of cortisol. Furthermore, people who are “stressed out” tend to already have lower blood levels of the omega-3s EPA and DHA, potentially making it even more important for these individuals to consume supplemental omega-3s in order to keep from getting sick.</p> <p><strong>Omega-3s in CLO provide the building blocks for lasting, healthy skin </strong></p> <p>The skin is the largest organ in the body that also contains significant amounts of omega-3s. Due to years of exposure to ultraviolet light, toxins, and various irritants, the skin requires nutrients like omega-3s to help counter these stresses at the cellular level. The skin barrier is an important structure that protects the body and helps maintain a youthful appearance. Adequate intake of omega-3s supports skin cell functions, promotes the skin barrier, and increases the skin’s ability to retain water—a primary component of healthy skin. Because a portion of the omega-3s we consume eventually makes its way into the skin, these essential fats are vital for skin health.</p> <p><strong>Omega-3s in CLO support cardiovascular health</strong></p> <p>As we age, blood vessels stiffen, and blood pressure tends to increase, which places additional stress on the heart. Studies suggest that diets rich in omega-3s support healthy blood vessels, and several have reported that omega-3 supplements promote positive blood vessel health scores. Additionally, preliminary research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may also help reduce oxidative stress within the blood vessels, promoting an optimal environment for the vasculature.</p> <p><strong>Choosing the right cod liver oil </strong></p> <p>Because most CLO is non-concentrated, these supplements offer omega-3s in the triglyceride molecular form, the same form in which EPA and DHA naturally exist in fish, and the form that ensures optimal digestion and absorption of omega-3s by the body. If you are ever unsure about the particular form of a CLO supplement (or any fish oil supplement), check the brand’s website or call their customer service department. This information is important, and should be easy for them to provide.</p> <p>It is also a good idea to select a CLO product that is from wild-caught sustainable cod, and that does not contain synthetic additives. Arctic cod from Norway are often sourced using small boats owned and operated by independent cod fishermen, so demand for Arctic cod supports local fishing communities. Also, these boats leave and return daily which means they have a much shorter transport time from catch to processing than larger trawling vessels. This short time helps maximise fish oil freshness, and the efficacy of the omega-3 fats in Arctic Cod Liver Oil.</p> <p>In closing, CLOs have many unique benefits, but do not take our word for it – try it and see for yourself.</p> <p><strong>Use the code HEALTHYME when ordering online and get your delivery freight free. Only for a limited time. Order at </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong></strong></a><strong> or find a local </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>stockist near you here</strong></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-59001" src="" alt="" width="1280" height="440" /></p> <p><em><strong>This is a sponsored article produced in partnership with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Thera Health</a>.</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>Image: Shutterstock</strong></em></p>


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Are some fats good for you?

<p>We eat a variety of fats every day, from salad dressings and snack foods to savoury meats and buttery baked goods. Everyone knows that too much of some fats can cause problems, but many people do not realise that certain types of fats, called omega-3 fatty acids, are essential to maintaining good overall health and wellbeing.</p> <p>Omega-3 fats support health at the cellular level, where they help give cell membranes their structure, enabling them to absorb and hold in nutrients and usher out waste. They also promote healthy cellular functions throughout the body, supporting vital nervous and immune system functions, and more.</p> <p>Getting enough of these foundational “good fats” is an important part of supporting optimal health –especially as we grow older. The most effective ways to obtain healthy omega-3 fats are through diet and supplementation. But for many people, maintaining a diet with plentiful regular servings of oily, fatty fish can be a challenge. That is why high-quality omega-3 supplements provide a convenient, safe, and reliable way for everyone to get the omega-3 nutrients we all need, day after day.</p> <p>Cod liver oil is the classic omega-3 supplement. For centuries, it has been used in Scandinavian societies to help keep young and older people healthy during the long and cold Arctic winters. Arctic cod are naturally rich in the omega-3 fats EPA and DHA that our bodies need for healthy brain, eye, heart and nervous system function. Omega-3s found in cod liver oil also help support a healthy immune system, joint mobility and cellular health as we age.</p> <p>Since 1995, Nordic Naturals’ award-winning Arctic Cod Liver Oil has delivered impeccably pure, great-tasting cod liver oil to customers across the globe. Made exclusively from wild-caught Arctic cod from sustainable Norway fisheries, Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil contains omega-3s in the triglyceride form, the same form that these fats naturally exist in fish, and the form the body can best recognise and use. And, like all Nordic Naturals products, Arctic Cod Liver Oil meets strict international standards for fish oil purity and quality. Unlike other “cod liver oils” on the market, no fish body oils or synthetic vitamins or additives are ever used.</p> <p>Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver oil comes in a variety of delicious flavours for taking right off the spoon or mixing into your favourite food and drink, and are so fresh and tasty you can barely tell they’re from fish! Also available in convenient, lemon-flavoured soft-gels.</p> <p><strong><em>Use the code GOODFATS when ordering online and get your delivery freight free. Only for a limited time. Order at </em></strong><strong><em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>.</em></strong></p> <p><em><strong>This is a sponsored article produced in partnership with <a style="font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Thera Health</a>.</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>Article Written by Rob Hughes from Nordic Naturals.</strong></em></p> <p>Image: Shutterstock</p>


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From the Red Centre to the green tropics, Australia’s Outback presents a palette like no other

<p><strong>By Reader's Digest, in partnership with APT</strong></p> <p>From the sunburnt sands and ochre-hued escarpments of its Red Centre to the lush green rainforests of Tropical North Queensland, Australia’s Outback packs a punch when it comes to the kaleidoscope of colours on show. <a href=";utm_medium=advertorial&amp;utm_content=20200302_outback2020_readersdigest_native&amp;utm_campaign=outback2020">APT</a> has been operating tours in the Outback for more than 50 years, and are experts in tailoring holidays to showcase the best of each magical region.</p> <p><strong>A world of rainforest and reef</strong></p> <p>In Cape Tribulation, rainforest-clad mountains tumble down to meet the coastline, where pure white sands and turquoise waters dazzle. This is the only place on Earth where two World Heritage-listed sites meet – the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree Rainforest. The Daintree is the oldest tropical lowland forest in the world and is home to thousands of species of birds, animals and reptiles. Here, giant fan palms, emerald green vines and ancient ferns tangle together, forming a dense rainforest that makes you feel as though you are stepping into Jurassic Park.</p> <p><em style="font-weight: inherit;">On tour</em></p> <p>APT offers an 11-day 4WD adventure through Cooktown &amp; Cape York. Arrive in Cairns and transfer to Port Douglas, where you’ll spend a night at the luxurious Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort. Travel to Mossman Gorge in Daintree National Park and set off on a Dreamtime Gorge Walk. Explore Cape Tribulation and Cooktown then visit Split Rock, an intriguing Indigenous rock art site. Take a helicopter flight into the Steve Irwin Wildlife Reserve before continuing north to the tip of Cape York. Here, set out on a walk to the tip of the peninsula and enjoy a helicopter flight for an aerial perspective on this incredible landscape.</p> <p><strong style="font-style: inherit;">Be moved by the outback’s heart</strong></p> <p>As the light shifts and changes throughout the day, so does the landscape at Uluru – the Outback’s spiritual heart. At sunrise, feel an overwhelming sense of calm as you watch this mighty monolith come to life against a pastel-coloured sky. In the afternoon, Uluru appears as an ochre-brown hue, scored with dark shadows. As the sun begins to set, it bathes the rock in burnt orange, then a series of deeper and darker reds, before it finally fades into charcoal as night falls. Spend a night at the Field of Light and savour dinner under the stars, accompanied by the soothing sounds of the didgeridoo. With Uluru in the background, watch in awe as 50,000 soft lights cover the desert floor behind you.</p> <p><em style="font-weight: inherit;">On tour</em></p> <p>On APT’s 11-day Central to South Explorer tour, start your journey in Uluru, where you’ll embark on a base tour at sunrise and experience a night at the Field of Light. Learn about the history of opal mining in Coober Pedy then travel along the iconic Oodnadatta Track to WIlliam Creek. Take an included scenic flight over spectacular Kati Thanda–Lake Eyre before journeying to Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park. While here, spend two nights at the Ikara Safari Camp – the perfect base for exploring Wilpena Pound National Park. A winery lunch in Adelaide’s Clare Valley is the perfect ending to your journey.</p> <p><strong style="font-style: inherit;">Getting your fill of Lake Eyre</strong></p> <p>Few sights in Australia stir the soul more than that of the normally dry Lake Eyre filling with water and suddenly teeming with life. The lake, properly known as Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre, relies on monumental rains in Queensland and the Northern Territory for water to begin to flow into it. Last year saw the lake reach levels unseen for almost half a century, and it is hoped that 2020’s northern monsoon season will see the region once again alive with fish surging through the rivers that feed Lake Eyre, and its surface thronged with an array of birdlife including hundreds of thousands of pelicans. In a land battling drought and bushfires, the vision of water shimmering on the surface of the lake is life affirming. And it is something to be treasured and celebrated, so take this rare chance to go with the flow.</p> <p><strong><img style="width: 500px; height: 281.413612565445px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/1ef8aa559b194a00b0a26c2255414afe" /></strong></p> <p><strong>Paradise found amid corals and blooms</strong></p> <p>Stretching over 1,100 kilometres of seemingly untouched coastline, Western Australia’s Coral Coast is a marine paradise like no other. Here, waves lap lazily on pristine white-sand beaches and turtles sweep through sheltered turquoise bays.</p> <p>The crystal-clear waters of Ningaloo Marine Park harbour the world’s largest fringing reef. Beneath the surface, you’ll find dolphins, dugongs, manta rays, and more than 500 species of fish. There’s more to discover on land, where colourful blankets of native wildflowers burst into bloom between August and September along the spectacular Wildflower Way. For a whole new perspective on the region, take to the skies on a helicopter flight over the Dampier Archipelago. The staggering contrast between brilliant white beaches, aquamarine waters, and the rugged red Pilbara landscape is a breathtaking sight – one that can only be experienced from the air.</p> <p><em style="font-weight: inherit;">On tour</em></p> <p>Board the MS Caledonian Sky in Broome and navigate the remote islands of Western Australia’s Coral Coast on a 15-day small ship expedition cruise and 4WD adventure. Discover life below the surface while snorkelling the clear waters of this marine paradise. Disembark in Geraldton and continue the adventure as you explore Kalbarri National Park and the eerie limestone Pinnacles. To finish up your journey, there’s a stay in a luxury eco-tent on the beautiful Rottnest Island.</p> <p style="font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit;"><em style="font-weight: inherit;">This </em><em>article originally appeared on <a href="mailto:">Reader's Digest.</a></em></p> <p><em>Photos: Reader’s Digest</em></p>

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Six immunity and healthy ageing benefits of taking a daily arctic cod liver oil supplement

<div id="primary" class="contentAreaLeft"> <div class="Maincontent"> <p><strong>Cod liver oil has been used for centuries in Scandinavian societies to help people, young and old, stay healthy throughout the year.</strong></p> <p>Fresh cod liver oil is an excellent source of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Unlike most fish oil products, cod liver oil is unique in that it naturally contains a higher ratio of DHA to EPA, and typically delivers omega-3s in the triglyceride molecular form, the best form for their absorption by the body. Both EPA and DHA play vital roles in aspects of healthy ageing and immune function by influencing muscle and bone mass, mobility, energy, immune responses, and cognitive performance.</p> <p>Ensuring adequate intake of omega-3s with cod liver oil is an easy lifestyle change that can have a positive effect on many aspects of health. Here are some of the most notable omega-3 benefits of cod liver oil (a.k.a. CLO).</p> <p><strong>1. Omega-3s in CLO can support immune health via the gut</strong></p> <p>Having an overabundance of unhealthy gut bacteria can impair the immune system and accelerate the ageing process. Diet and lifestyle choices—including omega-3 consumption—are key factors for helping to establish a favourable environment for beneficial gut bacteria. Some studies have shown that increased consumption of omega-3s helps promote the growth of “good bacteria” in your gut, while other studies have shown a positive connection between adequate amounts of beneficial gut bacteria and a healthier immune response.</p> <p><strong>2. Omega-3 intake may influence muscle and bone strength</strong></p> <p>As we age, our immune system produces higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins that may impair muscle and bone health. Omega-3s supplements may support healthier blood levels of these age-associated proteins. Several studies report that people with higher dietary intake of omega-3s tend to have stronger muscles, increased exercise capacity, and denser bones. So consider a cod liver oil (especially one with vitamin D) for musculoskeletal health.</p> <p><strong>3. Omega-3s may help counter the effects of stress</strong></p> <p>Chronic stress increases the hormone cortisol, which can negatively impact immune health, especially if it remains elevated over a period of time. Some research studies have shown that omega-3 supplements may reduce the body’s production of cortisol. Furthermore, people who are “stressed out” tend to already have lower blood levels of the omega-3s EPA and DHA, potentially making it even more important for these individuals to consume supplemental omega-3s in order to keep from getting sick.</p> <p><strong>4. Omega-3s in CLO provide the building blocks for lasting, healthy skin</strong></p> <p>The skin is the largest organ in the body that also contains significant amounts of omega-3s. Due to years of exposure to ultraviolet light, toxins, and various irritants, the skin requires nutrients like omega-3s to help counter these stresses at the cellular level. The skin barrier is an important structure that protects the body and helps maintain a youthful appearance. Adequate intake of omega-3s supports skin cell functions, promotes the skin barrier, and increases the skin’s ability to retain water—a primary component of healthy skin. Because a portion of the omega-3s we consume eventually makes its way into the skin, these essential fats are vital for skin health.</p> <p><strong>5. Omega-3s in CLO support cardiovascular health</strong></p> <p>As we age, blood vessels stiffen, and blood pressure tends to increase, which places additional stress on the heart. Studies suggest that diets rich in omega-3s support healthy blood vessels, and several have reported that omega-3 supplements promote positive blood vessel health scores. Additionally, preliminary research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may also help reduce oxidative stress within the blood vessels, promoting an optimal environment for the vasculature.</p> <p><strong>6. Higher intake of omega-3s is beneficial for eye moisture</strong></p> <p>People with higher dietary intake of omega-3s are less likely to experience symptoms of dry eyes, and they also tend to have healthier eye glands. Research has shown that omega-3 supplements can help stimulate the tear gland’s production of fatty oils on the eye surface. As ageing, and the use of digital devices like phones, tablets, and computers remain primary risk factors for eye dryness, consuming adequate amounts of omega-3s is a smart investment in long-term eye health.</p> <p><strong>Choosing the right cod liver oil</strong></p> <p>It’s a good idea to select a CLO product that’s from wild-caught sustainable cod, and that does not contain synthetic additives. Arctic Cod Liver Oil products are a good choice. Sustainable species like Arctic cod have several advantages. Arctic cod from Norway are often sourced using small boats owned and operated by independent cod fishermen, so demand for Arctic cod supports local fishing communities. Also, these boats leave and return daily which means they have a much shorter transport time from catch to processing than larger trawling vessels. This short time helps maximise fish oil freshness, and the efficacy of the omega-3 fats in Arctic Cod Liver Oil.</p> <p>By Warren Maginn, BHSc. (Nutr. Med.), GradCert. (Hum. Nutr.)<br /><em>Functional Nutritional Medicine Practitioner and Educator</em></p> <hr /> <p><strong>Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil™ is made from 100% wild Arctic cod. Unlike other “cod liver oils” on the market, no fish body oils or synthetic vitamins or additives are ever used.</strong></p> <p>Nordic Naturals award-winning Arctic Cod Liver Oil™ is made exclusively from wild Arctic cod, and is an ideal choice to help boost immune system health during the colder months. Vertically integrated from catch to finished product, Arctic Cod Liver Oil far surpasses the strict European Pharmacopoeia Standard for fish oil purity and freshness. Simply put it’s some of freshest cod liver oil in the world.</p> <p>Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver oil recently won in the ‘Bone and Joint’ category of the Good Magazine Best of Natural Awards.</p> <p>Available from all good health stores. To find a store near you visit<span> </span><a href=""></a></p> <p><em>This article is sponsored content in conjunction with </em><a href=""><em>Thera Health</em></a><em>.</em></p> </div> </div>


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Arctic cod liver oil: superstar for healthy ageing and immunity

<div id="primary" class="contentAreaLeft"> <div class="Maincontent"> <p><strong>We all need good nutrition for optimum wellbeing but this may be of even greater importance in our golden years.  Of the many nutrients that benefit healthy ageing, omega-3s are superstars since they are essential to the proper functioning of every cell in our bodies.</strong></p> <p>The main beneficial omega-3s, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are naturally highly concentrated in Arctic cod liver oil. The difference between Arctic cod liver oil and other fish oils is that Arctic cod liver oil generally contains 50% more DHA than EPA, whereas other fish oils are naturally higher in EPA than DHA.</p> <p>This ratio makes<span> </span><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank">Arctic cod liver oil</a><span> </span>stand out as a superfood for supporting systems that have an abundance of DHA such as the brain and eyes. In addition to this, Arctic cod liver oil contains a rare supply of naturally occurring vitamins A and D, providing further support for a range of body systems such as skin cell and immune support.</p> <p>Here are 6 ways that the nutrients found in Arctic Cod Liver Oil have been shown to support ageing &amp; immunity:</p> <p><strong>1. Heart health</strong></p> <p>Increasing levels of evidence have shown the beneficial impacts of dietary Omega 3’s against heart disease, and gaining sufficient omega-3 might be easiest done in the form of a cod liver oil supplement<span> </span><sup>(1)</sup>. Studies have indicated that dietary omega-3s appear to decrease the cardiovascular risk factors that lead to heart disease<span> </span><sup>(2,3)</sup>. This has been particularly obvious when cod liver oil supplementation has occurred in the Western diet. One particular study found that supplementing a typical Western diet with cod liver oil had positive effects on the heart health of study participants<span> </span><sup>(1)</sup>.</p> <p>This was likely due to the high concentration of omega-3’s contained in cod liver oil. As cardiovascular disease is a prominent health issue in Australia, Arctic cod liver oil may be an important addition to one’s diet in support of improving heart health<span> </span><sup>(4)</sup>.</p> <p><strong>2. Brain health</strong></p> <p>The brain tissue of humans is predominantly composed of lipids, which are made up of different fatty acids. DHA is the most abundant fatty acid in the brain. The levels of DHA in the brain increase during development and decrease with ageing. Further to this, DHA levels in the brain can be altered by dietary intake of omega-3s<span> </span><sup>(5)</sup>.</p> <p>A number of studies have suggested that low levels of DHA in the brain are linked to an increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults<span> </span><sup>(6)</sup>. Therefore, because of the rich profile of DHA in cod liver oil, supplementation of this particular fish oil may be specifically beneficial for the ageing population in support of brain health.</p> <p><strong>3. Bone strength</strong></p> <p>One of the main draw factors of cod liver oil is its naturally occurring vitamin D. While the most abundant method for increasing one’s vitamin D status is usually through sunlight exposure, sufficient and safe amounts of healthy sun exposure are increasingly difficult to achieve for many in the modern population.</p> <p>Therefore, cod liver oil supplementation may be a valuable alternative for supporting one’s required daily intake of vitamin D for optimal bone health. Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterised by decreased bone mass that occurs primarily in postmenopausal women<span> </span><sup>(7)</sup>. This disease places them at greater risk of fractures in their later life. Therefore, cod liver oil may be beneficial for supporting bone development and maintenance throughout life, and particularly in later life when the risk of bone fracture is increased.</p> <p><strong>4. Vision</strong></p> <p>Deteriorating eyesight is a common health problem in the ageing population. As with the brain, the eye is highly enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, with particularly high levels of DHA present in the retina of the eye<span> </span><sup>(8)</sup>. Therefore, DHA has an important functional role in the retina, primarily helping minimise the damage that is caused from the ongoing exposure to light throughout life<span> </span><sup>(12)</sup>.</p> <p>Therefore, people over the age of 50 are recommended a regular intake of marine fish or a food supplement that has high concentrations of DHA, such as cod liver oil, to support their eye health<span> </span><sup>(12)</sup>. In addition to this, cod liver oil is appealing because it is a good source of naturally occurring vitamin A in its most ‘active’ form, which may support individuals who have problems with night vision.</p> <p><strong>5. Skin care</strong></p> <p>Human skin plays a pivotal role in the feeling of wellbeing and physical attractiveness in an individual<span> </span><sup>(14)</sup>. Our skin is continuously exposed to internal and external influences that may alter its condition. As a result, we may experience inflammation, immune dysfunction, skin disorders, and ultimately ageing.</p> <p>The functioning and attractiveness of the skin are dependent on nutrition, as evidenced by the characteristic skin lesions that often occur from particular deficiencies in the diet.<sup><span> </span>(14)</sup><span> </span>Dietary supplementation with specific vitamins, minerals, or essential fatty acids will therefore support skin care in these situations<span> </span><sup>(15)</sup>. Many reports have suggested that the intake of omega-3s, (EPA and DHA), may provide considerable health benefits in relation to inflammatory diseases that have the potential to cause rashes, lesions or other disorders to the skin. One study found that a relatively low supplemented dose of EPA and DHA within a 4-week period was protective against UV radiation<span> </span><sup>(16)</sup>. Therefore, cod liver oil supplementation may be recommended to help and support skin care in later life.</p> <p><strong>6. Immune system</strong></p> <p>Many studies have found that the anti-inflammatory profile of cod liver oil supports the immune response of an individual. Further to this, the effect of omega-3 dietary supplementation has been shown to improve clinical variables of disease activity<span> </span><sup>(17)</sup>. One study found that cod liver oil supplementation for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis allowed these patients to decrease their NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) intake, thus improving gastrointestinal and cardiovascular health without any worsening of disease activity<span> </span><sup>(17)</sup>.</p> <p>Another study produced results that suggested a protective effect of cod liver oil supplementation against type 1 diabetes<span> </span><sup>(18)</sup>. Numerous changes occur in the immune system with advancing age, probably contributing to a decreased immune response<span> </span><sup>(20)</sup>.</p> <p>Looking at these amazing benefits for multiple body systems, you can see why Arctic cod liver oil is a superstar for immune support and healthy ageing.</p> <p>Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil™ is made from 100% wild Arctic cod. Unlike other “cod liver oils” on the market, no fish body oils or synthetic vitamins or additives are ever used.</p> <p>Nordic Naturals award-winning Arctic Cod Liver Oil™ is made exclusively from wild Arctic cod, and is an ideal choice to help boost immune system health during the colder months. Vertically integrated from catch to finished product, Arctic Cod Liver Oil far surpasses the strict European Pharmacopoeia Standard for fish oil purity and freshness. Simply put it’s some of freshest cod liver oil in the world.</p> <p>Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver oil recently won in the ‘Bone and Joint’ category of the Good Magazine Best of Natural Awards.</p> <p>Available from all good health stores. To find a store near you visit<span> </span><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p><em>This article is sponsored content in conjunction with<span> </span><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank">Thera Health</a>.</em></p> <p><em><sup><strong>REFERENCES</strong></sup></em></p> <ol> <li><em>Lorenz R, Spengler U, Fischer S, Duhm J and Weber PC. Platelet Function, Thromboxane Formation and Blood Pressure Control During Supplementation of the Western Diet with Cod Liver Oil. Circulation 1983;67:504-511.</em></li> <li><em>Simopoulos AP. Omega-3 fatty acids in health and disease and in growth and development. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;54:438-463.</em></li> <li><em>Hu FB, Bronner L and Willett WC. Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acid Intake and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Women. JAMA 2002;287)14):1815-21.</em></li> <li><em>Heart Foundation. 2014. Data and statistics. Available at:<a href=""></a>. [Accessed 26 March 14].</em></li> <li><em>Innis SM. Dietary omega 3 fatty acids and the developing brain. Brain Res 2008;doi 10.1016.</em></li> <li><em>Sydenham E, Dangour AD and Lim W-S. Omega 3 fatty acid for the prevention of cognitive decline and dementia. Sao Paulo Med J 2012;130(6):419.</em></li> <li><em>Rajakumar K. Vitamin D, Cod-Liver Oil, Sunlight, and Rickets: A Historical Perspective. Pediatrics 2003;112;e132.</em></li> <li><em>Hodge W, Barnes D, Schachter HM et al. Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Eye Health. AHRQ 2005;117:12.</em></li> <li><em>James MJ, Gibson RA and Cleland LG. Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammatory mediator production. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71.</em></li> <li><em>Rodriguez de Turco EB, Gordon WC and Bazan NG. Rapid and selective uptake, metabolism, and cellular distribution of docosahexenoic acid among rod and cone photoreceptor cells in the frog retina. J Neurosci 1991;11(11):3667-78.</em></li> <li><em>Vingerling JR, Dielemans I, Bots ML et al. Age-related macular degeneration is associated with atherosclerosis. The Rotterdam Study. Am J Epidemiol 1995;142(4):404-9.</em></li> <li><em>Bryhn M. 2007. Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Prevent Blindness? Available at:<span> </span><a href=""></a><span> </span>(Accessed 26 March 2014).</em></li> <li><em>Neuringer M. Infant vision and retinal function in studies of dietary long-chained polyunsaturated fatty acids. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71:256-267.</em></li> <li><em>Boelsma E, Hendriks HFJ and Roza L. Nutritional skin care: health effects of micronutrients and fatty acids. Am J Clin Nutr 2001;73:853-64.</em></li> <li><em>Roe DA. Current etiologies and cutaneous signs of vitamin deficiencies. Roe Da, ed. Nutrition and the skin. Contemporary issues in clinical nutrition. New York: Alan R Liss Inc, 1986;81-98.</em></li> <li><em>Orengo IF, Black HS and Wolf JE. Influence of fish oil supplementation on the minimal erythema dose in humans. Arch Dermatol Res 1992;284:219-21.</em></li> <li><em>Galarraga B, Ho M and Youssef HM. Cod liver oil (n-3 fatty acids) as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug sparing agent in rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology 2008;47:665-669.</em></li> <li><em>Stene LC, Ulriksen J, Magnus P and Joner G. Use of cod liver oil during pregnancy associated with lower risk of Type 1 diabetes in the offspring. Diabetologia 2000;43:1093-98.</em></li> <li><em>Stene LC, Joner G and the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Study Group. Use of cod liver oil during the first year of life is associated with lower risk of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes: a large, population-based, case-control study. Am J Clin Nutr 2003;78:1128-34.</em></li> <li><em>Immunity &amp; Ageing. 2014. About Immunity &amp; Ageing. Available at<span> </span><a href=""></a><span> </span>(Accessed 27 March 2014).</em></li> </ol> </div> </div>


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Rounding the cape

<p><em>Justine Tyerman heads to Cape Irozaki, the southernmost point of the Izu Peninsula, Japan, where she is told of happy events ahead.<br /></em><br />“Skiing field,” the sign pointing to the sand dune read.</p> <p>“Great! I’ll have a go at that,” I thought, clambering up the 70m-high, 100m-wide sand slope above a rocky cove.</p> <p>Created by wind action, the steep dune near the tiny beach town of Toji, is a popular spot for sand skiing and sledding.</p> <p>But not only was it incredibly difficult to climb to the top, it was impossible to glide down without short fat skis or a board of some kind. Great exercise for the leg muscles though!</p> <p>The Toji sand slope was our first stop on day four of the Izu Geo Trail with Walk Japan, as we drove south along the coast towards the tip of the peninsula, passing sandy and rocky beaches, lush green bush, precipitous cliffs and many tunnels. The further south we went, the less the traffic on the roads. In fact most days we encountered no other people on our hikes. It may be close and accessible from Tokyo but the Izu Peninsula feels like a remote wilderness.</p> <p>At Toji beach, the rock formations on the headlands were wonderful examples of ancient submarine lava flows.</p> <p>A short distance away, down a steep set of steps, we came to the Ryugu Sea Cave, a phenomenon shaped by wave erosion. At the rear of the cave, the roof had collapsed creating an opening to the sky 50m in diameter. The cave entrance is still intact, a great place for photos.</p> <p>We hiked in the sunshine along a gentle trail with spectacular views of the cobalt blue Pacific Ocean and craggy coastline. We also passed through the Tsubaki Park Camellia Garden where 1050 trees have been planted.</p> <p>A side track took us to Cape Tarai, a headland with a stunning panorama of the many offshore islands including Mikomotojima which has a lighthouse perched on the top.</p> <p>In the distance, we could see Cape Irozaki, the southernmost point of the peninsula.</p> <p>Far below, fishermen were casting lines into the swirling waves.</p> <p>At the end of our morning hike, we met up with a lovely lady named Mieko Takesawa on the beach at Yumigahama. A local surfer, she was the provider of our delicious organic lunch boxes full of salads, homemade bread and dips. Sitting by her beautiful pristine white beach, I devoured every morsel.</p> <p>A little shop with live fresh lobster, abalone and other shellfish in huge tanks took my interest. The owner was selling dried and frozen fish and presumably live creatures too.</p> <p>Back on the coach, we continued our journey southwards through tiny picturesque villages, coves enclosed by dramatic volcanic headlands with rocky islets, and green hillsides. My eyes never tired of the coastal scenery and volcanic landscapes, largely untouched by tourism.</p> <p>Our afternoon hike took us to Cape Irozaki and the site of a shrine built precariously into the cliff face high above the ocean. It’s one of Japan’s Top 100 sightseeing sites but our group of 12 were the only ones seeing the wondrous sights that day.</p> <p>A pathway along a narrow ridge takes hikers out to a rock on the point with a rope around it to signify that it’s sacred.</p> <p>I was hypnotised by the action of the waves swirling into narrow fissures in the rock and smashing into the cliffs sending curtains of spray high into the air, creating small rainbows in the sky. The headlands in the distance were jagged like a child’s scribble, and disintegrated into fragments as they thrust into the sea.</p> <p>Before leaving the shrine, I tossed a small coin into a box and took a slip of paper that told my fortune. Yohei translated the Japanese characters saying there were happy prospects ahead. Turns out it was right! I’m about to become a grandmother for the first time.</p> <p>The nearby Irozaki lighthouse, originally built in 1871, was replaced in 1933 after being destroyed in a storm. Today it plays an important role in the safety of ships and fishing vessels.<br /><br /><strong><u>Remote and untouched</u></strong></p> <p>Rounding the tip of the peninsula, we left the east coast behind and began our journey up the west coast. Under clear skies, the seascape with black rocks against a shimmering aqua sea was breathtaking, and even more remote and untouched than the east coast. The road hugged the coast and around each corner, there were ‘wows’ from everyone.</p> <p>Small fishing villages sheltered in deep coves, some with tall walls for tsunami protection. Volcanic islands rose perpendicularly from the sea. Where there was flat land, every inch was cultivated in market gardens. The hillsides were like crumpled paper, screwed up and tossed aside.</p> <p>As we neared Matsuzaki, our destination for the night, beautiful white sculptures appeared on the side of the road. We stopped to examine and photograph one of them, a female figure sitting on a harp-shaped plinth. With the backdrop of the west coast stretching far into the hazy distance, and the late afternoon sun low in the clear sky, she was a striking sight.</p> <p>Matsuzaki, known for its historic Edo period buildings with distinctive lattice work of black tiles and white plaster, is regarded as one of Japan’s most beautiful villages. It may be well off the beaten tourist track but its charms have been recognised by movie makers who have used the town as a setting for films and television dramas.</p> <p>During the Edo period, the town was a hub for stones used in the construction of Edo Castle. Many of the original merchant buildings are open to visit either free or for a small fee.</p> <p>Our ryokan for the night, Shinshima Inn, is run by a husband and wife team, Emi and Hayato Sano, in a graceful historic house. My lovely simple room overlooked a river.</p> <p>After our onsen bath, I changed into the pretty green yukata that was pressed and folded in my room. Emi put the finishing touches to the ladies’ yukatas tying stiff, wide sashes into kimono bows at the back.</p> <p>It was a glorious warm evening so we dined outside, excited at the prospect of a Japanese-style barbecue cooked by chef Hayato. What a feast — fish, beef, sausages and vegetables all cooked over hot coals, followed by a fresh fruit dessert.</p> <p>After dinner, Hayato proudly showed us the original part of the house which is 140 years old. He took us up a steep set of stairs to a veritable museum of artwork and gorgeous ceremonial kimonos. There were also two sumptuous kimonos on display downstairs in the lobby along with a five-storey model of a traditional Japanese dwelling.</p> <p>Breakfast, set in a series of intimate alcoves, was buffet-style with options of toast, cereal and yoghurt, the first taste of Western food in a week. I hadn’t missed it but reverted to habit alarmingly fast.</p> <p>Day five was the longest hike of the Izu Geo Trail, around 12km with a steep climb or two, so I needed plenty of fuel for the day ahead. And it was time for the TBs (tramping boots) to have an outing . . .<br /><em>— To be continued</em></p> <p><strong>Factbox</strong>:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">The Izu Geo Trail </a>is a 7-day, 6-night guided tour starting in Tokyo and finishing in Mishima. The trail explores the Izu Peninsula in the Shizuoka Prefecture, one of the most unique geological areas on Earth. The mountainous peninsula with deeply indented coasts, white sand beaches and a climate akin to a sub-tropical island, is located 150km south west of Tokyo on the Pacific Coast of the island of Honshu, Japan.</li> <li>An easy-to-moderate-paced hiking tour with an average walking distance of 6-12km each day, mostly on uneven forest and mountain tracks including some steep climbs and descents. </li> <li>Walk Japan pioneered off-the-beaten-track walking tours in Japan in 1992 with the Nakasendo Way tour. Since then, the company has created 29 guided, self-guided and speciality tours introducing the geography, people, cuisine, customs, culture and history of the real Japan that often remain inaccessible for visitors to the country.</li> <li>Walk Japan has been widely recognised, including selection by National Geographic as one of the 200 Best Adventure Travel Companies on Earth.</li> </ul> <p><em>Justine Tyerman was a guest of <a href="">Walk Japan</a>.</em></p> <p><em>Read Part <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">One</a>, <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Two</a> and <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Three</a> of Justine Tyerman’s Japan visit.  </em></p>

International Travel

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The allure of Cape Town

<p>Sometimes it seems that Cape Town isn’t really part of Africa at all. Rather it’s a hipster chunk of Europe that somehow found itself at the bottom of Africa. The locals spend a lot more time discussing coffee and cuisine than you’d expect to find in the wild Dark Continent.<br /><br />The city is in a sublime location. When discussing the world’s most picturesque harbour cities we always find Sydney, Rio, Vancouver on the list. But for bay cities, Cape Town must reign supreme with Table Mountain looming behind it.<br /><br />Here are some of the highlights.<br /><br /><strong>Table Mountain</strong><br />For early mariners, the first sight of the flat summit of Table Mountain announced they were safely around the Cape of Good Hope and a well provisioned port lay ahead.</p> <p>Today, taking the <a href="">cable car</a> up to walk around the mountain and survey the city and bay beyond is the one essential thing to do. Walk around the corner and you can see most of the way to the Cape and over the upmarket suburb of Camps Bay and Hout Bay beyond.</p> <p>One unexpected delight of this excursion is the furry mammals you’ll find up there. They are called dassies or rock hyrax and look like marmots or large rats, depending how kindly you view them. But their closest living relative is the elephant. You’ll need a big step in imagination to see the family resemblance.<br /><br /><strong>Victoria and Alfred Waterfront</strong><br />The ongoing redevelopment of the waterfront has been a crowning glory to the city. Lots of hipster coffee shops, all the mainstream brand shops and a great African arts and crafts hall.</p> <p>I bought a painting made from used tea bags in a dedicated charity shop. Whoever in the village had the idea, it was inspired. And it is the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront – not the Victoria and Albert Waterfront because it’s named after the queen and her second son, not her long-lamented husband.<br /><br />Cruises leave from here too – a sunset cruise is a great way to see this spectacular city and the mountain from the water and if you’re lucky you may see the “tablecloth” roll in.<br /><br /><strong>Food</strong><br />Cape Town has always been a cosmopolitan city and that’s reflected in the food. Whether seeking Cape Malay or any international cuisine there will be choice – and the local meat, fish and produce are excellent.</p> <p>You’ll find game, from crocodile to kudu, on many menus, too. The best restaurant in town is The Test Kitchen that is listed as one of the world’s best. But book well in advance and even then, good luck getting a table.</p> <p><strong>Company’s Garden</strong><br />Right in the heart of the city are the Company’s Garden, created in 1650 and featuring a large statue to Cecil Rhodes.</p> <p>Whether you appreciate the legacy of Rhodes or see him as an oppressor, wandering through the gardens is a pleasant way to cool down in the city. If you want a more expansive garden, head to the Botanic Gardens in the shadow of Table Mountain.<br /><br /><strong>Winnebagos on the roof</strong><br />Before the rest of the world’s hotels thought of sticking seven Airstream mobile homes on the roof of premises, the <a href="">Grand Daddy Boutique Hotel</a> on Long St did it first – and then put a rooftop cinema in the middle. It may not be five star but it’s certainly unusual.<br /><br /><strong>Robben Island</strong><br />If you wish to visit Robben Island it’s a very good idea to book tickets in advance as they often sell out. <br /><br />Most of us know of Robben Island - the flat 2x3km island about seven km from Cape Town - as the prison that held Nelson Mandela for 18 of his 27 years as a political prisoner during South Africa’s apartheid era. The 3.5 hour tour has two distinct parts.</p> <p>The first is a general tour of the island where you learn that it also served as a leper colony and an animal quarantine staion. The circumnavigation includes a stop where penguins can be seen on the beach.</p> <p>That’s a soft introduction to a tour of the prison on which you’re shown around by a former prison inmate. I asked out guide if he found it hard to be back here and he said that it took him a couple of years to come to terms with it. Of course, you are shown Mandela’s cell and learn how hard conditions in the prison were.<br /><br /><strong>Cape of Good Hope</strong><br />If there is one essential tour out from Cape Town, it’s down to the Cape of Good Hope. This is not the southernmost point of the African continent but it is one of the world’s three Great Capes – the other two are Cape Horn and WA’s Cape Leeuwin.</p> <p>It’s a rugged place and there’s always the chance to see wildlife like antelopes, ostrich, baboons and zebra.</p> <p><strong>Penguin patrol</strong><br />There are quite a lot of penguins to be found in the waters off Cape Town. These are African penguins and they look a lot like the Magellanic penguins of South America. Both are sometimes called jackass penguins for the braying sound they make. They can be seen on a tour of Robben Island.</p> <p>Or if you wish to get close to them you can head to Boulders Beach near Simon’s Town or Stony Point near Betty’s Beach – both have boardwalks and charge an admission fee.<br /><br /><strong>Helicopter overview</strong><br />If you are in Cape Town when the weather is good, it’s worthwhile taking a helicopter flight out over the bay for a spectacular aerial view of the city. We used <a href="">NAC Helicopters</a> and the grand panoramas made the short flight great value.</p> <p><strong>Staying</strong><br />Cape Town has a wide range of hotels. Many are at the V&amp;A Waterfront. A personal favourite is the <a href="">Westin Cape Town</a>, particularly the Executive Club with a lounge that offers unsurpassed views across the city to Table Mountain.<br /><br /><a href="">Tintswalo Atlantic</a> is a very alternative option. It’s a unique luxury boutique hotel on Hout Bay, located within the National Park.</p> <p>The waves lap the rocks below your balcony so you feel very much in the wild although the city and airport are only minutes away. The wild surrounds and the absolute luxury within create a</p> <p> very special experience.<br /><br /><strong>Cape Province delights</strong><br />Whether your interest is in the whales and sharks of Hermanus, the Cape flowers, the wines of Franschhoek and Stellenbosch, or setting off on the Garden Route, Cape Town is the perfect starting point. Just a few days here will convince you that Africa is a wonderland ripe for exploration.</p> <p><em>Written by David McGonigal. Republished with permission of </em><a href=""><em></em></a></p>


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Duchess Meghan turns heads in stunning red cape dress in Morocco

<p>Just days after the <a href="">star-studded baby shower that cost a whopping AUD$420,000</a>, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex has touched down for a royal visit to Morocco for a three-day tour.</p> <p>The royal couple are not ones to shy away from making a fashionable statement when they were greeted by the British Ambassador to Morocco, Thomas Reilly. Wearing an incredibly chic Valentino cape gown at Casablanca airport, it’s hard to believe she could outdo herself. But today the gorgeous royal showed up for an event at the British Ambassador’s home and blew us away with her cream kaftan-inspired Dior gown.</p> <p>Opting for subtle nude accessories and heels, the Duchess glammed up a little extra for the reception last night with diamond earrings and a Dior clutch.</p> <p>The makeup was simple and stunning, with an elegant up-do for the mother-to-be – proving to be an excellent choice for the warm African heat.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"> <p dir="ltr">The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrive in Rabat for <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#RoyalVisitMorocco</a>!🇲🇦🇬🇧 <a href=""></a></p> — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) <a href="">February 23, 2019</a></blockquote> <p>Her henna tattoo was also shown off, a good-luck charm for her pregnancy. Just on day two, the Duchess presented the designed tattoo to two young girls at a school in the Atlas Mountains.</p> <p>“Hi girls, so cute. What are your names? So sweet,” she told five-year-old Rania and two-year-old Rayhanna.</p> <p>Showing them the henna, she added: “Nice, isn’t it? So pretty!”</p> <p>The plant-based ink is deemed a symbol of good luck and a blessing for significant events, such as birth.</p> <p>While meeting young children in Morocco, Duchess Meghan opted for simple attire – going with a stylish navy blazer, black pants and shirt with matching heels.</p> <p>Prince Harry and the heavily pregnant Duchess plan to spend three days visiting charities and schools, however, will not be doing any of their usual walkabouts to meet the public due to security concerns.</p> <p>Swipe through the gallery above to see the stylish Duchess during her trip in Morocco. </p>

Beauty & Style

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The ominous warning sign greeting travellers in loos

<p>With 5 million international visitors last year, the South African coastal city of Cape Town is one of the most popular locations in the world. But it’s also got a big problem.</p> <p>Visitors touching down one of the world’s most multicultural cities have been greeted with sings ranging from warnings like, “Don’t waste a drop!” to desperate pleas for help like, “Our taps will run dry if we don’t act now”.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr">There's a water crisis in Cape Town. Travelers should be prepared (and can help). <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p> — The New York Times (@nytimes) <a href="">December 28, 2017</a></blockquote> <p>Cape Town is enduring a severe water crisis after three years of poor rains. Water levels in the city’s reservoirs are at 33 per cent and there are real warnings that without any action, a day where the taps will run dry is looming.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr">Dear Visitors to Cape Town! Please help us and <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#savewater</a> as we are experiencing water crisis... use less than <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#87litres</a> per day. Speak to our staff about water saving measures at <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#oonkloof</a>. <a href=""></a></p> — O on Kloof Hotel&amp;Spa (@OonKloofHotel) <a href="">December 22, 2017</a></blockquote> <p>Bob Scholes, a professor of systems ecology at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, explained the very real threat in an interview with Bloomberg.</p> <p>“Running out of water in places that have a highly developed water infrastructure is not that common,” he said.</p> <p>“I know of no example of a city the size of Cape Town running out of water. It would be quite catastrophic.”</p> <p>Taps are turned off once dam levels drop below 13.5 per cent, which would prompt a situation where residents would have to line up at checkpoints around the city to collect daily water rations. Some experts say that day could come as early as April 29.</p> <p>Tourists have been asked to do everything they can to conserve water.</p> <p>“We have to change our relationship with water,” Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille told Bloomberg.”</p> <p>“We have to plan for being permanently in a drought-stricken area.”</p> <p>What are your thoughts?</p> <p><em>Hero image credit: Twitter / New York Times</em></p> <p><a href=";utm_campaign=travel-insurance&amp;utm_medium=in-article-banner&amp;utm_content=travel-insurance" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Over60 Travel Insurance"/></a></p>

International Travel

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Why Cape Pillar is scariest cliff in the known universe

<p>Set foot on the edge of the earth.</p> <p><strong>What is it?</strong></p> <p>When a site has the unofficial name of ‘The Scariest Cliff in the Known Universe’, you know they mean business. At Cape Pillar in the Tasman National Park you will find the tallest sea cliffs in the Southern Hemisphere. They rise straight up from the dark blue waters of the Southern Ocean, soaring to a stomach-lurching 300 metres. The views are incredible, stretching out over an endless ocean, across to Bruny Island and back northwest towards Hobart. Tiptoe up to the edge – if you dare.</p> <p><strong>Where is it?</strong></p> <p>Cape Pillar is at the southeastern tip of the Tasman Peninsula, which is in the southeast of the main island of Tasmania. The drive from Hobart takes around one hour. It is the most southeasterly point of Australia and there is essentially nothing beyond it until you reach Antarctica.</p> <p><strong>How can I visit?</strong></p> <p>Get ready for a considerable hike. The sea cliffs at Cape Pillar are a two-day roundtrip walk from Fortescue Bay, around 30 kilometres to the north. You will need to cover 22 kilometres on the first day and eight kilometres on the second day, camping overnight at Wughalee Falls. Cape Pillar is also part of the newly developed Three Capes Track, a three-night, 46-kilometre route that opened in 2015. It starts in Port Arthur with a boat ride across the bay and then hugs (very close) to the coastline. You’ll need to be able to carry your own pack and provisions, and have a reasonable level of fitness.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p> <p>You can also see the cliffs from the water. Short cruises sail between Eaglehawk Neck (a narrow isthmus that joins the Forestier and Tasman peninsulas) and Port Arthur. Small boats will pass close to the base of the cliffs, giving an incredible perspective straight up the face.</p> <p>Have you ever visited Cape Pillar?</p> <p><em><strong>Have you arranged your travel insurance yet? Save money with Over60 Travel Insurance. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href=";utm_medium=content&amp;utm_content=link1&amp;utm_campaign=travel-insurance" target="_blank">To arrange a quote, click here.</a></span> Or for more information, call 1800 622 966.</strong></em></p>

International Travel

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Rare right whale spotted in Cape Cod

<p>One of the rarest creatures on the planet — the endangered right whale — has appeared in the Atlantic Ocean. </p> <p>The marine mammals are thought by experts to have a population of just 500 worldwide, half of which have been residing near the plankton-rich Cape Cod Bay, near the US state of Massachusetts, the last few Springs. This year, it looks like they are back in record numbers.</p> <p>North Atlantic right whales have foraged for centuries in Cape Cod Bay, where their numbers were decimated by whalers who hunted them for their oil and plastic-like baleen bone. As a result, for a stretch in the late 1990s fewer than 30 whales were sighted each year. Now, up to 70 whales have been sighted. </p> <p>Charles “Stormy” Mayo, a senior scientist and director of right whale ecology at the Centre for Coastal Studies in Provincetown called the phenomenon “Rather extraordinary and somewhat mind-blowing.” He attributes the mass migration to shifting ocean currents-possibly due to global climate change — that are pumping more plankton into the bay, even as the whales’ traditional feeding grounds off the Maine coast falter.</p> <p>“They’re a little like cows in a field. They go away from places that are not good and go to places that are good,” he said.</p> <p>US Federal law forbids getting within 500 yards of a right whale and requires ships to slow to 10 knots — roughly 11.5 miles per hour.</p> <p>Scrollt through the gallery above to see these beautiful creatures.</p> <p><strong>Related link:</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href=""><em>Top 10 countries to visit in 2016</em></a></strong></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href=""><em>10 best-value travel destinations for 2016</em></a></strong></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href=""><em>The snow-capped mountain metropolis people never want to leave</em></a></strong></span></p>

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How I walked the 1,200km Heysen Trail

<p><em><strong>Over60 community contributor, Rosie Kennett, shares the tale of how she walked the Heysen Trail, a 1,200-kilometre trek in South Australia.</strong></em></p> <p>In 2005 after retiring, I started a walking group with a few women friends, all of whom were over 60. The idea was to take country walks rather than city walks, ideally within an hour’s drive from Adelaide for convenience. We were very quickly amazed at the sheer number of walks available to us in beautiful, varied locations including quiet country lanes past local farms, recreational parks and national parks with expansive views over rolling hills, cityscapes and beachside fronts.</p> <p><img width="409" height="230" src="" alt="Heysen Trail Photo One"/></p> <p>We met once a fortnight and on an average day we would walk for four hours, over 12 to 18kms. We each took a light backpack with water and lunch. After a few months our numbers grew to 20 and included friends of friends and it was a lovely way to make new acquaintances. We shared humorous stories, sad stories, local news and we shared problems and gave opinions and advice to each other.</p> <p><img width="419" height="236" src="" alt="Heysen Trail Photo Two"/></p> <p>All of our walks were found in local guidebooks written by experienced bush walkers. However, many of the directions were less than thorough such as “turn left at the narrow path next to the big gum tree” so on most of our walks we took wrong turns, but with enough strong opinions and a phone GPS we always made our way back to the cars amid laughter and relief! After a few years, the core of dedicated walkers decided on a bigger project – to hike the Heysen Trail.</p> <p><img width="417" height="235" src="" alt="Heysen Trail Photo Three"/></p> <p>The Heysen Trail is a long distance walking trail stretching 1,200 kilometres from Cape Jervis on the Fleurieu Peninsula south of Adelaide, through the Adelaide foothills then up north through the Barossa wine district before finally ending in Parachilna in the Flinders Ranges.</p> <p><img width="407" height="229" src="" alt="Heysen Trail Photo Four (2)"/></p> <p>The trail was developed primarily in the 1970s and 80s by the late Terry Lavender OAM. Warren Bonython AO originally proposed a long distance walking trail connecting the Mount Lofty Ranges. Between 1979 and 1992 the greater part of the trail was constructed, traversing public and private land with the help of local government, councils, volunteers, schools and individual landowners.</p> <p><img width="428" height="241" src="" alt="Heysen Trail Photo Five"/></p> <p>Our group of 10, calling ourselves “Get Out Group” started the trail in 2011. The trail is closed during the summer months. Starting at Cape Jervis and signing the register, we found the first half of the trail relatively easy to organise as day hikes, generally around 16kms over 4 to 5 hours.</p> <p><img width="405" height="228" src="" alt="Heysen Trail Photo Six"/></p> <p>After reaching Burra, some 145kms north of Adelaide, we have to organise accommodation for 2 to 3 nights hiking each day, and as we ventured further north we had longer stays and longer hikes – up to 28kms a day. In Burra, we were joined by one husband, a keen walker, who had just retired. Most people thought he was our guide and with his Heysen trail GPS, careful planning and attention to detail we came to rely on his navigational skills (but still managed to get lost on a few occasions!).</p> <p><img width="417" height="235" src="" alt="Heysen Trail Photo Seven"/></p> <p>Staying overnight gave us the opportunity to have drinks around the campfire at sunset and exchange stories into the dark. Most nights we’d crawl into bed early exhausted by the day’s hike. There is a range of accommodation along the way from local hotels that are generally fairly basic, bed and breakfasts, miner’s cottages, country town houses, shearer’s quarters and camp cabins.</p> <p><img width="414" height="233" src="" alt="Heysen Trail Photo Eight"/></p> <p>The hardest thing to plan is the car drop offs as the access to the trail can be quite difficult in some sections. Car drop offs requires dropping cars to the end of the days walk, driving back to the start of the walk, picking up the cars at the end of the walk and driving back to the start to collect the other cars. At times we had to walk 4 kilometres from the car to the start of the trail!</p> <p><img width="407" height="229" src="" alt="Heysen Trail Photo Nine"/></p> <p>The Heysen Trail showcases some of the best country SA has to offer. From spectacular cliff tops overlooking the ocean, panoramic views over Adelaide, lush green hills and vineyards, through sheep and cattle stations and quiet country towns and deserted ruins. You crossing babbling brooks and dry creek beds, ridge tops with expansive views to Spencer Gulf and Wilpena Pound, and deep gorges with amazing rock formations of Brachina and Parachilna Gorges in the Flinders Ranges.</p> <p><img width="400" height="225" src="" alt="Heysen Trail Photo 10"/></p> <p>Our journey ended at the wonderful Prairie Hotel where we were joined by our husbands to celebrate our amazing 1,200 kilometre achievement and shared wonderful memories with a few glasses of bubbly around a huge campfire under a clear star-lit night sky.</p> <p><img width="396" height="223" src="" alt="Heysen Trail Photo 11 (1)"/></p> <p>Walking the Heysen Trail was an unforgettable experience. Apart from the obvious health and friendship benefits, this type of hiking allows you to contemplate life and immerse yourself in country far from the noise and traffic of the city. However, it is not for the fainthearted!</p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><a href=""><strong>16 best countries for travel in 2016</strong></a></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><a href=""><strong>10 cities where you won’t get stuck in traffic!</strong></a></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><a href=""><strong>14 images from the world’s largest flower garden</strong></a></em></span></p>

International Travel

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UFO clouds form above Cape Town

<p>UFO-like cloud formations forming above Cape Town have left locals scratching their heads.</p> <p>Many have taken to social media to share this unnerving weather pattern.</p> <p>And while it may look like an alien invasion it’s actually a strange cloud formation.</p> <p>This eerie cloud formation is a phenomenon known as lenticular clouds, caused when high winds blow over rough terrain, such as mountains and valleys.</p> <p>Scroll down to see more images:</p> <p><img width="500" height="500" src="" alt="Cloud Number Two"/></p> <p><em>Image credit: Twitter / <span class="Tweet-authorScreenName Identity-screenName p-nickname">Rory_OB1</span></em></p> <p><em><span class="Tweet-authorScreenName Identity-screenName p-nickname"><img width="499" height="405" src="" alt="Cloud Number Three"/></span></em></p> <p><em>Image credit: Instagram / joshua.oates</em></p> <p><img width="499" height="400" src="" alt="Cloud Number Four"/></p> <p><em>Image credit: Instagram / beanibop<span> </span></em></p> <p><em><span><img width="500" height="403" src="" alt="Cloud Number Six"/></span></em></p> <p><em>Image credit: Twitter / <span class="Tweet-authorScreenName Identity-screenName p-nickname">DiBrown5</span></em></p> <p><em><span class="Tweet-authorScreenName Identity-screenName p-nickname"><img width="500" height="334" src="" alt="Cloud Number One"/></span></em></p> <p><em>Hero image credit: Instagram / instagram_sa</em></p>

International Travel

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Capes are back in fashion

<p>Not just for Sherlock Holmes or superheroes, capes are making an appearance on the runways as well as on the streets.</p> <p>Today we look at five good reasons why you should embrace the cape.</p> <p><strong>A cape is slimming</strong></p> <p>Unlike a winter coat, capes don’t have the bulkiness that can make you look bigger than you actually are. They sit snugly against your body and are warmer than you may have thought.</p> <p><strong>A cape can stay on</strong></p> <p>A coat tends to be removed when you reach your destination. With a cape, you can keep it on to complete your outfit and keep you warm at an outdoor function or dinner party.</p> <p><strong>A cape is versatile</strong></p> <p>Capes suit most outfits and if you choose a classic colour it will match nearly anything you have, from blue jeans to a little black dress. You can also choose a bright or bold patterned cape to take an everyday outfit to new fashion heights.</p> <p><strong>A cape is warm without the bulk</strong></p> <p>Essentially a cape is a socially acceptable way to wear a blanket in public. You can choose a classic woollen cape to keep you toasty warm as well as fashionable.</p> <p><strong>A cape is comfortable</strong></p> <p>Unlike in a bulky coat, your arms are free to pick up bags or drive the car with ease. They also work well when travelling as they can double as a blanket on a train journey or keep you warm in a cool cinema. </p> <p><img width="500" height="438" src="" alt="Cape -trend -fall -2013-fashion" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"/></p> <p><strong>Related links: </strong></p> <p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="/lifestyle/beauty-style/2015/08/stylish-older-male-celebrities/">3 stylish men who still have it</a></span></em></strong></p> <p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="/lifestyle/beauty-style/2015/07/baddie-winkle-fashion-tips/">5 things we’ve learnt (and loved) about fashion from Baddie Winkle</a></span></em></strong></p> <p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="/lifestyle/beauty-style/2015/07/older-women-in-fashion/">Why older women are the new icons of fashion</a></span></em></strong></p>

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